
Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
College reviewing all standards in wake of transgender Oakville teacher uproar
Lecce said he expects teachers to show the "highest standards of professionalism" in front of schoolkids.

Author of the article:Antonella Artuso
Publishing date:Oct 14, 2022 • 1 day ago • 1 minute read • 67 Comments
Images of a transgender Oakville Trafalgar High School teacher have caused a stir on social media.
Images of a transgender Oakville Trafalgar High School teacher in shop class have caused a stir on social media. PHOTO BY HANDOUT /Twitter
The Ontario College of Teachers is reviewing its professional standards following the uproar over an Oakville teacher’s appearance.

The review responds to a request from Education Minister Stephen Lecce and the college says the results will go directly to the minister.

“The college cannot comment on individual teachers, schools or school boards,” officials said in a statement.

Lecce was asked recently for comment on a Halton District School Board (HDSB) high school teacher who taught class while dressed in revealing clothing.

The transgender teacher had extremely large breasts and nipples made visible by tight clothing.

Photos of the teacher in shop class went viral and sparked international media attention.

Lecce said he expects teachers to show the “highest standards of professionalism” in front of schoolkids.

Curtis Ennis, HDSB’s director of education, has said the board cannot comment on an individual employee, noting it is handling the matter in a way that “stays true to our values and commitments to human rights, respects the privacy and dignity of our students and staff, and with the safety and well-being of students and staff as our highest priority.”

At a meeting of the board this week, David Menzies, of Rebel News, arrived wearing a blond wig, short skirt, tight top and large fake breasts.

As the trustees protested that he was interrupting the handing out of awards, Menzies tried to get them to accept a petition that called on the board to enforce dress code and safety rules in class.

“Can you believe the transphobia here folks, can you believe it? I’m trying to deliver a petition. Which one of you is going to take it?” Menzies said.


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Holy Cow….Rebel News degenerated into a pack of attention whores begging for donations….but this is pretty funny!!

(from above)

At a meeting of the board this week, David Menzies, of Rebel News, arrived wearing a blond wig, short skirt, tight top and large fake breasts.

As the trustees protested that he was interrupting the handing out of awards, Menzies tried to get them to accept a petition that called on the board to enforce dress code and safety rules in class.

That’s hilarious!!

David Menzies-Rebel News


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
A certain sector of the population can be relied upon to burst a blood vessel if the leading or desirable characters in fiction are presented as anything but straight, White, and male.
Much like a certain sector of the self-entitled population can be relied upon to be whiny little twats if they can't "identify" with leading or desirable characters in fiction. But instead of creating their own characters and worlds, they have to hijack already popular franchises and destroy the lore and canon to suit their own ideological beliefs. Gratuitous diversity via race swapping is lame. Gratuitous gender diversity via gender swapping is lame. Plopping characters into a story just to appeal to certain sector of people is stupid. Like, ever see the movie 'The Great Wall'? All I could think about during that entire piece of crap was "What the fuck are three English speaking dudes with American accents doing in medieval China?"
But it is funny how nobody pissed and moaned that Mulan didn't have enough diversity in it.
They self-identify if you suggest that Michael B. Jordan should play Captain Kirk in the next Star Trek re-boot, or Idris Elba would make a great Bond.
Yeah, but you're also a racist if you have a problem with race swapping actual historical characters like Alexander Hamilton or Ann Boleyn. Can't wait to see a movie about the Shoguns and feudal wars in Japan with White, Black, Hispanic and Arabic actors. Wouldn't that be, like, just super progressive?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
For trans people, it's correcting something nature fucked up.
Just curious about your option here.

Is it nature fucked up giving the wrong body to the mind, or the wrong mind to the body in these situations? I know this sounds ChicKen/Egg, but hear me out:

If it’s the wrong body to the mind, then you’d alter the body, but if it’s the wrong mind to the body, then you’d alter the mind?

Or is it sometimes one or the other? If so the surgery would sometimes be the right option and psychiatric help (?) would be the option/answer at other times (?), or some third option to help someone become comfortable in their own skin???
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Just curious about your option here.

Is it nature fucked up giving the wrong body to the mind, or the wrong mind to the body in these situations? I know this sounds ChicKen/Egg, but hear me out:

If it’s the wrong body to the mind, then you’d alter the body, but if it’s the wrong mind to the body, then you’d alter the mind?

No, I get what you're saying and actually agree. Which IS it that nature done fucked up?

Even I have wondered about it.

I mean, if it's all "mind", why NOT just "fix the mind"? The answer I'd give for that is 1. they try to, that's what therapy is about and for some trans people, that's all that's needed. The problem comes from society not ACCEPTING that in fixing the mind, it may mean that a trans person continues to present as the trans gender they are, and that's "wrong" To society, they HAVE to accept the cock 'n balls or the tits and vag, end of story. 2. actually going "in" beyond therapy and drugs to "fix the mind" is dangerous and no one would suggest it (unless they're clueless hacks or sadists). Because doing something like that changes the person, totally, and that's even more "denial of person" than society being absolute assholes to trans people that we already have now. 3. If it is in the mind, where is it exactly? Science is still trying to figure that part out and until we know for sure, again, physically fixing is dangerous. Medication might help, therapy, but for some people, none of it does; only transitioning.

So the body then, we 'fix' that. Sure but then we get to present day issues.

Or is it sometimes one or the other? If so the surgery would sometimes be the right option and psychiatric help (?) would be the option/answer at other times (?), or some third option to help someone become comfortable in their own skin???

It's this right here.

Despite all the screaming and whining and clutching of pearls from the anti-trans fearmongers, not all trans people go through GRS. Many don't. Their reasons are theirs, of course, but GRS is still a very low count in the community. Really it all depends on just how bad the dysphoria is. Sometimes, therapy and meds IS all that's needed to ease it.

Being trans is like this: imagine you having a part on your body that is not just annoying to have, but sometimes it can mentally screw you up. Like, just KNOWING it's there makes you feel wrong to the core of your being. For some trans people, the only way to fix that is to get rid of it. For others, it's a pain in the ass but livable.

I mean, for myself, being gender fluid there are days I hate my boobs. But I'd never get a mammoplasty reduction, because it's not THAT bad. I've learned to 'live with' them. At most, if I had to, I'd use a binder.

But if I was more dysphoric about it, it'd certainly be something I'd discuss with others. And when I think of trans people, I can get how it must be for them in that sense.

I think I mentioned them before, but I've one friend who told me years ago that they would have transitioned and gone full GRS, but because (to be blunt) dicks aren't "real enough", there would be no point. Rather, they just learned to live with the parts they have. It took a long time even after that for them to be comfortable as the Two-Spirit person they are but at least they are good with themselves.

Many trans people aren't and it doesn't matter how real or fake, they can't stand that cock and balls, or those tits and vag, and it needs to be gone years ago.
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