Philly DA Throws Down Over Trump Poll Watchers: We Won't Be Cowed By A 'Despot'
Philadelphia’s district attorney sent a bristling message to President
Donald Trump, warning him not to send his “Proud Boys, goon squads and uncertified ‘poll watchers’” to Philly — or he’ll face swift consequences.
“Break the law here, and I’ve got something for you,” DA
Larry Krasner said to Trump in a statement Wednesday.
“We will not be cowed or ruled by a lawless, power-hungry despot,” he added. “The Trump Administration’s efforts to suppress votes amid a global pandemic fueled by their disregard for human life will not be tolerated in the birthplace of American democracy.”
Krasner attacked Trump the day the president criticized unrest in Philadelphia over the fatal police shooting Monday of 27-year-old Black resident
Walter Wallace Jr. during what his family said was a mental health crisis.
Trump blamed the unrest in the city after the killing on
state and local officials — and, at a rally in Phoenix, on “
violent mobs of Biden supporters.”
Trump has also called for his supporters to form an
army of “poll watchers” in cities, raising fears of intimidation tactics. Members of the Trump campaign last week were caught videotaping Philly residents dropping their votes into ballot boxes. Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro warned that the practice could constitute illegal voter intimidation.
Krasner’s statement attacked both Trump’s characterization of himself as the “law and order” president and his threat of deploying partisan poll vigilantes.