If nobody is interested in their shit in the South China Sea, they ain't interested in what's going on IN China.
As an aside, those artificial islands the Chinese built in the SCS are crumbling apart. The Chinese Air Force won't even land their kites on the runways. And with all the whining about reefs and global warming, the Chinese actually took the reefs in the area and ground them up to help make the islands. I mean it's funny how the UN has interfered somewhat in our oil & gas sector but are happy to ignore China's blatant disregard for the laws regarding international waters, wholesale destruction of coral reefs, attacking local fishing boats in the SCS, slave labour, political prisoners, outright oppression of the Uighurs and the list goes on. Well, it's not actually funny when you consider that overall, China has surpassed the US as the UN's numero uno financial contributor.
And the world don't care, or at least the Western World doesn't because they want continued access to the Chinese market AND cheap (but crappy) goods from China.