A win for the LGTBQ community


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Canafa and us only.

Okay thank you.

So you asked "Do you acknowledge that in north america today, all that's required to be recognized as trans is to self identify and start living as your identified sex. It is NOT required by law to have a doctor sign off, nor have a treatment plan in place to start transition."

I'd first like to point out that despite how you mean the question to be, my initial answer would be no, simply because there are Trans people who - with or without doctors and other documents - who are told they're not, that they fake it, etc, and aren't accepted as Trans.

Also, not all Trans people choose to transition so an already small community narrows when that comes into play. Usually the decision to transition, as I understand it, depends on the severity of a person's dysphoria, IIRC.

That aside, in a way you are right - you don't need anything to say you're Trans, just like I don't need anything to say I'm Bi. That is just who I am, and just who they are.

That said, in order to be ACCEPTED as Trans by the Government, you DO, depending on where you live, need documentation to do things like change your gender on your birth certificates, your passports, etc. And if you ARE going through transition, you DO need to have certain criteria met before it's even a thing.

And as it varies from province to province, state to state; do you want me to put up every rule for every place?



Might not have exactly what you want but if you want it expanded on, say so.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
You are dodging the question.

Enlighten us, in regards to Conservative views.



There ya go, all the types of Cons in Canada, historically and up to today.

Conservative views vary depending where you are on the right of the spectrum.

Usually Conservatives have a pro-life view.

They are anti-GLBT rights.

No taxes/lower taxes

Big business

Small Government

Cuts to social programs

Extreme sides of it are Christianity only


Anti-Canadian (odd, I know)


... anything else?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Okay thank you.
So you asked "Do you acknowledge that in north america today, all that's required to be recognized as trans is to self identify and start living as your identified sex. It is NOT required by law to have a doctor sign off, nor have a treatment plan in place to start transition."
I'd first like to point out that despite how you mean the question to be, my initial answer would be no, simply because there are Trans people who - with or without doctors and other documents - who are told they're not, that they fake it, etc, and aren't accepted as Trans.
Also, not all Trans people choose to transition so an already small community narrows when that comes into play. Usually the decision to transition, as I understand it, depends on the severity of a person's dysphoria, IIRC.
That aside, in a way you are right - you don't need anything to say you're Trans, just like I don't need anything to say I'm Bi. That is just who I am, and just who they are.
That said, in order to be ACCEPTED as Trans by the Government, you DO, depending on where you live, need documentation to do things like change your gender on your birth certificates, your passports, etc. And if you ARE going through transition, you DO need to have certain criteria met before it's even a thing.
And as it varies from province to province, state to state; do you want me to put up every rule for every place?
Might not have exactly what you want but if you want it expanded on, say so.

Wow, it was and is a simple question and in all of the crap you just posted you admited the statement I made is correct.

Let's bring it closer to home and just talk Canada.

If a person identifies as the opposite sex from what they were born, dresses as the sex that they identify as, and appears to live their lives as that sex, they have the right to be respected for that choice and not harassed for using the washrooms for the sex that they identify as.

Again, this a straight forward statement that does not need a big convoluted answer. Where we are right now is in kindergarten, dont try to make is 2nd year university.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Wow, it was and is a simple question and in all of the crap you just posted you admited the statement I made is correct.

Let's bring it closer to home and just talk Canada.

If a person identifies as the opposite sex from what they were born, dresses as the sex that they identify as, and appears to live their lives as that sex, they have the right to be respected for that choice and not harassed for using the washrooms for the sex that they identify as.

Again, this a straight forward statement that does not need a big convoluted answer. Where we are right now is in kindergarten, dont try to make is 2nd year university.

Simple answer to this now simple question:


As for the post before, did you read what I wrote or just skim it?

I answered it.

I also expanded on it, because what you asked is NOT a simple question despite what you think. What you asked implied a lot of things.

This time at least it was straight forward.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Simple answer to this now simple question:
As for the post before, did you read what I wrote or just skim it?
I answered it.
I also expanded on it, because what you asked is NOT a simple question despite what you think. What you asked implied a lot of things.
This time at least it was straight forward.

Like I said, kindergarten, not university.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Now, we have established that all one needs to do to be accepted as a transexual is identify and live as one and they person has the right to fully take advantage of that. Trans men can use male washrooms, trans women can use women's washrooms. Trans men can use male only facilities and trans women can use female only facilities. If they are refused, they have existing laws that they can use to enforce their rights.



Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Now, we have established that all one needs to do to be accepted as a transexual is identify and live as one and they person has the right to fully take advantage of that. Trans men can use male washrooms, trans women can use women's washrooms. Trans men can use male only facilities and trans women can use female only facilities. If they are refused, they have existing laws that they can use to enforce their rights.


Again, this isn't that simple as you think you're making it.

But I'll go with it.



Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Usually Conservatives have a pro-life view. (somewhat)

They are anti-GLBT rights. ( I support everyone's right to have equal rights and free of persecution due to sexuality)

No taxes/lower taxes (it really depends on how efficient the Government is spending taxes)

Big business (nope. I do not favor tax breaks for big business)

Small Government (yes. Too much Government intervention is a bad thing)

Cuts to social programs ( I am against cuts to social programs )

Extreme sides of it are Christianity only ( I believe in God )

Anti-Islam (nope)

Anti-Canadian (nope)

Anti-Immigration (immigrants create jobs, and help the economy as long as our social services can handle the influx of people)

Many of these things are not necessarily exclusively Conservative views. There are Muslims that are COnservative. There are Liberals who are anti-immigration. There are Liberals that are Evangelical Christians. There are Liberals who are against LGBT rights.

Nothing is black and white in this world, young Serryah.

Young... heh, I like that.

I know nothing is black and white; I surely aren't; I'm too gray for my own good sometimes.

I'm not Progressive as I keep being told I am either.

But with your ignorance about Trans Women, you come off sounding like a typically ignorant Conservative. *shrug*


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Considering you and your buddies allies on this board, it's more your loss than mine.

It is a loss.

Not exactly mine, but those who are Trans.

YOU were asking questions that you THOUGHT were simple, and they weren't.

If you had a point, you should have kept going to make it, then maybe I'd see where you were getting at.

But just cause you got called out for asking not that simple questions, you gave up.

That's your loss, not mine.


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
And male pattern balding miraculously reverses as you grow tits you lose 300 unique male genes related to muscle and bone not to mention the 3000 others which are triggered in utero.
Again you're being ignorant and ignoring the established sports medicine and science.


Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Trump on the Supreme Court ruling that protects gay and transgender workers from workplace discrimination: "They've ruled and we live with the decision. We live with the decision of the Supreme Court."
Poor Walt.

But god forbid if the decision went the other way - the riots would be everywhere. People keep saying that Trump is a despot who would go against the Constitution and the courts but he has failed miserably if that's true because he's abided by every court ruling against him. So much for being a dictator!!