A win for the LGTBQ community


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
I'm sure he meant that his Gasoline engine felt it was built wrong in the factory and it self identified as a Diesel and is now transitioning, but does not want to remove it's spark plugs because that is irrelevant.
Yeah this ^^^ you're wrong too.

Loads of opinions, no one with actual medical facts about transition.

Just opinion and crap y'all want to be right.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
So how do you square the fact that XX=female and XY=male without putting opinion in front of facts?
Well I was born with XY, and have never had an urge to have X dominate my Y, although my wife sometimes wishes I would get in touch with my X over my Y on many occasions.

XXXY syndrome - Wikipedia

Signs and symptoms
XXXY syndrome is a genetic condition characterized by a sex chromosome aneuploidy, where males have two extra X chromosomes. Males typically have only two sex chromosomes, an X and a Y. The presence of one Y chromosome with a functioning SRY gene causes the expression of genes that determine maleness. Because of this, XXXY syndrome only affects males. The additional two X chromosomes in males with XXXY syndrome causes them to have 48 chromosomes, instead of the typ…
See more on en.wikipedia.org · Text under CC-BY-SA license
Other names: 48,XXXY syndrome
What are XXY chromosomes?
So if it isn't Genetics that bore you Male or Female it obviously has to be a personal opinion that one rejects gender at birth
You answered your own question.
I didn't edit anything.
I said there was more than XX and XY.
You answered your own question pretty much by what you said.
Doesn't matter if it's rare.
Generally, no one knows their chromosomal status unless specifically looked into.
I'm female, but I could be any combination of chromosomes or partials.
And it doesn't matter because it's NYOB.

No editing, H'mm interesting I'm kinda seeing the lying angle that Girth and Gerry are claiming.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Also there are 15 year old girls smarter than you.
On this point I'm in complete agreement with you as far as it goes for myself anyway. We've got some friends with two teenage girls who don't drink or smoke or do any of the dumb things that my generation did (and many still do) and these kids are light years beyond us all in intelligence. I might be looking at too small of a sample size for comparison but these two kids are amazingly bright!!!


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
Well, these 2 have managed to make a win, a loss. Great job. With you 2 as lgbtq allies, they dont need anymore enemies.
And there it is.

The real reasons behind all the lying and outrage and ignorance here.

Us 2 aren't PROPERLY thankful and grateful and not allowing our "allies" to do as they say and please after ALL their hard work and suffering.

LOL wow that explains a lot of your other firetrucking comments in other posts too.