End the Lockdown


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I'm hearing a few people stating on some of the radio stations that omicron is NOT a variant of Covid but something completely separate and that it's not a "natural" virus. This virus (apparently) came out of a Lab in S. Africa. I haven't been able to confirm this. Has anyone else heard anything?
So. . . South Africa got jealous of China and decided to launch their own pandemic?

OK, makes sense, for certain values of "sense."


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

It is too bad that those who should have the right to be hesitant about taken any vaccines are now being treated as second class discriminated against citizen's who have lost many rights and freedoms that they once had before this covid medical tyranny madness came along. How long will it be before we are all going to be forced to take a booster jab so we can still enter a restaurant or go for a swim on some community pool. I never thought that one day I would need to have a vaccine passport to be able to go for a swim at my local indoor swimming pool. And yet there are those buffoons out there that seem to think that this is all good. Those buffoons are just your average buffoons who could careless at all about anything even if they have lost all of their rights and freedoms. They just want to go along to get along. Sadly, there are way too many of those fools around who could careless about what happens to their, and others, rights and freedoms and are just to willing to stand by and say nothing. Canada is full of unpatriotic wimps and cowards. It's no wonder our politicians can make asses of these fools so easily. They are a bunch of asses. (n)
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
There is reporting that the South Africa variant was from mice testing not bats

This covid tyranny madness is never going to end as long as we the peasants keep allowing it to continue on. There will be more too come if we do not end all of this madness nonsense now. It will be booster jabs forever. One can start to try and end this madness by refusing to take a booster jab. It's a start. But will the peasants do so? Only time will tell.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

BOMBSHELL: Veritas Documents Reveal DC Bureaucrats Had Evidence Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Were Effective in Treating COVID — BUT HID THIS FROM PUBLIC​

By Jim Hoft
Published January 12, 2022 at 12:38pm
I remember Trump and his daily update , talking about the two treatments . He basically said that a these treatments were showing positive results in early testing and time will tell if they are effective or not . They all knew the what the studies said and played the Trump is a dummy game , stopping all funding for testing alternative treatments . All for politics damn the American population . Sadly we got dragged along for the ride .


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I remember Trump and his daily update , talking about the two treatments . He basically said that a these treatments were showing positive results in early testing and time will tell if they are effective or not . They all knew the what the studies said and played the Trump is a dummy game , stopping all funding for testing alternative treatments . All for politics damn the American population . Sadly we got dragged along for the ride .
Trudie was leading the Pony
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I remember Trump and his daily update , talking about the two treatments . He basically said that a these treatments were showing positive results in early testing and time will tell if they are effective or not . They all knew the what the studies said and played the Trump is a dummy game , stopping all funding for testing alternative treatments . All for politics damn the American population . Sadly we got dragged along for the ride .
I remember Trump talking about injecting Clorox and shoving a UV lamp up yer ass.
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
I remember Trump talking about injecting Clorox and shoving a UV lamp up yer ass.

As usual with you and the media you both like to take what Trump always says totally out of context. It's your kind of silly and stupid not so funny humor. You are such a bimbo. If you ever got anything right it would be a bloody miracle. Now quickly go get your IQ checked before you do any more damage to that brain of yours. Chuckle-chuckle.
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

Maine Doctor Loses License, Ordered to Undergo Psych Evaluation for Treating Covid Patients with Ivermectin, ‘Spreading Covid Misinformation’​

By Cristina Laila
Published January 15, 2022 at 7:26pm

This should all just show and tell us that this has to be one big gigantic conspiracy by big pharma to be forcing those experimental vaccines on we the peasants. There have been many doctors that have been silenced and some barred from practicing medicine any longer by the big pharma globalists. Thousands of nurses and care workers are losing their jobs because they have refused to take those experimental vaccines. Why? Do they know something about those experimental vaccines that we the peasants do not know?

This constant propaganda and the push by our dear fascist leaders of those experimental vaccines has all been just one big vaccine con job. And of course, the lying leftist lieberal media never talks to those people. They totally ignore them. Thank gawd we still have an alternative media out there, for now, to get the honest truth. We can see today that the world is a place where hoaxes and lies are able to run freely. Those who questions the government or those so called scientists, and I took an oath to do no harm doctors have all pretty much become paid and bought off phony actors for big pharma.

Only we the peasants can end this nonsense once and for all. :cool: