This dream a warning to Zionists of Tel Aviv

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I saw a true dream while sleeping at night:

I saw that an animal called the porcupine, having spikes on his body, came then another animal bigger than it; as I remember a tiger or a leopard came and ate the head of the porcupine, so that only its frame remained.


This is a warning for the wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv to stop their transgressions on God's house of worship at Jerusalem, and the worshipers inside it, and their transgression on Palestinians in their homeland by arresting, killing even the children and the press persons.
Then God's punishment for them will be so severe and their much weapon will not avail them anything.

A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If they do not believe in the Quran



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I saw a true dream while sleeping at night:

I saw that an animal called the porcupine, having spikes on his body, came then another animal bigger than it; as I remember a tiger or a leopard came and ate the head of the porcupine, so that only its frame remained.

This is a warning for the wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv to stop their transgressions on God's house of worship at Jerusalem, and the worshipers inside it, and their transgression on Palestinians in their homeland by arresting, killing even the children and the press persons.
Then God's punishment for them will be so severe and their much weapon will not avail them anything.

A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If they do not believe in the Quran

You do realize that dreams are not exactly tolerated unless from recognized prophets, right?
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Dreams are not only seen by prophets, but other people may also see them, like many people who saw true dreams and then their dreams were interpreted and fulfilled and applied practically.
Like Pharaoh who was a disbeliever and he saw a dream that a fire came out of the Children of Israel and the fire burnt all the Copt houses but sparing the houses of the Children of Israel, and they interpreted it to him that a child would be born out of the Children of Israel by whose hand the kingdom of Pharaoh would decline.
Another dream was of the king of Egypt, which Prophet Joseph interpreted to him that there would be seven years of good harvest, then seven years of drought would follow, then a year would come when rain would come down profusely.

The dream

The link above gives many examples of many dreams which were fulfilled.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Dreams are not only seen by prophets, but other people may also see them, like many people who saw true dreams and then their dreams were interpreted and fulfilled and applied practically.
Like Pharaoh who was a disbeliever and he saw a dream that a fire came out of the Children of Israel and the fire burnt all the Copt houses but sparing the houses of the Children of Israel, and they interpreted it to him that a child would be born out of the Children of Israel by whose hand the kingdom of Pharaoh would decline.
Another dream was of the king of Egypt, which Prophet Joseph interpreted to him that there would be seven years of good harvest, then seven years of drought would follow, then a year would come when rain would come down profusely.

The dream

The link above gives many examples of many dreams which were fulfilled.

Uh huh.

So... how do you distinguish between your dreams and the dreams of, say, someone who is a Shaman, or Wiccan? Why would your dreams be more 'true' than theirs?

Also notice that you interpreted your dream to mean one thing, when it could only be a nonsense dream about a porcupine getting it's head bit off. Which makes you no better THAN someone who has 'dreams'.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The crime of the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv are uncountable, but their major crimes are against God's House of Worship at Jerusalem: the Aqsa Mosque.
Claiming it was their temple, while it is the house of God's worship where Muslims worship God the Creator day and night.

Muslims were used to visit the holy mosque: the Aqsa by thousands every day from everywhere in the world, but these Wicked Zionists hindered Muslims from visiting it, after occupying it in the year 1967, by many ways: intimidation, restriction, arresting and even they burned it.
Now, the Zionists started to enter inside the mosque and arrest the worshipers there in order to make it empty of people so that they may demolish it and build their temple in stead of it.

As I said: it belongs to God, not to the Zionists, and when Prophet David started to construct it and then his son Solomon completed its construction, that was by God's command. Then God was wrathful with the Israelite and He set on them many of their enemies who destroyed them completely.
Afterwards, God gave the Aqsa Mosque to Muslims as inheritance to worship HIm in it, and they prayed to God alone without associate day and night until the Zionists came with their parties and organization and their gangs to occupy Palestine and drive its people from it and later on they captured the Holy Aqsa Mosque.

Therefore, God's punishment is very imminent for the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv and their allies.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Uh huh.

So... how do you distinguish between your dreams and the dreams of, say, someone who is a Shaman, or Wiccan? Why would your dreams be more 'true' than theirs?

Also notice that you interpreted your dream to mean one thing, when it could only be a nonsense dream about a porcupine getting it's head bit off. Which makes you no better THAN someone who has 'dreams'.
I don't say about myself, but about the dream.
I thought it may be non-sense or confused dreams, but it is a true dream which will be fulfilled in the coming days.

The dream
If one wants to know the difference between the confused dream and the spiritual dream, see the link of the dream in the book Man after Death.
The spiritual dreams are of two kinds: the false dream and the true dream.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The porcupine indicates the rascal and the thug, and its spikes are their rockets and missiles and other advanced weapons by which they think to protect themselves.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I also had a dream. THe pedophile religion that you belong to has been banished from the world. And free people everywhere cheered.
Your dream is false and will not be fulfilled. The contrary is true.
The religion of the Islam and its noble Prophet Mohammed will prevail over all other religions in spite of you.

Quran 9: 32-33, which mean:
(32. They [: Jews, Christians and pagan Arabs] desire to put out the light [: the Quran] of God, with [the falsehood words of] their mouths, but God insists to perfect His light [to Muslims, by means of Mohammed] though the disbelievers dislike it.

33. It is [God] Who has sent His messenger [Mohammed] with the guidance [included in the Quran] and [the Islam:] the religion of [pure] truth,

[Then God – be glorified – told that the truth will be exalted and the religion of the Islam will prevail over all religions in the future, so He said …]
So that He will make the [Islam religion] prevail over all [other] religions [in the future, in the time of the Awaited Mahdi: the Comforter] even though the “idolaters and associaters” may dislike [that.] )

More explanation at this link:
The Quran Intepretation - pdf


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Your dream is false and will not be fulfilled. The contrary is true.
The religion of the Islam and its noble Prophet Mohammed will prevail over all other religions in spite of you.

Quran 9: 32-33, which mean:
(32. They [: Jews, Christians and pagan Arabs] desire to put out the light [: the Quran] of God, with [the falsehood words of] their mouths, but God insists to perfect His light [to Muslims, by means of Mohammed] though the disbelievers dislike it.

33. It is [God] Who has sent His messenger [Mohammed] with the guidance [included in the Quran] and [the Islam:] the religion of [pure] truth,

[Then God – be glorified – told that the truth will be exalted and the religion of the Islam will prevail over all religions in the future, so He said …]
So that He will make the [Islam religion] prevail over all [other] religions [in the future, in the time of the Awaited Mahdi: the Comforter] even though the “idolaters and associaters” may dislike [that.] )

More explanation at this link:
The Quran Intepretation - pdf
Pure mental masturbation.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
You yourself might have seen it in defensive posture. I know it is dangerous to attackers, but I tell what I have seen in the dream.

It was just a dream, mac. I have watched many shows on TV where a porcupine was being attacked by a bunch of lions in Africa. The lions gave up after trying for about ten minutes or so in trying to kill and eat the poor little bugger. Your god gave the porcupine the quills to protect itself, and the porcupine uses that tool given to him by god very successfully. Occasionally, a porcupine does get eaten by some animal that attacks it but that is very rare. So, are you awake now from dreaming to be able to read my reply? Just asking. :D


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
I saw a true dream while sleeping at night:

I saw that an animal called the porcupine, having spikes on his body, came then another animal bigger than it; as I remember a tiger or a leopard came and ate the head of the porcupine, so that only its frame remained.

This is a warning for the wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv to stop their transgressions on God's house of worship at Jerusalem, and the worshipers inside it, and their transgression on Palestinians in their homeland by arresting, killing even the children and the press persons.
Then God's punishment for them will be so severe and their much weapon will not avail them anything.

A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If they do not believe in the Quran

Aaah, so reassuring.
After almost 2 years absence almost the first posst I read is a post from that prime example of puerile antisemitism aka. "Torchlight".
Actually the dream is to be interpreted as follows.
The Porcupine which has evolved the simplest of defence weapons is the somewhat vacuous

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
... God gave the Aqsa Mosque to Muslims as inheritance to worship HIm in it, and they prayed to God alone without associate day and night until the Zionists came with their parties and organization and their gangs to occupy Palestine and drive its people from it and later on they captured the Holy Aqsa Mosque.
So now you're claiming you have prophetic dreams, according to your original post. Good for you, but I think your grip on reality, never very firm, is slipping even more. There's nothing like the arrogant certainty of the truly ignorant. Doesn't appear from the bit I quoted above that praying to god alone without associate day and night has much effect either. Despite the Muslim's best efforts, Zionists still captured the mosque, presumably with god's consent, as in your view nothing happens without it. I sometimes marvel at your complete inability to perceive the logical contradictions in the claims you make.
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