Alberta declares State of Public Health Emergency


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I didn't read anywhere about an autopsy was performed do you have new information? On top of it an official Coroner's report issued within a couple of days is impossible to give the official cause of death. He has been hospitalized since August but tested positive 2 days before he died, I'll go with the parents with this one
I am saying the cause of death is "unknown". Everything else is hearsay and opinion.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I'm not seeing the connection between those posts and complete BS posted earlier about Covid stats in Scotland, it looks like diversion. I get that the "My rights are more important than our health" agenda is getting a lot of airplay these days, but when you get right down to it, it's driven by misinformation. It's dangerous in that it can unduly influence people not given to proper research and source vetting of their own to take part in irresponsible trends with no real basis in fact.

PS: Presenting Ezra Levant as a credible source ? Gimme a break. You are aware that when being sued in court his defense was that he shouldn't be taken seriously ? I recollect Fox News using the same defense for Tucker Carlson.
P.S: So City news is apart of the Rebel news network?

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
P.S: So City news is apart of the Rebel news network?
Did I say that ? It hardly matters as the story they were reporting on is an isolated event and not enough to base wide ranging conclusions on. The fact that Ezra Levant is a con and a hack is beside the point too, other than it shows a willingness on your part to use unreliable sources.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Did I say that ? It hardly matters as the story they were reporting on is an isolated event and not enough to base wide ranging conclusions on. The fact that Ezra Levant is a con and a hack is beside the point too, other than it shows a willingness on your part to use unreliable sources.
So that applies to them highlighting City News reports?


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I personally would not have used that terminology. But it is technically correct but slightly misleading.
I guess we will have to wait for the official Coroner's report to see who is lying, and we know we will never see them unless the family is granted their request to get a copy or if an autopsy is even done.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I guess we will have to wait for the official Coroner's report to see who is lying, and we know we will never see them unless the family is granted their request to get a copy or if an autopsy is even done.
I don't think anybody is lying. They are viewing things from their own perspective. Whatever the actual cause of death was, it was a tragedy for the family. I send them my thoughts and prayers. Cancer sucks.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
So that applies to them highlighting City News reports?
To my knowledge City News doesn't have a rotten reputation like some of your other sources, so I have no reason to doubt the factual content of their reports. It's also plain to me that Levant was only using the news bite as an opportunity to take a shot at CBC, an admittedly left leaning news site, and a shot at CBC is as good as a shot at the Federal Liberals in his mind. I really don't think Levant cares at all about political issues one way or the other. He sees that lighting fires to get a rise out of uninformed hotheads makes for an easy buck and it doesn't go any farther than that.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
To my knowledge City News doesn't have a rotten reputation like some of your other sources, so I have no reason to doubt the factual content of their reports. It's also plain to me that Levant was only using the news bite as an opportunity to take a shot at CBC, an admittedly left leaning news site, and a shot at CBC is as good as a shot at the Federal Liberals in his mind. I really don't think Levant cares at all about political issues one way or the other. He sees that lighting fires to get a rise out of uninformed hotheads makes for an easy buck and it doesn't go any farther than that.
So you admit that Rebel is OK in it's content on this article, you just don't like Ezra?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The main point here is that it was an isolated case with unique conditions, hardly something you could draw wide conclusions upon. My son had a brush with cancer and underwent chemo in the early days of the pandemic. He observed some stricter precautions in terms of mixing with the public but has since been double vaxxed with no side effects at al
I'm not seeing the connection between those posts and complete BS posted earlier about Covid stats in Scotland, it looks like diversion. I get that the "My rights are more important than our health" agenda is getting a lot of airplay these days, but when you get right down to it, it's driven by misinformation. It's dangerous in that it can unduly influence people not given to proper research and source vetting of their own to take part in irresponsible trends with no real basis in fact.

PS: Presenting Ezra Levant as a credible source ? Gimme a break. You are aware that when being sued in court his defense was that he shouldn't be taken seriously ? I recollect Fox News using the same defense for Tucker Carlson.
So did the CBC and Alberta Government cook up the fake news or not ?

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
So you admit that Rebel is OK in it's content on this article, you just don't like Ezra?
Ezra Levant's content was limited to a few words, and restricted to name calling and silliness. No I wasn't okay with that but it's what to be expected from a boorish hack like Levant, his business is stirring the emotional pot, not courtesy and respect. The CBC content he retweeted was, from what I can tell, self explanatory. An error in judgment was made and an apology issued. If you think there's fodder for a witch hunt in there then have at 'er, I don't see it myself.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
As any responsible seeker of truth should, I checked the "credentials" of the your source, The Daily Expose. I didn't have to go much further than that.

Media Bias / Fact Check
Conspiracy Level - Tin Foil Hat, Psuedo-Science Level - Quackery

It should come as no surprise the the host site, Wordpress, is a platform for bloggers of any kind, and that the content is totally unvetted.

A google search on "The Daily Expose" brings up a slew of articles on misinformation and fake news, all of which mention that site in less-than-complimentary fashion.

As I suspected, bullshit.
But you'll trust the MSM and legacy media who lied for years about Y2K. And who also lied about a "musliim travel ban" that never was. You'll trust the WHO who has proven they blow whichever way the money comes from. You'll trust the politicians who have shares in Big Pharma, and in the case of our current federal govt, is incapable of telling the truth even when there's no need to lie.
When organizations and individuals have spent years showing how full of shit they are, it's next to impossible to trust them when/if they actually do tell the truth.

What's just as sad is the fact checkers are clearly one-sided when it comes to checking dubious "facts". Same with the media. For example, an incident on Capitol Hill that lasted for what, an hour or so, was labeled an "insurrection" while neighbourhoods in Portland and Seattle being taken over violently and declared autonomous was largely ignored and rarely condemned by the MSM or Democrats because the shit going on in the summer was "mostly peaceful protests".
Shift the attention and pretend it's no big deal. And yet when whatever happened on Jan 6th happened, there was no "but most Republican/Trump supporters accepted the results peacefully" attempt to deflect from the incident.

The vast bulk of the news media can no longer call themselves "free press". They sold their souls years ago. They're not necessarily state controlled, they are party allies. They have willingly suborned themselves to whichever party they support and at least 80% of them are Liberals/Democrats and farther left. That's not me spewing, that's the words from the former head of NPR.
Until journalists re-learn to separate their personal feelings from their jobs, we won't have real news, we'll just continue to have opinion, emotional priming and triggering and propaganda.
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Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Y2K was not a lie. It was an issue. It was identified. The basic issue of most computer systems in the 60s having 2 digits for the year was true. While the media was reporting it, companies were hiring cobol programmers like there was no tomorrow to modify code to make the year 4 bytes or change the logic to say if year < 60 pretend its 20xx.

Now the news reported a whole bunch of stuff and speculation about it at the time. The problem with the reporters is they only 1/2 understood the issue and that was clear in their reporting. They tried to make it sound like they knew what they were talking about but they clearly did not. I figure its the same of all fields. It was clear to me since I was familiar with the field. They know enough to ask the right questions but they are not the experts they like to think they are.

Next Y2K crisis will be in 2037. Most UNIX/POSIX systems use a long integer to represent time (number of seconds since 1970/01/01 00:00:00). The maximum year a long integer will hold is sometime in the year 2037 (forget the exact date -- not jan 1st). I am sure they will fix the systems by then. Probably by making long integers bigger.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I didn't read anywhere about an autopsy was performed do you have new information? On top of it an official Coroner's report issued within a couple of days is impossible to give the official cause of death. He has been hospitalized since August but tested positive 2 days before he died, I'll go with the parents with this one

Dr. Deena Hinshaw apologizes and says Alberta teen didn't actually die from COVID
In a Facebook post, Simone Spitzer said the 14-year-old was her brother, and that he was dying of brain cancer, but had been diagnosed with COVID-19 two days before his death.

“He died from stage 4 brain cancer, not from covid,” Spitzer wrote, linking to a news story about the death. “This is fake news.”

On Wednesday, Hinshaw clarified that while the initial report of the death of the child included COVID-19 as a “secondary cause,” new information indicated that COVID-19 was not the cause of death. She apologized directly to the family.

The rest at the above link.
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Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
But you'll trust the MSM and legacy media...
Finding an unbiased news source these days is a challenge, but at the other end of the scale it's pretty easy to identify an unreliable source. There are mulitple fact-checking sites, checking a number of them will give you a pretty good idea of what you're dealing with. I find that those most likely to dismiss all fact checkers as "one sided" are also those most likely to be frequenting seriously biased sources just because they like what's being said, not because of any expectation of truth and accuracy. The most reliable sites in general are the press services, Reuters, AP, Canadian Press and the like, but these sources can come with a hefty subscription fee. Canadian Press offers a free weekly email newsletter. In Canada CTV rates close to center on bias and high in truth and accuracy. If you're really interested in an issue it's best to use multiple sources. Seriously biased blogs and faux-news sources should be relegated to comedy relief unless you need to know what the very few at the extremist fringe are up to.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Finding an unbiased news source these days is a challenge, but at the other end of the scale it's pretty easy to identify an unreliable source. There are mulitple fact-checking sites, checking a number of them will give you a pretty good idea of what you're dealing with. I find that those most likely to dismiss all fact checkers as "one sided" are also those most likely to be frequenting seriously biased sources just because they like what's being said, not because of any expectation of truth and accuracy. The most reliable sites in general are the press services, Reuters, AP, Canadian Press and the like, but these sources can come with a hefty subscription fee. Canadian Press offers a free weekly email newsletter. In Canada CTV rates close to center on bias and high in truth and accuracy. If you're really interested in an issue it's best to use multiple sources. Seriously biased blogs and faux-news sources should be relegated to comedy relief unless you need to know what the very few at the extremist fringe are up to.
Well first off I ignore blogs for the same reason I avoid most of the MSM and legacy media, I want news, not opinion and emotional priming/triggering. An independent European study concluded that there were only 3 major news outlets in North America that could be considered truly unbiased. Only one was in Canada and that was the Financial Post.
Secondly, the fact checkers are just as subject to bias as any MSM or legacy news outlet. There's a distinct lack of professionalism in areas where one needs to be able to separate their personal feelings/beliefs from their job and journalism has become one of the worst for it.
And when it came to shit like Y2K, it wasn't a single news outlet, it was the entire fucking industry pushing a lie they knew damn well was a lie. That includes the likes of Reuters and the AP. You aren't being informed by the news anymore, you're being manipulated.

As for comedic relief, comedy is when the MSM insists that continuing to permit the free travel from 45 out of 50 muslim majority countries somehow constitutes a horribly racist and xenophobic "muslim travel ban".
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Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
Fact checkers are useful when choosing to compare mulitple sources to get a comprehensive view of any given situation. Just about all sources have something to offer, even if it's just to find out what the nutballs are thinking. With some advance idea of a source's bias you can use your own judgement as to how to apply "filters". When I feel like a weekend paper, I'll buy two, a Glove & Mail and a National Post. Both have a good reputation for truth and accuracy, but each has their own political slant and that shows in how they present a topic, or whether or not they present it at all.
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