Almost Four Years Later


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Yeah, TDS. LOL
Whatever man. If that's all you got.
Another way for you to maybe look at this . After six years of a full court press against him from the media , big tech , congress , both parties , and the alphabet agencies , including trumped up impeachment why would or could 70,000,000 plus AMexicans consider voting for him . Remember that is much more then registered Republicans ?
p.s . You have yet to put up ant argument except I don’t like him .
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
And that what's really freaking everyone out, not another African American, but a female African American!
The seething hate for this woman is very telling.
There is nothing to like about her . Asa matter of fact less then 1% of Democrats liked her enough to support her in the Presidential primary . By the way she is Indian American .

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
I'd say Trump, along with his hardcore base have much in common with Trudeau and his hardcore base. The Leaders are both inept trust fund babies, but somehow are claimed as the savior of the working class, even though neither have had to want or work for anything. Both are unqualified to lead a country. Because they aren't leaders. They're a brand.

As for their supporters, both have a base that will believe anything their leader tells them.
This thread and every other Trump/Trudeau thread is a case in point.

And for the record, I'm no fan of Biden or O'Toole either.
Seems in this grand new decade we've really lowered our expectations of politicians.

As for Canada
I'd run, but I'm too damned old and tired, and my French sucks. And there would be dirt.
There's always dirt.
Unfortunately the U.S. has voted in the most corrupt individual likely in U.S. history as President & he's been caught on tape & in several interviews over the years that he lies consistently. So I would have preferred Trump to Biden mostly because like him or not, he's done more as President than any other President in history. I didn't like some of his tweets but most of the misinformation was fed by the MSM & the Democrats, most of which were debunked when investigated. Unfortunately, there are those who still believe the lies, even though they've been proven wrong. So what can one say? Gullible or what?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Unfortunately the U.S. has voted in the most corrupt individual likely in U.S. history as President & he's been caught on tape & in several interviews over the years that he lies consistently. So I would have preferred Trump to Biden mostly because like him or not, he's done more as President than any other President in history.
Okay, Dixie, first off, every second sentence that comes out of Trumps yap was a lie. And please tell me what Donald Trump has done. Literally done, more of than any other president in history. Hi major achievements have been emboldening racist groups, putting BS tariffs on Canadian Aluminum and trying to use that as a distraction, because people started dropping like flies from the pandemic he was calling, "Just a flu. Nothing to see here." Over 300,000 dead now. More dead coming every day.

Please tell me what he's done beyond alienating every Western partner? Shit, he's turning on his own now. Mitch McConnell, Billy Bar, because they are now accepting the obvious.
President Donald F. Trump is a snake oil salesman who conned his way into the white house with promises of draing the swamp and locking her up only to increase its size and dump a few secrets of his own. But the rubes are still chanting his greatness, but why the surprise, they're rubes after all.

It was experiment gone horribly awry, pushing the USA backward instead of forward.
I didn't like some of his tweets but most of the misinformation was fed by the MSM & the Democrats, most of which were debunked when investigated.
He was impeached for withholding aid to a foreign power until they gave him dirt on his political opponent, and this was by his own admission. He was acquitted by a kangaroo court of complicit Republicans. That wasn't misinformation. Trump admitted to doing that.
Unfortunately, there are those who still believe the lies, even though they've been proven wrong.
And then some just eat whatever is coming out of that blowhards mouth.

So what can one say? Gullible or what?
Yeah, extremely gullible.

Though it may seem I'm giving you a hard time Dixie, I still think your a sweet polite poster, and I thank you for your opinion for which disagree wholeheartedly..


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006

Dual Citizenship.. My 2nd ex-wife was a US citizen.. 😜🇨🇦🇺🇸
Second ex-wife USA citizen. So, you retain dual citizenship even though your divorced? Interesting. Makes sense, it's not lie a custody suit. LOL

By the way, whatever happens in the US affects this country. Including trade. So, I along with every other Canadian have a vested interest in who becomes President. The last four years have been a clown show, adding Trudeau to that mix only adds to the stupidity.

Unfortunately, I think he will probably win the next election because Canadians don't seem to give a shit that we have a narcissistic inept fool for a PM.

As for Trump. In four more years, he'll probably be dead.
The man does not look healthy.
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The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I think he was grabbed by his pussy.
If only.
There is nothing to like about her . Asa matter of fact less then 1% of Democrats liked her enough to support her in the Presidential primary . By the way she is Indian American .
I thought she was half Indian/half AA. She's brown. An immigrant girl, oh my gosh, that'll have the zealots freaking out, because she will definitely succeed Biden in the next election. But she may lose to whoever the Republicans run. America is still having a fit over Obama. Well racist America anyway. The birthers'. The Trumpers'. The Klan.

If Donald Trump's mission was to fuck up the Republican Party.
Mission accomplished.
Yep, greatest president ever!
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Second ex-wife USA citizen. So, you retain dual citizenship even though your divorced? Interesting. Makes sense, it's not lie a custody suit. LOL

By the way, whatever happens in the US affects this country. Including trade. So, I along with every other Canadian have a vested interest in who becomes President. The last four years have been a clown show, adding Trudeau to that mix only adds to the stupidity.

Unfortunately, I think he will probably win the next election because Canadians don't seem to give a shit that we have a narcissistic inept fool for a PM.

As for Trump. In four more years, he'll probably be dead.
The man does not look healthy.
I see Trump pretty much the same way you do, R.C.S. although I have to admit it took me awhile to clue into his "true colours". I have yet to have a hard and fast opinion of Biden, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt (as I did with Trump) until I see otherwise. Whatever his "history" is he's survived 48 years of it.
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The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I see Trump pretty much the same way you do, R.C.S. although I have to admit it took me awhile to clue into his "true colours". I have yet to have a hard and fast opinion of Biden, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt (as I did with Trump) until I see otherwise. Whatever his "history" is he's survived 48 years of it.
Have you tried that new TDS vaccine they're handing out JLM?
Sometimes being in the middle can be a lonely place. Especially when it comes polarization.
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Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Second ex-wife USA citizen. So, you retain dual citizenship even though your divorced? Interesting. Makes sense, it's not lie a custody suit. LOL

Yes, like my first ex-wife retains her Canadian Citizenship..

Just because you divorce you don't lose your status..

I sponsored my first ex-wife into Canada, as my 2nd ex-wife sponsored me into the USA..

For example, if you married an Australian, she sponsored you into Australia, you get permanent residence..

If you divorced her, you still retain your residence and down the road can still acquire your citizenship..

I sure would like to meet an Australian girl 😉😂


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Okay, Dixie, first off, every second sentence that comes out of Trumps yap was a lie. And please tell me what Donald Trump has done. Literally done, more of than any other president in history. Hi major achievements have been emboldening racist groups, putting BS tariffs on Canadian Aluminum and trying to use that as a distraction, because people started dropping like flies from the pandemic he was calling, "Just a flu. Nothing to see here." Over 300,000 dead now. More dead coming every day.

Please tell me what he's done beyond alienating every Western partner? Shit, he's turning on his own now. Mitch McConnell, Billy Bar, because they are now accepting the obvious.
President Donald F. Trump is a snake oil salesman who conned his way into the white house with promises of draing the swamp and locking her up only to increase its size and dump a few secrets of his own. But the rubes are still chanting his greatness, but why the surprise, they're rubes after all.

It was experiment gone horribly awry, pushing the USA backward instead of forward.

He was impeached for withholding aid to a foreign power until they gave him dirt on his political opponent, and this was by his own admission. He was acquitted by a kangaroo court of complicit Republicans. That wasn't misinformation. Trump admitted to doing that.

And then some just eat whatever is coming out of that blowhards mouth.

Yeah, extremely gullible.

Though it may seem I'm giving you a hard time Dixie, I still think your a sweet polite poster, and I thank you for your opinion for which disagree wholeheartedly..
So you have nothing , but what the press tells you to believe . Why if Trump is such a racist would he put in policies that benefited the lowest wage earners which are predominantly Black and Latino among others ? Why would such a racist restore and make permanent funding for Black colleges and universities? Why would he set up special economic zones to foster growth in poorer communities.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
If only.

I thought she was half Indian/half AA. She's brown. An immigrant girl, oh my gosh, that'll have the zealots freaking out, because she will definitely succeed Biden in the next election. But she may lose to whoever the Republicans run. America is still having a fit over Obama. Well racist America anyway. The birthers'. The Trumpers'. The Klan.

If Donald Trump's mission was to fuck up the Republican Party.
Mission accomplished.
Yep, greatest president ever!
See you only believe what the lying press tell you .America elected Obama twice , the same independents that carried Obama carried Trump eight years later , and did again this time if the credible allegations are true . Republicans never cared about Obama’s race only his policies the only people who fussed over race were Democrats and the news media , and the news media translates as Democrat . You should stop listening to them . Identity politics is a left wing game .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
As for you not knowing about Trump’s accomplishments they have been listed on these threads yet you and the lying. press prefer to worry about his tweets . How many judges has he had confirmed ? Do you know or care ? How many armed personnel has he brought home from foreign soil ? Should he have started more useless wars like all his predecessors and sent more youth to fight and die ?
All you can say is you don’t like him , big whoop , how many of your officers did you not like when you served ? How many did you still respect even though you personally hated ?
By the way why would such an awful man get a roaring standing ovation from the crowd of Army and Navy cadets at the recent football game . You of course as a retired soldier would not know of this because the lying media would never show you such a fine scene .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I see Trump pretty much the same way you do, R.C.S. although I have to admit it took me awhile to clue into his "true colours". I have yet to have a hard and fast opinion of Biden, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt (as I did with Trump) until I see otherwise. Whatever his "history" is he's survived 48 years of it.
Yes you lost it when the lying press told you he told people to drink Clorox . How after 48 years in the spotlight could you not have an opinion on good ole Uncle Joe and his wandering hands ? Are you interested in how his son has used his position for influence peddling and worried this might from his presidency ? Do you think Republicans should impeach him over the issue ? Are we going to listen to four years of China China China ? Won’t that be fun ?

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Okay, Dixie, first off, every second sentence that comes out of Trumps yap was a lie. And please tell me what Donald Trump has done. Literally done, more of than any other president in history. Hi major achievements have been emboldening racist groups, putting BS tariffs on Canadian Aluminum and trying to use that as a distraction, because people started dropping like flies from the pandemic he was calling, "Just a flu. Nothing to see here." Over 300,000 dead now. More dead coming every day.

Please tell me what he's done beyond alienating every Western partner? Shit, he's turning on his own now. Mitch McConnell, Billy Bar, because they are now accepting the obvious.
President Donald F. Trump is a snake oil salesman who conned his way into the white house with promises of draing the swamp and locking her up only to increase its size and dump a few secrets of his own. But the rubes are still chanting his greatness, but why the surprise, they're rubes after all.

It was experiment gone horribly awry, pushing the USA backward instead of forward.

He was impeached for withholding aid to a foreign power until they gave him dirt on his political opponent, and this was by his own admission. He was acquitted by a kangaroo court of complicit Republicans. That wasn't misinformation. Trump admitted to doing that.

And then some just eat whatever is coming out of that blowhards mouth.

Yeah, extremely gullible.

Though it may seem I'm giving you a hard time Dixie, I still think your a sweet polite poster, and I thank you for your opinion for which disagree wholeheartedly..
Well I appreciate your last thought. Trump: while he's not the most "loveable" dude around has done the following and is not recognized for any of them.

Moved the U.S. Consul to Jerusalem

Has assisted/was instrumental with getting peace talks done between Israel & 3 other Arab nations (which no one previously could ever broker)

He lowered taxes for 82% of the U.S. Population (Biden btw plans on reversing the tax cuts & increasing taxes over & above for those earning over $400,000 which means higher taxes for everyone & then has the audacity to claim that he's not increasing taxes to the average American. Not an economist that's for sure).

He removed and/or replaced regulations that stifled the economy.

He closed down flights at the end of January from China once it was known that the Virus was coming from China & was much more serious than the Chinese had indicated, after which he was called a racist & xenaphob (sp) & then was accused as negligent for not doing it sooner.

He ensured that Black Colleges had funding for an extended period of time rather than they having to come to the WH EVERY YEAR to ask for funds
He provided the environment (taxes & regulations) that helped toreduced unemployment for everyone, including Blacks & Hispanics & increased wages as a result.

He attached tariffs to China & Russia as appropriate - yes there was tarrifs against Canada but we needed to step up to the plate & stop sending Chinese Aluminum over the border. Instead, we should have stopped China from brining said aluminum to Canada to avoid U.S. sanctions.
Oh, and the discussion of him being "impeached" started before he even declared running so the whole thing was a hoax and has been proven as such but there are those who still believe it even after 4 investigations showed absolutely nothing!! The ONLY reason why Trump was impeached was the corrupted Democrats refused to believe they lost the 2016 election & wanted to do everything in their power to get rid of Trump.

Finally, the reason Trump was elected to begin with is the fact that the SWAMP (both Democrats & Republicans) are corrupt & the electors wanted someone who was brash enough & thick-skinned enough to take the SWAMP on and he did. Even though he has not completed cleaning out the SWAMP & they're coming back after Biden was elected, he opened up a can of worms by exhibiting just how corrupt the U.S. government is. I believe that will be his legacy if nothing else (in addition to being the most investigated President ever for doing absolutely nothing)..

As for his supposid lies, I keep asking people to be specific in what lies he's told so I can understand what they're talking about but so far, none have been presented to me. Now on the other hand, the MSM repeat things he supposedly has said that were lies but if anyone takes the opportunity to either look it up or listen to alternative media, they'll find that what he said was taken completely out of context and/or wasn't what he had said at all. Charlotteville is a perfect example of that and there's 1,000's more. And, even when it's found that he didn't say what they reported, they STILL buckle down and repeat it knowing that it's false. But the hatred of Trump is so visceral they don't care so 50% of the Americans aren't getting the facts.

So considering how hate-filled the opposition has of him, he's accomplished much but will get absolutely no credit whatsoever and in fact, all the good things he's done will be over turned by the Biden Administration which will not result in good things happening in America. The fact that the Bidens are so involved with China should really be an eye opener but of course, the MSM won't cover it at all (until recently anyway) and again, Americans will be left in the dark until it's too late.