Trump USA : 2020


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Yes, discussions among them, not with a foreigner like you.
And because of that they can to get away with Vietnam and Iraq, and the world has no choice but to turn a blind eye because they are the most important nation on Earth? Is that what you are saying?
Bad things, good things and new possibilities.
Superpowers don't last forever. Rome faced this, the European powers faced this, and the US will face this.

Well no, not with me personally as I am not in such a position, but do you not know that world leaders often have discussions and share opinions with other world leaders, and will offer advice? That government officials discuss things like treaty negotiations, immigration, foreign aid projects and humanitarian aid with governmental officials of other countries? Do you not know that they relate to one another opinions on how to implement and move forward on these and many other matters?

I don't recall mentioning Vietnam or Iraq, so I'm unsure of the relevance to the discussion.

What bad things? Elucidate please. Also further elucidate as to good things and new possibilities.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
I think Mary Trump's new book should be required reading for anyone over the age of 13. It gives an insight of the most dysfunctional human being in the World.
..and a totally incompetent-even dangerous- POTUS.

Makes one wonder about the mental health of those that so avidly support him. The will not admit to any defects in the man. That is fanaticism,


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
With an electoral majority?


BTW the rules for capitalization. Give them a read.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Most dysfunctional? I can think of numerous despicable human beings who lives today before Trump.
that might be the case........but how many of them have the POWER that Trump has and is giving himself?? Power that he is abusing.

His conduct should matter to all nations........ as he is unstable. He also has no regard for the law. Now he has commuted the sentience of his crony. Think : Roger Stone.(who is as unethical as Trump)


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
And do you think the US listens to them? Come on, that's just an expensive party where people put on a face.
The only thing the US listens to is if they are under threat.
It is relevant. You mentioned they are the most important country, right? Because of that, they feel nobody can touch them. They can get away with anything and the world can't do anything except complain and get angry.
Bad things for their partners in crime.
Good things for the Middle East, for countries that are under constant threat by the US, for the people who have been harmed or have lost loved ones because of them, for countries that have gone through coups after coups after coups because of the US, for countries that have been destabilized, countries that have been screwed over and never got justice like Nicaragua, Europe can finally be free to regain their power.... there will be a lot of good things that will come and a lot of people will be happy when the bully falls over.

Yes, I do think that countries listen to one another when it comes to the issues I mentioned, which you continue to dodge around.

I don't recall saying that they were the most important country, I stated that they are the largest economy in the world and that cements their importance on the world stage. And yes it has emboldened them in the past and will likely continue to embolden, that will come with the territory of their economic power.

A lot of good things that will come? People may like to see a bully fall but do tell, if the USA had not been in their position of power historically ,and were not in their current position of power, what do you think the world would look like today? What would Germany potentially look like today without big bad America stepping in, a little late to the party granted, but here we are.

Bad things for their partners in crime? Please expand on this, not sure what you mean by this statement. What I am looking for in response to my question is what you think the effects would be of an economic collapse on both the USA and the world.

The funny thing about your responses to me is that you are contradicting yourself. First you say that we Canadians hence any other country should not care what actions the USA takes, that we should not complain about them yet here you are.... complaining about them. Complaining about people losing loved ones because of them, complaining about interference in foreign governments and complaining about other countries being under a constant threat by them, complaining that they get away with far too much. So, why is it that you are free to complain but others should remain silent? That warrants a response, yes?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
that might be the case........but how many of them have the POWER that Trump has and is giving himself?? Power that he is abusing.

His conduct should matter to all nations........ as he is unstable. He also has no regard for the law. Now he has commuted the sentience of his crony. Think : Roger Stone.(who is as unethical as Trump)
Yet the Supreme Court refused to bow down before him . Imagine that .

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
So you are falling for the Trump entrepreneurial spirit and supporting her financially , good for you , as they say a fool and her/his money .
Nope. By getting and reading the book one is gaining an education and insight abut the kind of person some insist on supporting. Might be a good idea for Trumpians to read it too.........but they will just dismiss it on some silly excuse or another. (they can't deal with the truths about the man. They choose to wear blinders when it comes t o him )

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
I know they will.
sadness would be a very appropriate emotion , should that happen. As even Bolton said in an interview last evening on pBS....... the US can recover from one term of trump..........but will most likely not be able to from two terms. A second term would give trump all the license he wants to do what he wants......... . Te US is hardly recognizable even now. He would not even have the constraint of another election........... so he would become even more unleashed.

He would continue to align himself with the Arthurian leaders on the planet.......while criticizing the traditional allies. ( and world agencies )He would probably isolate the US even more .... But continue a very aggressive approach with other nations.......... (allies) The dictators of the world have nothing to worry about.
The fact that he is incompetent ..(and psychologically dysfunctional)..... is not a concern for his supporters.. He has gained control of their psyche , in a way that Hitler did with his supporters.Lust Power and abuse of power is their common theme.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
sadness would be a very appropriate emotion , should that happen. As even Bolton said in an interview last evening on pBS....... the US can recover from one term of trump..........but will most likely not be able to from two terms. A second term would give trump all the license he wants to do what he wants......... . Te US is hardly recognizable even now. He would not even have the constraint of another election........... so he would become even more unleashed.

He would continue to align himself with the Arthurian leaders on the planet.......while criticizing the traditional allies. ( and world agencies )He would probably isolate the US even more .... But continue a very aggressive approach with other nations.......... (allies) The dictators of the world have nothing to worry about.
The fact that he is incompetent ..(and psychologically dysfunctional)..... is not a concern for his supporters.. He has gained control of their psyche , in a way that Hitler did with his supporters.Lust Power and abuse of power is their common theme.
Bolton , isn’t he the guy that wanted to bomb the shit out of the muddled east ? Trump fired him as advisor because his only advice was drop bombs .