Alberta declares State of Public Health Emergency


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Finding an unbiased news source these days is a challenge, but at the other end of the scale it's pretty easy to identify an unreliable source. There are mulitple fact-checking sites, checking a number of them will give you a pretty good idea of what you're dealing with. I find that those most likely to dismiss all fact checkers as "one sided" are also those most likely to be frequenting seriously biased sources just because they like what's being said, not because of any expectation of truth and accuracy. The most reliable sites in general are the press services, Reuters, AP, Canadian Press and the like, but these sources can come with a hefty subscription fee. Canadian Press offers a free weekly email newsletter. In Canada CTV rates close to center on bias and high in truth and accuracy. If you're really interested in an issue it's best to use multiple sources. Seriously biased blogs and faux-news sources should be relegated to comedy relief unless you need to know what the very few at the extremist fringe are up to.
You listened to and believed four years of Russian Collusion from those trusted news sources .All those smoking guns breathlessly read by the spewing heads turned out to be duds .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Fact checkers are useful when choosing to compare mulitple sources to get a comprehensive view of any given situation. Just about all sources have something to offer, even if it's just to find out what the nutballs are thinking. With some advance idea of a source's bias you can use your own judgement as to how to apply "filters". When I feel like a weekend paper, I'll buy two, a Glove & Mail and a National Post. Both have a good reputation for truth and accuracy, but each has their own political slant and that shows in how they present a topic, or whether or not they present it at all.
Confirmation bias .


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek

Dr. Deena Hinshaw apologizes and says Alberta teen didn't actually die from COVID
In a Facebook post, Simone Spitzer said the 14-year-old was her brother, and that he was dying of brain cancer, but had been diagnosed with COVID-19 two days before his death.

“He died from stage 4 brain cancer, not from covid,” Spitzer wrote, linking to a news story about the death. “This is fake news.”

On Wednesday, Hinshaw clarified that while the initial report of the death of the child included COVID-19 as a “secondary cause,” new information indicated that COVID-19 was not the cause of death. She apologized directly to the family.

The rest at the above link.
Bump for those that don't question the Health authority, nice find Ron thanks

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I question everyone, & I’m also fully vaccinated. Early on I could see which direction the wind was blowing, & I wanted the ability to see my grandchildren and to earn a living unimpeded….so I got each vaccination as soon as it was available.

We’ll also be getting our seasonal flu shots as soon as we can as in these weird politically charged times you don’t want so much as a cough or sniffle as that can ostracize you from the workplace or the ability to function throughout society as it currently sits.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Did it matter what links I would have put up? 90+% is not vaccinated enough we all know that Biden is calling for 98% so that's the world goal I would like to know why such a high vaccination percentage for a failed vaccine

This Serr fool refuses to answer many of the questions that I have asked of Serr. Serr would not even try and explain to me as to why, if the covid vaccines work, why then are there so many people getting sick or are dying after they took their forced two covid jabs. Serr could not even answer as to why those vaccinated people are still wearing a mask when they were all told that once vaccinated they were safe from catching covid. 15 days to flatten the curve and the curve is still crooked. But yet, fools like Serr will never get it. No doubt, Serr is ready to take all the booster jabs that will be coming along soon. Once a fool, always a fool. :ROFLMAO:
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
I question everyone, & I’m also fully vaccinated. Early on I could see which direction the wind was blowing, & I wanted the ability to see my grandchildren and to earn a living unimpeded….so I got each vaccination as soon as it was available.

We’ll also be getting our seasonal flu shots as soon as we can as in these weird politically charged times you don’t want so much as a cough or sniffle as that can ostracize you from the workplace or the ability to function throughout society as it currently sits.

So, why are you still being forced to wear a face diaper mask in order for you to be able to go into and buy something in some business establishment? I thought that once one was vaccinated they would be free from having to wear a face diaper mask? I will bet that you are not that bright enough to give that much of a thought, eh? It certainly would appear to me as though vaccines and masks are here to stay. And the sheeple say nothing. They just go along to get along.

The wearing of a mask as demanded is a sign of showing ones obedience and submission to the elite globalists and the bought off traitorous politicians and we are telling those two pos that I am yours to play with and rule over. The globalists and our traitor politicians must be having a real good laugh every day looking at all of those fools out there that are walking around with a mask on. And the real idiots are the ones that we see driving around in their vehicles with their windows up and wearing a mask. These people have become a bunch of losers whom are constantly always in a state of fear and panic of catching and dying from covid and they walk among us.

Try looking in a mirror with your mask on and see as to just how silly and stupid you really look and the fool that you have become. If we were all told just two years ago that we would all be forced to have to wear a mask soon everyone would think that you were a bit crazy in the head alright. Now, as we can see today, that day is here and we have now become a bunch of crazy looking face diaper mask wearing buffoons. People need to question more. Good advice indeed. (y)
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So, why are you still being forced to wear a face diaper mask in order for you to be able to go into and buy something in some business establishment? I thought that once one was vaccinated they would be free from having to wear a face diaper mask?
Because the vax doesn't work. My sister in Texas had her 3rd dose and wound up with myocarditis 4 days later.

Luckily she works for a specialist in the same facility or the cardiologists were going to call it "inconvlusive".

She fought back and got a "working diagnosis" so she has grounds for recourse.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Fourth time's a charm

Will anyone in government go to jail?

Because someone in government perhaps should.

The revelation, when it came, actually wasn’t much of one. The CBC’s Fifth Estate, no less, revealed the sordid, appalling truth, which my colleague Brian Lilley and others at this newspaper had long suspected.

Namely, the Trudeau government’s failed vaccine deal with China’s dictatorship had profound consequences — most notably, Canada’s acquisition of COVID-19 vaccines being delayed by many, many months.

The body of this story at the LINK above…

So, it’s a fair question: does the Trudeau government’s vaccine failure — and the sickness and death that needlessly resulted from that failure — rise to the level of a crime? Should someone be facing manslaughter charges?

Following this week’s revelations, it’s not an unfair question. It needs to be examined.

Will it? Not likely with this greasy pricks track record of sliding out of ethics violations and an almost constant stream of scandals and parliamentary committee investigations regardless of the stink attached to this clown.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
So, why are you still being forced to wear a face diaper mask in order for you to be able to go into and buy something in some business establishment? I thought that once one was vaccinated they would be free from having to wear a face diaper mask? I will bet that you are not that bright enough to give that much of a thought, eh? It certainly would appear to me as though vaccines and masks are here to stay. And the sheeple say nothing. They just go along to get along.

The wearing of a mask as demanded is a sign of showing ones obedience and submission to the elite globalists and the bought off traitorous politicians and we are telling those two pos that I am yours to play with and rule over. The globalists and our traitor politicians must be having a real good laugh every day looking at all of those fools out there that are walking around with a mask on. And the real idiots are the ones that we see driving around in their vehicles with their windows up and wearing a mask. These people have become a bunch of losers whom are constantly always in a state of fear and panic of catching and dying from covid and they walk among us.

Try looking in a mirror with your mask on and see as to just how silly and stupid you really look and the fool that you have become. If we were all told just two years ago that we would all be forced to have to wear a mask soon everyone would think that you were a bit crazy in the head alright. Now, as we can see today, that day is here and we have now become a bunch of crazy looking face diaper mask wearing buffoons. People need to question more. Good advice indeed. (y)
Well, we’ve never interacted before. This is an interesting start though. I have to interact in society to pick up a prescription or put fuel in our vehicles or to grab a bottle on a Friday night….& currently the rules are that in order to interact in public to accomplish the above tasks I’ve used as examples….you have to wear a mask…so I wear a mask.

I don’t necessarily agree with Equalization or Carbon Tax’s, but am I a ‘sheeple’ for reconciling my income tax annually or paying my heating bill to keep my house warm, etc….??? We all have our own “line in the sand” that we won’t cross, and most of us are adult enough to know which hills we will die on & which ones we won’t.

Luckily, I just keep getting better looking each year, but I’m assuming society as a whole is grateful that some (like yourself) have to wear a mask (or in your case a face-diaper) in these weird & wacky times.

We haven’t interacted before now, but you smell familiar. Who where you before you where “taxme” anyway?
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Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
The truth is that nobody knows what actually killed him. The only thing that I think is safe is that if that if the kid did not have brain cancer, the covid alone would not have killed him. But in that situation, his immune system was no doubt compromised due to the cancer treatment and he got covid and then he died. It was likely a combination of factors but I don't think anybody will know for sure which one is the actual cause.
The main point here is that it was an isolated case with unique conditions, hardly something you could draw wide conclusions upon. My son had a brush with cancer and underwent chemo in the early days of the pandemic. He observed some stricter precautions in terms of mixing with the public but has since been double vaxxed with no side effects at all.

Alberta stops reporting youth COVID deaths after falsely claiming 14-year-old died of virus​

Cosmin Dzsurdzsa
October 15, 2021

True North is probably not up to your standards Nick
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Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC

True North is probably not up to your standards Nick​

"Standards" are subjective in this day and age. If you're suggesting that I wouldn't put much faith in what True North publishes you are partially correct. They have a widespread reputation for extreme bias and questionable factual content, so I would think it likely that they are cherry picking the "facts" they do publish, and that it would be unwise to repeat anything they say without verifying the information through other sources.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
"Standards" are subjective in this day and age. If you're suggesting that I wouldn't put much faith in what True North publishes you are partially correct. They have a widespread reputation for extreme bias and questionable factual content, so I would think it likely that they are cherry picking the "facts" they do publish, and that it would be unwise to repeat anything they say without verifying the information through other sources.
That is a direct opposite of what their reputation really is. Factual reporting is not bias.
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Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC

One in five COVID-19 deaths were people who were fully vaccinated

Mia Urquhart 3 hrs ago

And you know that this article will be as flattering as possible to Trudie's narrative
The article repeats what we already expected, that the mutations of the virus are presenting a challenge in themselves and it is already showing up in the more vulnerable members of our own population. We saw this coming with what happened in Israel, one of the first countries in the world to widely distribute the vaccines, and logically one of the first to exhibit "breakthrough" infections as the variants appeared. Smart governments are already on the bandwagon with booster shots, I'm happy to live in one of those jurisdictions.