A win for the LGTBQ community


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons

couple of videos from history people that should maybe be watched by the uninformed here.
Yeah, speaking of history, there's no shortage of people who have been treated like shit and oppressed for millenia. They're called 'women'. I think it's pathetic that after all the work they did, some fake wannabes glommed onto the women's movement thereby negating everything women have worked for up to this point.

You don't think it has? Look at sports. Sadly women's sports don't get taken as seriously as men's sports by the general public at large, with some exceptions. Yet now they now have to contend for spots on teams with people who are NOT biological females. Which means that for every she-male who makes a women's team, there's a biological female who got aced out of the spot. Yep, thank goodness women worked so hard for so long just so some dude who thinks he's a female can replace them.

Why not sports for the gender fluid? We could have men's sports, women's sports and "whatever the hell you wanna call yourself" sports.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Yeah, speaking of history, there's no shortage of people who have been treated like shit and oppressed for millenia. They're called 'women'.

Didn't watch the videos, did you :D

And indigenous people and non white people, and gays, lesbians, trans peoples, blacks, etc and so on.

Your point?

I think it's pathetic that after all the work they did, some fake wannabes glommed onto the women's movement thereby negating everything women have worked for up to this point.

Oh, that's your point.

Well first off, trans women aren't negating what women have done. Second, trans women aren't fake (but maybe you're a fake human?). Third - and you're not gonna like this - trans women rights are women's rights too.

You don't think it has? Look at sports.

Hoboy, here we go.

Already been gone over again and again so really just stop.

Sadly women's sports don't get taken as seriously as men's sports by the general public at large, with some exceptions. Yet now they now have to contend for spots on teams with people who are NOT biological females.

Well if you wanna get technical, we're ALL biologically female until that little genetic switch comes on to have some grow male organs... but sometimes that doesn't mean that the person is male, just means they will grow to have a dick and balls.

Which means that for every she-male who makes a women's team, there's a biological female who got aced out of the spot.

If she was worth being on the team, she would be.

Yep, thank goodness women worked so hard for so long just so some dude who thinks he's a female can replace them.

It's not a matter of 'men thinking they're women'.

Seriously, stop dick obsessing.

What about Trans Men? Why don't any of you anti-Trans fury types bring up Trans men?

Why not sports for the gender fluid? We could have men's sports, women's sports and "whatever the hell you wanna call yourself" sports.[/QUOTE]

I agree! All sports should be gender fluid! If you can play, you can play, if you have skill, you have skill and gender should not matter!

But then there's asses like you who think segregation of the genders is a good idea, so...


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
Yeah, speaking of history, there's no shortage of people who have been treated like shit and oppressed for millenia. They're called 'women'. I think it's pathetic that after all the work they did, some fake wannabes glommed onto the women's movement thereby negating everything women have worked for up to this point.

You don't think it has? Look at sports. Sadly women's sports don't get taken as seriously as men's sports by the general public at large, with some exceptions. Yet now they now have to contend for spots on teams with people who are NOT biological females. Which means that for every she-male who makes a women's team, there's a biological female who got aced out of the spot. Yep, thank goodness women worked so hard for so long just so some dude who thinks he's a female can replace them.

Why not sports for the gender fluid? We could have men's sports, women's sports and "whatever the hell you wanna call yourself" sports.
And that is literal in the real world bullshit. All trans participation is regulated with guidelines set forth by the International Olympic Commission. They put for the medical reasoning, tests, science, bio-chem all making this settled back in 2004.

And honestly did you just listen to your post?

It's bullcrap, it's armchair professional sports medicine and law at the best, it's Joe Rogan sports medicine.

It's why transphobes target it.

It's so easy for a-holes to thing it's that simple and their instantly right when they're literally not.


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
Yeah, speaking of history, there's no shortage of people who have been treated like shit and oppressed for millenia. They're called 'women'. I think it's pathetic that after all the work they did, some fake wannabes glommed onto the women's movement thereby negating everything women have worked for up to this point.

You don't think it has? Look at sports. Sadly women's sports don't get taken as seriously as men's sports by the general public at large, with some exceptions. Yet now they now have to contend for spots on teams with people who are NOT biological females. Which means that for every she-male who makes a women's team, there's a biological female who got aced out of the spot. Yep, thank goodness women worked so hard for so long just so some dude who thinks he's a female can replace them.

Why not sports for the gender fluid? We could have men's sports, women's sports and "whatever the hell you wanna call yourself" sports.
Transphobic sports bullcrap goes to a few places.

1. Incorrect standards and diagnosis of trans women as per ignorance to the set standards.

2. Stats... we'll hear all about these terrible wins, oddly transphobes never bring up the trans women's actual record...now before we get guffaws and well he sucks stuff bear in mind she's playing by set standards.

3. Shock stories and pictures, the most dedicated transphobes like TERFs built whole whatabboutism files and picture collection of trans women athletes at their worst, or most jarring pics all for shock but when you look at them what do you get? 30-40 cases half are never winners or medalling and half are retired.

4. We get Fallon Foxed... Transphobes adore that Tamika Brents was beaten and bloodied my Fallon Fox because "he's a brutal man" When in the actual in real life facts Brents by pre-fight stats was taller, heavier, had reach on her and could outbench Fallon who was long since post op. What actually happened? Brents literally ran her mouth in MMA vs a seasoned ex-naval fighter....that's it.

5. Medical fallacies... Transphobes will insist every time there's mechanical advantage but actual sports and transition based medicine shows that trans women lose muscle mass, strength and tissue as well as bone density after the required times on HRC to put them at or below some of the standards on non-trans women.

And then there's the TERF faves of Heart and Lung size that the IOC tossed out as any differences mimiced regional differences in people like runners from Kenya ect.

My fave is their excuse on socialization that women aren't as competative as men thus trans women have an advantage.

All this, all of this and even more ignorant we face all the time.

And it's effing funny because people act like it's a pandemic of trans women in sports. What it really is? Hmmm let's see by trans population surveys trans folks for the entire umbrella are 0.5% That's anyone who volunteered the surveys.

Trans women are about 0.2% Just under half.

So 1 in 500 people.
Then minus out those that aren't transitioned yet.
Those that are stealth.
Then those that aren't interested or can't play these sports.

You have a nano-pool of folks ALL of which still have to make the set standards.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I think it's pathetic that after all the work they did, some fake wannabes glommed onto the women's movement thereby negating everything women have worked for up to this point.
I think you mean giving the kind of people who argue "black people commit most of the murders" what they think is an insurmountable defense for discrimination against women.

Meaningless. If it wasn't this, they'd come up with some other lackwit excuse, like "women don't have the same upper-body strength as men, therefore it's perfectly reasonable to discriminate against them in jobs that don't require upper-body strength."


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
I think you mean giving the kind of people who argue "black people commit most of the murders" what they think is an insurmountable defense for discrimination against women.

Meaningless. If it wasn't this, they'd come up with some other lackwit excuse, like "women don't have the same upper-body strength as men, therefore it's perfectly reasonable to discriminate against them in jobs that don't require upper-body strength."
Oh. oh same crew.

Transphobes/TERFs literally have written for Breitbart who actually has a black crimes section.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Aaaw..... see and look at were you had to go instead of actual arguments or discourse.
And I mean HAD TO.
It's obvious you're actually not capable of more, better...ethic?
This is so stunned it's like debating Faith Goldie without my spray bottle.
So even Faith Goldie is too smart for you.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Oh. oh same crew.
Transphobes/TERFs literally have written for Breitbart who actually has a black crimes section.

Heh-heh. When I was in the Air Force, I would answer people who gave the "men on average have more upper-body strength" argument for excluding women from combat roles with "it's been demonstrated by research that women on average have better fine-muscle control and tolerance for gee stresses, so I agree. Only men should be allowed to be infantry soldiers. . . and only women should be allowed to be fighter pilots."

I take it you can imagine how THAT went down in an Air Force NCO club. It was fun as hell watching 'em flop around, desperately trying to find a hole in the logic.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What double standards? All it takes is a declaration from an Association, Commitee or Council and all your human genes are shut off. Male or female pork genes too.


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
Heh-heh. When I was in the Air Force, I would answer people who gave the "men on average have more upper-body strength" argument for excluding women from combat roles with "it's been demonstrated by research that women on average have better fine-muscle control and tolerance for gee stresses, so I agree. Only men should be allowed to be infantry soldiers. . . and only women should be allowed to be fighter pilots."

I take it you can imagine how THAT went down in an Air Force NCO club. It was fun as hell watching 'em flop around, desperately trying to find a hole in the logic.
Some folks here think I'm trolling but this stuff's real and even the jokes add on to the pile from a movement that pretty much wants trans folks gone.

And made considerable efforts to do so since the 60's.

And yet they expect me to take it, to put up with it.


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
What double standards? All it takes is a declaration from an Association, Commitee or Council and all your human genes are shut off. Male or female pork genes too.
You know full well my point and literally don't care.

You're going to keep being a transphobe and punishing people for not taking your crap.