Ottawa police make 7 arrests and tow 24 vehicles during Rolling Thunder bike rally weekend


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
I looked in on a number of different live feeds coming out of downtown Ottawa yesterday and they all look the same: lots of aimless wandering, shouts of "freedom", and yelling at cops. It looked to be a lame attempt at Freedom Convoy 2 but definitely lacked the energy and purpose of the original. I got the feeling that many were just spoiling for a fight so they could cry about how their rights were being trampled. Ho fukkin hum.

Spoken like a true communist. So, are you a paid up member of some communist outfit here in Marxist Canada? Just asking. :unsure:
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Or, Conservatives.

Ottawa police make 7 arrests and tow 24 vehicles during Rolling Thunder bike rally weekend​

CNN) Ottawa police arrested seven people and towed 24 vehicles Friday as the Rolling Thunder bike rally got underway in the Canadian capital.

In a statement, police did not mention the rally by name but said they were responding to "demonstrations" in the city.

Residents have been on edge ahead of the event following the so-called Freedom Convoy protests earlier this year that lasted weeks.

Talk about insanity. You appear to me to be a bit insane. Thank gawd that we still have plenty of real and true patriotic Canadians out there who do still believe in rights and freedoms, and are willing to get out there and protest and fight for those rights and freedoms that were stolen from us. If we left all of our rights and freedoms up to comrades like you, we would not be debating with one another here any longer because this discussion forum website would be gone. Marxists like you would have this forum shut down. Only sanctioned Marxists discussion forums would be allowed on the airwaves.

To constantly mock and attack people who are trying to gain back all of our, and your, rights and freedoms that we lost, thanks to the covid hoax and lie, shows me that we still have a bunch of Marxist arse holes living in this country who should try moving to a communist country for a year. Then I believe after a year living under communism that they would be bloody well happy as hell to be back in Canada, and would be praising those truckers and bikers rather than constantly criticizing, mocking and attacking them. Of course, I could be wrong here, and you would come back and praise that communist country.

Hong Kong was once a free and democratic country. But now that the Chinese communists have taking over that country, the people in that country are fighting back as hard as hell and protesting in the streets to be able to try and hang onto their rights and freedoms that are being slowly but surely taken away from them.

So, tell me something, comrade? Would you mock and attack those freedom loving people in Hong Kong for protesting in the streets o keep their freedoms and rights and hopes alive? Well? Come on, man, spit it out. :D

Just say no to digital currency. (y)
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

That fascist, and his bitch sidekicks Freeland and Singh, all need to be arrested and charged for their crimes against Canadians, and for their crimes against humanity. This fascist globalist, and his sidekicks, hates and despises freedom loving Canada and the Canadian people. This fascist and his two bitches, are aiming and are trying very hard to try and turn Canada into a globalist fascist great reset third world hell hole. So, far, they are succeeding beyond expectations.

This fascist tyrannical globalist has three more years to go. By that time, the Canada that we once knew and loved two years ago will be gone for good. This buffoon and his sidekicks are just but three of what the globalists like to call,, "useful idiots". Those three buffoons are being used to help set up and create in Canada the globalist great reset new world order. When the setup is complete, they will be the first to go because they know too much. There is no loyalty when it comes to the billionaire globalists. They use you, and then they abuse you.

Now there is talk of trying to introduce digital currency, and a social credit system like they have in Communist China. If that happens, there goes your freedom forever. Your money in your bank accounts will now be the governments money. They can freeze your bank accounts if you do not do as you are told. The social credit system controls your every move. Say something the government does not like or want to hear, and you start getting demerit points. The more demerits one gets the more freedom they lose. The big tech globalshits, and their puppet on a string useful idiot politicians, have big plans for we the peasants are we the peasants are not included, and we ain't going to like it, pardner. Just saying. :whistle:
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
That's the beauty of making everything illegal. Once you've done that, you can use selective enforcement to make allegedly neutral criminal and public-safety laws into political weapons.
The words “no haven for fascism” were painted on the front of the Capital City Bikers’ Church on Carillon Street in Vanier. Another message painted on the side of the church said “Fu** off fascists.”

Ottawa Police said the “hate-motivated mischief” at the church was reported just before 7 a.m. on Sunday.

Live from the Shed, one of the organizers of the “Rolling Thunder” weekend, posted a video Sunday morning criticizing the vandalism.

Dave, the spokesperson behind Live from the Shed, said those who committed the vandalism is directly responsible, but he also blamed governments. “Governments have created an environment of hate and division where certain people are being categorized by our government, by our mainstream media, as dangerous,” he said in the video.

“It’s not like it’s directly the government’s fault, but they’ve created this climate where it’s OK to hate certain types of people. It’s OK to discriminate against certain types of people. When our government is saying that these people are chauvinists, that they’re racists, it creates justification for this kind of thing.”

The only hate-motivated crime reported during the “Rolling Thunder” weekend was against the bikers, he said.
….& this is for the approximately 800 bikers that where coming to Ottawa this weekend to lay a wreath at the war memorial in their own nation’s capital.
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
I've seen people with Fuck Trudeau flags on their cars not realizing everyone else is laughing at them.

I say, fly more "fuck trudeau" flags and signs. From what I am seeing here, many people are waving and cheering those cars driving by with "fuck Trudeau" on their cars. The ones that should be laughed at here are people like you who will never understand as to what freedom and rights are all about. You have become a useful idiot for the globalshits, and their puppet on a string turd dictator. Canada has surely become a country of Marxist arse holes.

Anyway, you much prefer to glorify the turd dictator, and just go along to get along, rather than fight for rights and freedoms. You really should emigrate to some communist country. You would feel right at home alright. You could then get to fly your own hammer and sickle flag on your own car over there. :ROFLMAO:


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
View attachment 13550
The words “no haven for fascism” were painted on the front of the Capital City Bikers’ Church on Carillon Street in Vanier. Another message painted on the side of the church said “Fu** off fascists.”

Ottawa Police said the “hate-motivated mischief” at the church was reported just before 7 a.m. on Sunday.

Live from the Shed, one of the organizers of the “Rolling Thunder” weekend, posted a video Sunday morning criticizing the vandalism.

Dave, the spokesperson behind Live from the Shed, said those who committed the vandalism is directly responsible, but he also blamed governments. “Governments have created an environment of hate and division where certain people are being categorized by our government, by our mainstream media, as dangerous,” he said in the video.

“It’s not like it’s directly the government’s fault, but they’ve created this climate where it’s OK to hate certain types of people. It’s OK to discriminate against certain types of people. When our government is saying that these people are chauvinists, that they’re racists, it creates justification for this kind of thing.”

The only hate-motivated crime reported during the “Rolling Thunder” weekend was against the bikers, he said.
View attachment 13551
….& this is for the approximately 800 bikers that where coming to Ottawa this weekend to lay a wreath at the war memorial in their own nation’s capital.

We must not and cannot trust our governments anymore. Our Marxist politicians, and the Marxist Canadian MSM, have both become the enemy of we the people. The government and the media constantly try to fabricate lies in order to try and make patriotic Canadians, like the truckers and bikers, into being nothing more than a bunch of Nazi and racist terrorists. Our Marxist governments at all three levels have pretty much taken over just about every aspect of our lives. To put it bluntly, the Marxists appear to be everywhere. Our rights and freedoms are in real danger in this Marxist country today. And there are some Marxist members here that think that this is all just great. (n)

Just say no to digital currency. (n)


Man of Memes
Mar 22, 2019
It seems to me that the prior demonstrations, yes the ones that Trudeau knelt down at, set a precident. Why should those people be allowed to carry on the way they did, yet the truckers protesters were dealt with the way they were?

Can't have it both ways.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
It seems to me that the prior demonstrations, yes the ones that Trudeau knelt down at, set a precident. Why should those people be allowed to carry on the way they did, yet the truckers protesters were dealt with the way they were?

Can't have it both ways.
Narrative is that the truckers ( protesters ) are far right extremists with the over throw of government in mind . Such sedition shall not be tolerated , bloody conservatives .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Queen Victoria chose Ottawa because it was centrally located between the cities of Montreal and Toronto, and was along the border of Ontario and Quebec (the centre of Canada at the time). It was also far from the American border, making it safer from attacks.

It’s arguable now that it is no longer the centre (or center) of Canada and no longer the capital for all Canadians, but only for those approved by the NDP/Liberal Party.

On that note, where Geographically should Canada’s Capital & Centre (or Center) of Government be located? Looking at a map of Canada, I’m guessing Winnipeg would fill that roll geographically and is still a Capital City of a province so would already have the beginning of the infrastructure needed for a national capital city.
Winnipeg would be closer to being the centre of the nation for ALL Canadians as opposed to just “Central Canada”, & perhaps even more inviting for ALL Canadians as opposed to just the select chosen ones currently approved to go there….as it sounds like many recently are told to leave Ottawa and never come back because of their beliefs, etc….

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Winnipeg is a good idea for the capital. Most people already don't like Winnipeg so it is off to a good start.
…& it might be argued that thunder bay is more central geographically too…. But Winnipeg would already have some of the infrastructure needed to make it the capital of the nation, and perhaps even a capital city open to all Canadians.
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Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
…& it might be argued that thunder bay is more central geographically too…. But Winnipeg would already have some of the infrastructure needed to make it the capital of the nation, and perhaps even a capital city open to all Canadians.
Well, if you want the true centre of the universe ... it should be Toronto. :)

I think not being a provincial capital would actually be a good thing as it would remove conflict of interest. I think that was one of the reasons Ottawa was chosen over Toronto.

As for infrastructure, it would all be brand new in either case unless you are also going to get rid of the Province of Manitoba in the process. In reality all that's really needed is a big room with chairs where the 300+ people file in and spend the day insulting each other. And something for them to pound their fists on when they hear a good insult for the guys on the other side of the room. But they probably want to be close to the bureaucrats.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
If you look at the "center" of Canada in terms of population, the point where as many people live to the west as live to the east, the center of the country is going to somewhere on the western fringes of the Greater Toronto Area.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Queen Victoria chose Ottawa because it was centrally located between the cities of Montreal and Toronto, and was along the border of Ontario and Quebec (the centre of Canada at the time). It was also far from the American border, making it safer from attacks.

It’s arguable now that it is no longer the centre (or center) of Canada and no longer the capital for all Canadians, but only for those approved by the NDP/Liberal Party.

On that note, where Geographically should Canada’s Capital & Centre (or Center) of Government be located? Looking at a map of Canada, I’m guessing Winnipeg would fill that roll geographically and is still a Capital City of a province so would already have the beginning of the infrastructure needed for a national capital city.
View attachment 13557
Winnipeg would be closer to being the centre of the nation for ALL Canadians as opposed to just “Central Canada”, & perhaps even more inviting for ALL Canadians as opposed to just the select chosen ones currently approved to go there….as it sounds like many recently are told to leave Ottawa and never come back because of their beliefs, etc….
To far for the bureaucrats to travel from Hull .
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