They f*ckin' ADORE it. It's of a piece with the fake manhood they love so much.Yeah the "whatabouitism" could really go into overdrive here, I mean one could easily speak of Trump and his many marital flip flops and numerous affairs with porn stars and Playboy bunnies and the fact that he has five children with three different wives and that he has been accused of sexual assault and rape. But lets face it, most male Trump supporters admire this about him. They think it makes him a man and has it nothing to do with his character because to them women are just things that serve but one purpose.
The "successful lover" who uses women like jerk-off tissues.
The "smart businessman" who augered in every business he ever touched and had us at record deficits even before Covid hit.
The "deal maker" whose sole "deal" in 3 1/2 years is a minor, already-scheduled adjustment to NAFTA.
The "tough guy" who pussied out of the draft and sends others to do his dirty work.
The "truth teller" who's logged over 20,000 verified lies.
All he's got is racism, misogyny, homophobia, and jingoism. Abuse of power is his thing. That's why the powerless, worthless punks who feel overwhelmed by the world and their inability to make their way in it love him so much.