Protecting the Innocence of Children


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
This should be fun. The wacko right has decided that the International Communist Chinese Trans Mafia is out to traumatize and victimize decent, honest, Canadian kids who would grow up to be decent, honest, Gawd-fearin' Canadian Conservatives except that their lives were derailed into lust and EEE-vil by seeing a "woman" pull "her" dick out in a public washroom. Apparently this phenomenon is so powerful that a single incidence can corrupt a child for life.

So. . . a les barricades, mes amis! We MUST take immediate action, at whatever cost, to SAVE THE DECENT, HONEST, GAWD-FEARIN', CANADIAN KIDS!

It's already a crime to flash yer dick at a little kid, but clearly more is needed, else the decent, honest, Gawd-fearin', hard-workin', Canadian Conservatives (hereafter DHG-FH-WCCs) wouldn't be so bent outta shape about it. So. . . here's the master plan:

1. Make it illegal to go into a public washroom designated for the opposite sex as of birth. To the best of my knowledge, simply going into a washroom designated for the opposite is not currently a crime. Of course, you'll end up imprisoning some DHG-FH-WCC women who, upon seeing the kilometer-long (0.61 mi) queue outside the women's washroom, pressed by urgent need or just tired of the shit, said "fuck it" and went into the men's, but that's a price we're willing to pay to PROTECT THE DHG-FH-WCC KIDS! Hermaphrodites and persons who have undergone sexual reassignment can just Gawddam well hold it until they get home!

2. Obviously, enforcement now becomes an issue. It wouldn't be if the DHG-FH-WCCs were just using this as a throwaway culture-wars hissy fit, but DHG-FH-WCCs would NEVER do something so dishonest! It's right there on the label! So we must now consider how to enforce this new law to PROTECT THE DHG-FH-WCC KIDS!

Option 1: Burden an already overworked, under-strength, underfunded policing apparatus with yet another stupid task. Who cares how many rapists, drug dealers, robbers, and murderers get away? We're PROTECTING THE DHG-FH-WCC KIDS here! Where's your sense of priorities?

Option 2: Create a new government agency. Call it the Penis Patrol, or the Ministry of Dick Detection, then change it to Dicks Canada. Fund it with billions of additional debt (mustn't raise taxes, now! We're DHG-FH-WCCs, and we don't do that!) and station Dick Detectives outside every public washroom from St. John's to Rampart House, with full authority to require any and all persons desiring to enter the washrooms to drop trou or up skirt/down knickers and PROVE they are equipped as Gawd intended! Write exceptions to the "probable cause" requirement and allow the Dick Detectives to take dickhead/labia prints for comparison to the dickhead/labia prints of known perverts. Of course, the Dick Detectives will have to be well-compensated civil servants with generous pensions and excellent benefits, and unionized, and if they go on strike, all public washrooms will need to be locked down for the duration. And it must be everybody that gets Dick Detected, otherwise we'll offend the girly men and fine, strapping women who are insulted and offended if we give the Dick Detectives discretion to check or not check. Treaty negotiations with the FNs have to begin immediately.

We realize this would be expensive, infuriating, corrupting to the laws of Canada and the rights of Canadians, and likely to get some Dick Detectives beaten up or shot, but we absolutely MUST PROTECT THE DHG-FH-WCC KIDS!

Unless, of course, we're just pissing and moaning over the latest culture-war whine.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
This should be fun. The wacko right has decided that the International Communist Chinese Trans Mafia is out to traumatize and victimize decent, honest, Canadian kids who would grow up to be decent, honest, Gawd-fearin' Canadian Conservatives except that their lives were derailed into lust and EEE-vil by seeing a "woman" pull "her" dick out in a public washroom. Apparently this phenomenon is so powerful that a single incidence can corrupt a child for life.

So. . . a les barricades, mes amis! We MUST take immediate action, at whatever cost, to SAVE THE DECENT, HONEST, GAWD-FEARIN', CANADIAN KIDS!
Which God? Have you been to a Canadian city?

Let's look at redneck Calgary....

Calgary Population 2023
The estimated 2023 population of Calgary is . The population of Calgary was recorded at 1,239,220 in the 2016 Canadian Census, and was recorded at 1,096,830 in the 2011 census. This is a change in population of 142,390, which is an annual growth rate of 2.47%.

Calgary Demographics

More than 25% of the population of Calgary belongs to a visible minority group, and the city ranks 3rd among major Canadian cities in terms of its proportion of visible minorities. 78% of the immigrants who have arrived in Calgary since 2001 belong to a visible minority group.

In 2011, the racial and ethnic composition of Calgary was:

White: 67.3%
Visible minority group: 30.1%
Aboriginal population: 2.7%
Visible minority groups include:

South Asian: 7.5%
Chinese: 6.8%
Filipino: 4.4%
Black: 2.9%
Southeast Asian: 1.9%
Latin American: 1.8%
Arab: 1.5%
West Asian: 0.8%
Korean: 0.8%
Japanese: 0.5%
Multiple visible minorities: 0.8%

There are over 200 ethnic origins in Calgary, with common ancestry groups including English, Scottish, Canadian, German and Irish.

In terms of religion, about 55% of the population is Christian, followed by 32% with no religion, Islam (5.2%), Sikh (2.6%), Buddhist (2.1%), Hindu (1.6%), and Jewish (0.6%).

Approximately 70% of residents use English only, with 1% using French and 25% using their native tongues after immigration to the city.

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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Interesting stats on Calgary. Thank you.

In answer to your question, yes. Moncton, Montreal, Charlottetown, Niagra, TO, Kitchener, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, and a bunch of smaller ones.

Still hoping to get to Regina sometime soon. I figure with my John Chick jersey, I'll fit right in.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
This should be fun. The wacko right has decided that the International Communist Chinese Trans Mafia is out to traumatize and victimize decent, honest, Canadian kids who would grow up to be decent, honest, Gawd-fearin' Canadian Conservatives except that their lives were derailed into lust and EEE-vil by seeing a "woman" pull "her" dick out in a public washroom. Apparently this phenomenon is so powerful that a single incidence can corrupt a child for life.

So. . . a les barricades, mes amis! We MUST take immediate action, at whatever cost, to SAVE THE DECENT, HONEST, GAWD-FEARIN', CANADIAN KIDS!

It's already a crime to flash yer dick at a little kid, but clearly more is needed, else the decent, honest, Gawd-fearin', hard-workin', Canadian Conservatives (hereafter DHG-FH-WCCs) wouldn't be so bent outta shape about it. So. . . here's the master plan:

1. Make it illegal to go into a public washroom designated for the opposite sex as of birth. To the best of my knowledge, simply going into a washroom designated for the opposite is not currently a crime. Of course, you'll end up imprisoning some DHG-FH-WCC women who, upon seeing the kilometer-long (0.61 mi) queue outside the women's washroom, pressed by urgent need or just tired of the shit, said "fuck it" and went into the men's, but that's a price we're willing to pay to PROTECT THE DHG-FH-WCC KIDS! Hermaphrodites and persons who have undergone sexual reassignment can just Gawddam well hold it until they get home!

2. Obviously, enforcement now becomes an issue. It wouldn't be if the DHG-FH-WCCs were just using this as a throwaway culture-wars hissy fit, but DHG-FH-WCCs would NEVER do something so dishonest! It's right there on the label! So we must now consider how to enforce this new law to PROTECT THE DHG-FH-WCC KIDS!

Option 1: Burden an already overworked, under-strength, underfunded policing apparatus with yet another stupid task. Who cares how many rapists, drug dealers, robbers, and murderers get away? We're PROTECTING THE DHG-FH-WCC KIDS here! Where's your sense of priorities?

Option 2: Create a new government agency. Call it the Penis Patrol, or the Ministry of Dick Detection, then change it to Dicks Canada. Fund it with billions of additional debt (mustn't raise taxes, now! We're DHG-FH-WCCs, and we don't do that!) and station Dick Detectives outside every public washroom from St. John's to Rampart House, with full authority to require any and all persons desiring to enter the washrooms to drop trou or up skirt/down knickers and PROVE they are equipped as Gawd intended! Write exceptions to the "probable cause" requirement and allow the Dick Detectives to take dickhead/labia prints for comparison to the dickhead/labia prints of known perverts. Of course, the Dick Detectives will have to be well-compensated civil servants with generous pensions and excellent benefits, and unionized, and if they go on strike, all public washrooms will need to be locked down for the duration. And it must be everybody that gets Dick Detected, otherwise we'll offend the girly men and fine, strapping women who are insulted and offended if we give the Dick Detectives discretion to check or not check. Treaty negotiations with the FNs have to begin immediately.

We realize this would be expensive, infuriating, corrupting to the laws of Canada and the rights of Canadians, and likely to get some Dick Detectives beaten up or shot, but we absolutely MUST PROTECT THE DHG-FH-WCC KIDS!

Unless, of course, we're just pissing and moaning over the latest culture-war whine.
Sounds like you're "anti-kid" whereas (most) Conservatives actually care about their kids and want what's best for them. Guess that's crazy talk now eh?
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Interesting stats on Calgary. Thank you.

In answer to your question, yes. Moncton, Montreal, Charlottetown, Niagra, TO, Kitchener, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, and a bunch of smaller ones.

Still hoping to get to Regina sometime soon. I figure with my John Chick jersey, I'll fit right in.
And Moose Jaw. It's not a trip to SK without hitting Moose Jaw for a night.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
This should be fun. The wacko right has decided that the International Communist Chinese Trans Mafia is out to traumatize and victimize decent, honest, Canadian kids who would grow up to be decent, honest, Gawd-fearin' Canadian Conservatives except that their lives were derailed into lust and EEE-vil by seeing a "woman" pull "her" dick out in a public washroom. Apparently this phenomenon is so powerful that a single incidence can corrupt a child for life.

So. . . a les barricades, mes amis! We MUST take immediate action, at whatever cost, to SAVE THE DECENT, HONEST, GAWD-FEARIN', CANADIAN KIDS!

It's already a crime to flash yer dick at a little kid, but clearly more is needed, else the decent, honest, Gawd-fearin', hard-workin', Canadian Conservatives (hereafter DHG-FH-WCCs) wouldn't be so bent outta shape about it. So. . . here's the master plan:

1. Make it illegal to go into a public washroom designated for the opposite sex as of birth. To the best of my knowledge, simply going into a washroom designated for the opposite is not currently a crime. Of course, you'll end up imprisoning some DHG-FH-WCC women who, upon seeing the kilometer-long (0.61 mi) queue outside the women's washroom, pressed by urgent need or just tired of the shit, said "fuck it" and went into the men's, but that's a price we're willing to pay to PROTECT THE DHG-FH-WCC KIDS! Hermaphrodites and persons who have undergone sexual reassignment can just Gawddam well hold it until they get home!

2. Obviously, enforcement now becomes an issue. It wouldn't be if the DHG-FH-WCCs were just using this as a throwaway culture-wars hissy fit, but DHG-FH-WCCs would NEVER do something so dishonest! It's right there on the label! So we must now consider how to enforce this new law to PROTECT THE DHG-FH-WCC KIDS!

Option 1: Burden an already overworked, under-strength, underfunded policing apparatus with yet another stupid task. Who cares how many rapists, drug dealers, robbers, and murderers get away? We're PROTECTING THE DHG-FH-WCC KIDS here! Where's your sense of priorities?

Option 2: Create a new government agency. Call it the Penis Patrol, or the Ministry of Dick Detection, then change it to Dicks Canada. Fund it with billions of additional debt (mustn't raise taxes, now! We're DHG-FH-WCCs, and we don't do that!) and station Dick Detectives outside every public washroom from St. John's to Rampart House, with full authority to require any and all persons desiring to enter the washrooms to drop trou or up skirt/down knickers and PROVE they are equipped as Gawd intended! Write exceptions to the "probable cause" requirement and allow the Dick Detectives to take dickhead/labia prints for comparison to the dickhead/labia prints of known perverts. Of course, the Dick Detectives will have to be well-compensated civil servants with generous pensions and excellent benefits, and unionized, and if they go on strike, all public washrooms will need to be locked down for the duration. And it must be everybody that gets Dick Detected, otherwise we'll offend the girly men and fine, strapping women who are insulted and offended if we give the Dick Detectives discretion to check or not check. Treaty negotiations with the FNs have to begin immediately.

We realize this would be expensive, infuriating, corrupting to the laws of Canada and the rights of Canadians, and likely to get some Dick Detectives beaten up or shot, but we absolutely MUST PROTECT THE DHG-FH-WCC KIDS!

Unless, of course, we're just pissing and moaning over the latest culture-war whine.

Why not just ban public washrooms everywhere. No bathrooms in schools, malls, airports, movie theatres, etc and so on. If you can't hold it, then too bad, don't leave your house.

Oh, but question - is a washroom in a home no longer a 'private' washroom if people are visiting and they use your bathroom? Would that now be considered a 'public' washroom??
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Why not just ban public washrooms everywhere. No bathrooms in schools, malls, airports, movie theatres, etc and so on. If you can't hold it, then too bad, don't leave your house.

Oh, but question - is a washroom in a home no longer a 'private' washroom if people are visiting and they use your bathroom? Would that now be considered a 'public' washroom??
We'll leave that up to the regulatory authority of Dicks Canada. They'll have to consider the deep, important question "What's more important, the rights and security of Canadians, or our power and budget?"

Hmm. . . no way to predict how they'll jump on that one.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
We'll leave that up to the regulatory authority of Dicks Canada. They'll have to consider the deep, important question "What's more important, the rights and security of Canadians, or our power and budget?"

Hmm. . . no way to predict how they'll jump on that one.

There will have to be limits on who can be in the authority; there are too many Dicks in Canada to let just anyone join.

Likely though they'll focus on power and budget.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Why not just ban public washrooms everywhere. No bathrooms in schools, malls, airports, movie theatres, etc and so on. If you can't hold it, then too bad, don't leave your house.

Oh, but question - is a washroom in a home no longer a 'private' washroom if people are visiting and they use your bathroom? Would that now be considered a 'public' washroom??
Just for the sake of argument, I’ll take the other side of this one. Get ready for a crazy run-on sentence or two.

How many people simultaneously use the washroom in your house while your children (nephews or nieces, whatever) are also using the same washroom? Is it more than two? Less than 10?

Is there just one toilet in your same washroom in your home, or multiple toilets and urinals with multiple people going in and out of mixed genders at the same time as your child (etc…) is using your washroom in your home?

Why do washrooms for each gender exist? Yes I know in days gone by… in certain places there were washrooms segregated by race and not just gender… and that’s a strawman so let’s just leave that one alone. Who fought to have washrooms for both men and women in days gone by?

(Just because I’m asking the questions does not mean I know the answers, and I’m just making assumptions towards the answers at this point)

If washrooms were for just single occupancy at any given time, then they could be used by any gender, or race, or species, or religion, or any other arbitrary division, that someone may think of that I haven’t at this point (I’d hate to be accused of not being inclusive)….And I’m assuming there would be no issue.

So with a single occupancy washroom, a Woman goes in and out first, then a transgender something or another goes in and out, then a Giraffe goes in and out, then a man goes in and out, then a Martian goes in and out, then a different Giraffe goes in and out, and so on and so forth… does that work for everyone (?) so that nobody needs to fear for their children or what have you, and nobody’s looking at anybody else’s junk, etc…???
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Just for the sake of argument, I’ll take the other side of this one. Get ready for a crazy run-on sentence or two.

How many people simultaneously use the washroom in your house while your children (nephews or nieces, whatever) are also using the same washroom? Is it more than two? Less than 10?

Is there just one toilet in your same washroom in your home, or multiple toilets and urinals with multiple people going in and out of mixed genders at the same time as your child (etc…) is using your washroom in your home?

Why do washrooms for each gender exist? Yes I know in days gone by… in certain places there were washrooms segregated by race and not just gender… and that’s a strawman so let’s just leave that one alone. Who fought to have washrooms for both men and women in days gone by?

(Just because I’m asking the questions does not mean I know the answers, and I’m just making assumptions towards the answers at this point)

If washrooms were for just single occupancy at any given time, then they could be used by any gender, or race, or species, or religion, or any other arbitrary division, that someone may think of that I haven’t at this point (I’d hate to be accused of not being inclusive)….And I’m assuming there would be no issue.

So with a single occupancy washroom, a Woman goes in and out first, then a transgender something or another goes in and out, then a Giraffe goes in and out, then a man goes in and out, then a Martian goes in and out, then a different Giraffe goes in and out, and so on and so forth… does that work for everyone (?) so that nobody needs to fear for their children or what have you, and nobody’s looking at anybody else’s junk, etc…???

Eh, honestly good questions and you have a point overall.

So for answers - just for clarity sake...

No more than one (unless it's a drunk party, I've heard rumors :p )

Only one.

For why one place for each gender - have no clue. Not everywhere does it so...

To your end points; valid.

But I do want to note that children and women have had issues before trans people were trying to go to bathrooms that match their gender and that didn't stop anything. In fact, it was usually "ignored" in that "there's nothing we can do". If women and children being assaulted or whatever was that big an issue before, then why wasn't something done then? (and same as you, don't know if these questions have answers).

As for staring at other people's junk - come on, like it wasn't happening before? And you think Trans people are going to be staring now? If a trans woman is forced into a male washroom, who do you think is going to do the staring? And worse, because a trans woman isn't going to be safe in a male washroom. Same for a trans man - who is going to stare if a trans guy steps into a woman's washroom?
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
If washrooms were for just single occupancy at any given time, then they could be used by any gender, or race, or species, or religion, or any other arbitrary division, that someone may think of that I haven’t at this point (I’d hate to be accused of not being inclusive)….And I’m assuming there would be no issue.
Yeah, they're doing that increasingly in new buildings down hereabouts. And yes, the right-wingers are having conniption fits about it.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
They're having fits about it... why?
Beats the hell outta me.

Probably because they didn't have single-occupant, genderless public washrooms in Happy Days.

I've seen some places that actually gendered their single-occupant washrooms. Never did figure out why.
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