A win for the LGTBQ community


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
This is the progressive mentality. You either agree with them are you are a liar/bigot/troll/etc.

Progressives cannot seem to engage in civil debate, or respectfully disagree. They are always right, and we are always wrong.
No this is Olympic classed sports medicine, bio-chemistry and endincrenology.


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
And if there is anything that will keep anyone from changing his opinion on a subject it's an argument from a codescending individual such as tigerbrite or serrya
You mean people simply tell the truth.

Facts aren't condescending.

I'm condescending because you're literally ignoring medical facts.

You're choosing this as much as every single anti-vaxxer.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
You do have that right.

Plus, it's not just agree with in principle, its agree with in every detail. Any disagreement or push back on the subject, in this case transgenderism, then you're a transphobe.

Guess I'm not progressive, as I've actually agreed with others and have taken push back on the subject. :)

If this were something that didn't affect people on a deadly level, having an opinion that 'doesn't matter in the end' would be fine. But this DOES effect people to that level, and that's WHY people won't take the disagreement and push back on the subject. For YOU it may not be life or death, but for others it is.

What this does is polarize the subject. Makes me wonder about the agenda of those that take that stance. Are they really lgbtq supporters, or is their entire agenda to keep things polarized thereby slowing down or reversing the positive changes made in society towards conciliation.

Personally I'm all for taking the victories when they come, but when you get people like Girth who think only Trans Women shouldn't exist (because they are super scary or something), thinking like that, again, leads to people dead.

If the issue is polarized, it's because death is an end people don't want.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
And if there is anything that will keep anyone from changing his opinion on a subject it's an argument from a codescending individual such as tigerbrite or serrya


Sure, no worse than anyone else here.

But I actually have admitted when others make valid points.

The same can't be said the other way around; in fact, there is so many mental gymnastics done that pretzels are jealous.

Very few have actually agreed to any point on this subject - truth or "opinion" - coming from the other side of things.

And that's not due to any condescending from me, but rather a tight-assed reluctance to admit that being Trans (specifically a Trans Woman) is actually okay.

And no, saying "I don't care blah blah BUT..." is not accepting of Trans Women.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So, let me ask: Aggressive HRT treatment is strong enough that a male transitioning to female can expect their physiology to alter to the point where their hips would allow for birthing a child?
And male pattern balding miraculously reverses as you grow tits you lose 300 unique male genes related to muscle and bone not to mention the 3000 others which are triggered in utero.
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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Guess I'm not progressive, as I've actually agreed with others and have taken push back on the subject. :)
If this were something that didn't affect people on a deadly level, having an opinion that 'doesn't matter in the end' would be fine. But this DOES effect people to that level, and that's WHY people won't take the disagreement and push back on the subject. For YOU it may not be life or death, but for others it is.
Personally I'm all for taking the victories when they come, but when you get people like Girth who think only Trans Women shouldn't exist (because they are super scary or something), thinking like that, again, leads to people dead.
If the issue is polarized, it's because death is an end people don't want.

Let's do this one step at a time.

Do you acknowledge that in north america today, all that's required to be recognized as trans is to self identify and start living as your identified sex. It is NOT required by law to have a doctor sign off, nor have a treatment plan in place to start transition.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Stop Lying

Lying about... what exactly? Saying that you have issue with Trans Women only? That's not a lie.

You have solely focused on Trans Women because you said that there's no "issues" with Trans Men.

I called you out on your admitting that your issue is that Trans Women have dicks. You did not once refute that. You did say later you didn't care about male sex organs, because you had one, and yet you are also the one who stated that until a Trans Woman goes for GRS, they are still men.

Ergo, the moment a Trans Woman loses her dick, she's a woman in your view, but seconds before the alteration of her penis, she was a man.

Or was the "lie" that I said you think only Trans Women shouldn't exist? Considering the above... don't see where that was a lie either.

Maybe it was one of those "inconvenient opinions"

Serryah likes to label people "Conservative" or "bigots" who dare not to back her narrative.

No and no but thank you for trying to look like you know me. It's entertaining to say the least. FYI I don't label people bigots usually. I might - might - have done so once in all my time posting here and that wasn't anything recent.

But just for future reference - you're not Conservative? Cause you sure do act/sound/write like a Conservative.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Let's do this one step at a time.

Do you acknowledge that in north america today, all that's required to be recognized as trans is to self identify and start living as your identified sex. It is NOT required by law to have a doctor sign off, nor have a treatment plan in place to start transition.

All of North America, or just Canada?

Cause... Canada, the US and Mexico make up NA and all have different ideas about Trans people and their status as a Trans person.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Wow, dodge and weave.

No, asking clarification.

If you want me to look up the information for all three countries, just say so. If just Canada and/or the US matters, say so.

Didn't know asking for clarification was a horrible thing.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
No, asking clarification.
If you want me to look up the information for all three countries, just say so. If just Canada and/or the US matters, say so.
Didn't know asking for clarification was a horrible thing.

Canafa and us only.