It's common for those on the left, such as yourself,
Not on the left, specifically, but sure, keep thinking that
to feel the need to deny history and in fact rewrite it while claiming others are doing it instead.
Nah, I try not to deny history or rewrite it, I leave that up to the idiots who are uncomfortable, like DeSantis in Florida and those like him.
I rather prefer my history to be filled with as much accurate information as possible, regardless of how bad it is.
Obviously you feel that if it's true it somehow takes away from the blacks slavery. It does not.
I agree, it doesn't, don't know why you're making the ASSumption that I feel it does.
Point of fact, ANY slavery is wrong/evil/disgusting, etc... and while I can agree that there WAS white slavery at one point, in this specific instance, I'm waiting to see what Jin meant by it.
But lets be clear - you and the articles are spreading misinformation and lies for political reasons.
LOL - okay then.
The histories are quite clear. While not all indentured servants were slaves, many were and were treated the same or worse as any other slave (in america) and absolutely were slaves in practice.
Treated the same as, and worse, is not the point. The point is indentured servitude is NOT slavery. Now, did people who owned the indentured servant treat them LIKE Slaves - absolutely, I'm sure some did. Did those same people likely lie, cheat and betray the indenture contract between them and the servant? Absolutely, I'm sure many did.
But it's still NOT slavery.
Forced to come against their will, forced to live in horrid conditions and brutally beaten, 'technically' allowed to buy their freedom but paid so little if anything that they never possibly could. And it absolutely was generational, with their children with other slaves being owned as slaves as well.
Yes, absolutely, I can agree with this wholeheartedly.
But that "Technically" is still what makes the indentured person 'better' than a Slave, as a slave canNOT be freed, unless their master permits it somehow.
but hey - lie to yourself if it makes you feel better.
Well, considering your lies make YOU feel better, I'll try to do the same, then, since it works so well