Long term? Nope. You have 10x the population we have while we have at least 7x the proven oil reserves the US has. And while we may have the 3rd or 4th largest reserves on the planet, it IS the largest source of safe, secure, ethical, blood-free oil on the planet. And if we had a govt with any brains and balls, that's how they'd be marketing it. Fuck OPEC.
Why indeed? This would involved Canada under its current leadership making a timely decision on a relevant matter.
By the way, where is Canada on that whole 5G Hauwei thing anyway? Trudeau hinted a couple months ago when Canada went from being a member of 5-Eyes to a member of No-Eyes that an announcement on a decision could maybe sort’a be announced in a couple weeks perhaps…? Has that happened? Did I blink & miss it?