JFK Assassination


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

So this video goes into the "was it or was it not a conspiracy".

The 'host' is a skeptical British guy, the writer is from the US.

Really just an interesting take/history about that day and the shitstorm that still follows it.

(and proof that yes, I DO watch more videos than Beau on Youtube :p )


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I got to hide under my desk for 1/2 hour before they let us out of school to go home for the day .
  • Haha
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I’ve popped this up on the Livingroom TV to listen to while making supper. I’ve read so many books & watched so many movies that are fiction….that I’m not sure where reality stops & fiction starts on this topic.

So many fictional players assuming the role of the second gunman on the grassy knoll, etc…


rigid member
May 31, 2007
Funny how people toss around 'conspiracy theorist' like it's some kind of challenge to the merit of one's sanity, when, truthfully, carrying this notion that people never conspire is the greater indictment.

I almost never discount conspiracy theories out of hand because I understand what evil fucks human beings can be, even as much as conspiracy fabrications may at times be the greater evil. It's still death deserving people that are doing it. I won't say the unwitting useful idiots, that perpetuate these things because they actually believe it, are deserving of death, but certainly karma at least.

That^ was about conspiracy theories in general, not the video.

I did enjoy that video, maybe because I hadn't seen or read much about it in decades. A bit long, but a whimsical refresher on what is known or revealed, that aired a bit like one of those drunken history episodes. I thought the guy shoulda had a quart of vodka to finish off by the end as his speech got increasingly slurred. That woulda been a hoot!

The only thing I've said about when JFK was killed I added to my 911 thread, post #7, back in the Chinese Year of Bond, James Bond, '007

"With JFK it was in school, grade 3, when our teacher, Mrs. MacMillan, came into the classroom crying her eyes out when she told us the news. Evidence that this man, our Great White Hope it seemed, (unlike George, the Great White Bastard) was truly loved by many outside the USA. Of course we all cried to see our teacher so distraught."

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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

So this video goes into the "was it or was it not a conspiracy".

The 'host' is a skeptical British guy, the writer is from the US.

Really just an interesting take/history about that day and the shitstorm that still follows it.

(and proof that yes, I DO watch more videos than Beau on Youtube :p )
Ok, that was interesting. Lee Harvey Oswald may very well have been working alone, or at least thought he was, but it doesn’t seem like he was the only one with a gun on JFK that day in Dallas.

If there was a second gunman on the grassy knoll, whomever that might have been, apparently has gotten away with his (& I’m assuming it’s a he) crime for half a century.

The path of the magic bullet theory was quite telling, along with the other bits & pieces once put together, really puts doubt on one gunman in the book depository.

Why did Trump extend the secrecy of this matter & its documents in 2017? Who knows? Maybe it appeals to his sense of humour (?) & maybe that was some of the documents at his golf course basement or hidden in Biden’s garage?

Irony would be that, if there was a second gunman, that he went on to live a very public and successful life while keeping his mouth shut, like an Astronaut or a Secretary of State, etc…in a truth is stranger than fiction sort of thing.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
the was some speculation that the vice president was involved. jfk was going to release all ufo documents to the public. 👾 :alien: 🛸


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
It seems like the idea of multiple actors with the same general plan never occurred to anyone.