Note to Anti-Vaxxers


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Also pretty sure your past medical visits aren't factored into this Covid mess.
Agreed. Neither are my personal choices on medical interventions. As a taxpaying Canadian, my access to health care is as guaranteed as anyone else's. Any notion to the contrary is ridiculous.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Agreed. Neither are my personal choices on medical interventions. As a taxpaying Canadian, my access to health care is as guaranteed as anyone else's. Any notion to the contrary is ridiculous.

Up until this point I might have agreed with you.

But then Covid came and changed everything.

If you (collectively) are willing to put others at risk because you "choose" stupidity over duty to society (unless you live in isolation in which case why are you online?) then why should MY tax dollars go to pay for your medical bills if you get sick? You made the choice not to get vaccinated and thus made the choice to get Covid more seriously than anyone else and increase your threat of death...

I'd rather those tax dollars I pay go to someone who had a heart attack or a stroke or a kid who got into an MVA or a cancer patient. NOT to some asshole who with his dying Covid breath bemoans not getting the vaccination.



Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Up until this point I might have agreed with you.

But then Covid came and changed everything.

If you (collectively) are willing to put others at risk because you "choose" stupidity over duty to society (unless you live in isolation in which case why are you online?) then why should MY tax dollars go to pay for your medical bills if you get sick? You made the choice not to get vaccinated and thus made the choice to get Covid more seriously than anyone else and increase your threat of death...

I'd rather those tax dollars I pay go to someone who had a heart attack or a stroke or a kid who got into an MVA or a cancer patient. NOT to some asshole who with his dying Covid breath bemoans not getting the vaccination.

good, they should be doing that now.. you abuse your body with drugs, smoking, alcohol and not getting the vaccine.. then expect the taxpayers to care for you.. no way..

that goes for fat people too


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Up until this point I might have agreed with you.

But then Covid came and changed everything.

If you (collectively) are willing to put others at risk because you "choose" stupidity over duty to society (unless you live in isolation in which case why are you online?)
So I guess that goes for impaired drivers and texting drivers too? No medical care for them if they get hurt "choosing stupidity over duty to society"?
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Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I personally know one person who had a real bad reaction to the vaccine' but I still think that the odds are better with the vaccine than without!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
good, they should be doing that now.. you abuse your body with drugs, smoking, alcohol and not getting the vaccine.. then expect the taxpayers to care for you.. no way..

that goes for fat people too
Yeah, except smoking and drinking and certain drugs are perfectly legal. Go whine to the govt about it, Sorry shithead, you don't get to decide who gets health care and who don't for engaging in legal activities. What about other potentially dangerous legal activities like skydiving and downhill skiing? Do you have a problem with paying for health care for people who get hurt engaging in those perfectly legal activities?

As for obesity, 90% of the time it's a mental health issue. Nice to see your compassionate side, asshole.

But hey, if you wanna suddenly stupidly trust the UN, the WHO, the Groper govt, Big Pharma and Health Canada, knock yourself out. Just because you and Serryah are panicky idiots doesn't mean everyone has to be. I don't do peer pressure so you can go and take a running fuck at a rolling donut with your whiny bullshit.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
If you are going to be charging obese people for doctors visits, will you be covering nutritionists and fitness trainers and gym memberships under OHIP? A bit hypocritical to deny coverage of these services and then withdraw health coverage for those who are obese.

And to clarify my position: As healthcare is an essential service, I personally do not support withdrawing it for any taxpayer. And since vaccines are voluntary (for the most part) one should not be punished by withdrawl of an essential service. But if the anti-vaxer doesn't trust doctors and governments about the vaccine, why are they trusting them on keeping them alive when they get covid?
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Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
good, they should be doing that now.. you abuse your body with drugs, smoking, alcohol and not getting the vaccine.. then expect the taxpayers to care for you.. no way..

that goes for fat people too
If you're pushing for private health care in this country then you should bring it up with your MP. it might be more effective than conjuring up absurd arguments on the interwebs. Gotta warn you though, it may be a hard sell to Canadians, their pretty attached to their "free" health care.
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Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
So I guess that goes for impaired drivers and texting drivers too? No medical care for them if they get hurt "choosing stupidity over duty to society"?

What ever happen to personal responsibility in this world?? People should take responsibility for their actions, one way or another.. if you're going to abuse you body, knowing full well that you will die from cancer, or liver disease.. why should taxpayers be on the hook.

Same with a vaccine, if you know full well a vaccine will stop you from getting seriously ill with COVID, why is it suddenly the taxpayers who are responsible for your blatant stupidity.

Only folk I know of that don't believe in personal responsibility are far left NDP Dippers. Guess we know your politics now Jinentonix. Just blame everyone else, soon you'll be blaming Trump.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
If you're pushing for private health care in this country then you should bring it up with your MP. it might be more effective than conjuring up absurd arguments on the interwebs. Gotta warn you though, it may be a hard sell to Canadians, their pretty attached to their "free" health care.

It's not "FREE" Healthcare it's taxpayer funded Healthcare. Nothing is FREE when it comes from the Government


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
But if the anti-vaxer doesn't trust doctors and governments about the vaccine, why are they trusting them on keeping them alive when they get covid?
Again, this is a logical fallacy. One can trust doctors without trusting the government...or trusting a "vaccine" that factually doesn't protect people from getting or transmitting the virus, that was rushed out faster than any vaccine previously, and that has a very limited track record. It is also a false equivalency to call people who are hesitant to take this "vaccine" antivaxxers. This is a canard, it's completely disingenuous and intended to belittle and disparage people who don't share your point of view.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's not "FREE" Healthcare it taxpayer funded Healthcare. Nothing is FREE when it comes from the Government
Finally...something we agree on. Anyone paying for it has as much access to it as you do, regardless of their personal choices. Nice to see you've finally figured it out.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Finally...something we agree on. Anyone paying for it has as much access to it as you do, regardless of their personal choices. Nice to see you've finally figured it out.

Not at all.. Free Healthcare doesn't mean you can abuse the system.. you pay taxes for roads, but you still have to wear a seatbelt and not speed.

However, still believe Alberta needs to adopt the co-pay system or user fee.. Emergency $100, Urgent care $50 and your doctor $25

It will stop abuse of the Emergency room with bogus or stupid visits and it will give incentives to bring doctors from other provinces with a $25 per head bonus.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head

Already in ‘crisis mode’, Ontario hospitals have no protocol for who gets priority treatment, human rights advocates say

It's time to triage patients.. just like I said.. the unvaccinated, smokers, alcoholics and fat people go to the end of the line.. just like during a war setting, help those who can survive, and those who have abused their bodies.. you had a good run.. back of the line or go home.

This situation has been brought on by the unvaccinated over flowing the hospitals and resources. The breaking point for stupidity ends now.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
What ever happen to personal responsibility in this world??
Whatever happened to informed consent in this country?
People should take responsibility for their actions, one way or another.. if you're going to abuse you body, knowing full well that you will die from cancer, or liver disease.. why should taxpayers be on the hook.
A) Because that's how universal health care works. B) Because govts have legalized and commoditized those activities. Ya know, because smokers and drinkers pay no income taxes or sales taxes on their vices or anything. Kind'a funny, huh? A govt that is soooo concerned about your health still profits from the sale of tobacco and alcohol and continues to keep them nice and legal.
Same with a vaccine, if you know full well a vaccine will stop you from getting seriously ill with COVID, why is it suddenly the taxpayers who are responsible for your blatant stupidity.
18 months vs 3-5 years. It's really that simple. Tell ya what Sport, in 3-5 years if there's no long term side effects from the vaccine, I'll rush right out and get it just to make you feel better about things, k?
Only folk I know of that don't believe in personal responsibility are far left NDP Dippers. Guess we know your politics now Jinentonix. Just blame everyone else, soon you'll be blaming Trump.
Only folk I know of who don't believe in informed consent are right and left-wing extremists. Guess we know your politics now eh Boomster? Force everyone to take an untested vaccine just to make you feel better.
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