At the 27 second mark you can see the camera flash down to reveal the handles
What handles? At the 27 second mark of the twitter video YOU posted there's a woman standing with a white plastic bag in her hand, no handles of anything.
at the 45 second mark you can see the horse push unto the crowd and the position of the white plastic bag she had in her hands
At the 45 second mark the horses are walking in between the protester and police line.
You want to break it down? Okay, we can.
At the 34 second mark, the video taker PANS RIGHT to show the horses.
Meaning he turns the camera away from the woman, to his right; she is now on his left, in the crowd/behind him.
At the 31 second mark, the video shows the woman BEHIND the very front line of protesters.
Okay, so we've established her position.
Between seconds 35 and 42, the woman MOVES FORWARD TOWARDS THE FRONT OF THE LINE just as the horses are walking in from the left. There is NO sign of a walker, though she can be picked out by her distinctive jacket. Her arms are not forward to show there is a walker in use.
At the 44 second mark, there is a man in a black toque and brown coat, his back turned to the horses, allowing one horse to shove him, but he DOES NOT MOVE OUT OF THE WAY.
The lady with the bag, who has moved from her position to the front of the line, is standing facing this man and the horse, as evidence of the bag in her hand.
Between 44 and 46 seconds, a second horse comes up to move beside the horse first mentioned at second 44.
At 46 seconds, yet another horse moves in beside the second horse, and it is this one that 'tramples' the woman, who is now either caught between horse 1 and two OR was pushed by horse 2 out of the way into horse 3.
The lady falls over and at 48 seconds, she's on the ground. There is someone in a brown coat also on the ground - the original man?
At 49 seconds, the horse's back right leg is dropped, the butt is low to the ground, indicating a slip (can also see the butt almost hit the ground in that same second).
At 53 seconds, people from the line and police are helping her, she looks to be on her hands and knees?
After that the video taker is pushed back and she is lost in the crowd, I won't assume anything beyond that.
With all this information...
The woman has no visible walker.
She moved herself INTO the line of the horses.
She was pushed over, fell, or perhaps even slipped (assumption; the horse slipped so I'm assuming there was ice on the ground perhaps?) and hit the ground.
A horse slipped/lost its footing and nearly sat on the ground, perhaps coming close to stepping on the woman.
That is all you can see from the incident.
I have my questions answered.
She's a whatever hundred lb human vs. 1000 lb horse.
She lost.
And she walked INTO the horse to lose.
No sympathy.