CDN-Economy & Related Factors


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Government faces opposition grilling over COVID-19 response, Commons reconvenes

OTTAWA — The Trudeau government is expected to face a grilling today from opposition parties over its handling of the COVID-19 crisis.
A small number of MPs are to convene for a once-a-week, in-person sitting of the House of Commons and they are expected to zero in on the perceived deficiencies of the billions of dollars in emergency aid programs the federal government has implemented to cushion the economic impact of the pandemic.

Among the criticisms, the outraged reaction of Canadian farmers to the $252 million in support announced Tuesday for the agri-food sector — far less than the $2.6 billion deemed necessary by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture.
Trudeau will not be in the Commons to deflect the criticism — he is to be at a base in Trenton, Ont., for a repatriation ceremony for the six members of the Forces who died in last week's helicopter crash off the coast of Greece.

Nor will he be giving his usual morning briefing on the COVID-19 crisis.
The absence of the prime minister and lack of any new announcements will shift the focus from what the government is doing to combat the pandemic to what opposition parties contend it is doing wrong.
A virtual sitting of MPs on Tuesday featured plenty of criticism about the agriculture support program falling short of what's needed — from all parties.
Both Trudeau and Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau argued that farmers already have a number of existing income stabilization programs to fall back on. Still, Trudeau called the $252 million just an initial investment, indicating that more support is coming.
Farmers have been hit by reduced demand for some of their crops as a result of restaurants being closed since mid-March to curb the spread of the disease. And they've had difficulty getting the usual number of needed temporary foreign workers into the country to work on farms.
Beef, pork and poultry producers have been faced with the prospect of having to cull their animals due to reduced capacity at meat processing plants, which have been particularly vulnerable to outbreaks of COVID-19.
In addition to criticism of the support provided so far for farmers, each opposition party has favoured themes they are likely to continue raising.
The Conservatives have lately focused on the $2,000-per-month Canada Emergency Response Benefit for those thrown out of work by the pandemic, arguing that it provides a disincentive to work.
New Democrats have been pointing out the gaps in the CERB and pushing for a universal benefit available to everyone hurt by the pandemic.
The NDP and the Bloc Quebecois have been demanding assurances — yet to be given — that companies that use tax havens to avoid paying their fair share of taxes will not benefit from any of the federal emergency aid programs.
And all opposition parties, particularly the Bloc, have been urging the government to provide financial support for seniors — something that is expected to be announced later this week.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Judging by TrudOWE 's actions only a fool would favour gun control in Canada.

STUPID LIE-berals THINK they are setting a trap for Conservatives!

LIE-berals THINK we are too dumb to ask how it makes us safer to spend a pile of money openly harassing honest Cdns



with gang bangers and drug dealers selling Fentanyl - and focus ONLY on legal gun owners!

Nor do LIE-berals want us discussing how often people who get shot by cops have been in and back out of INEFFECTUAL

BUT HUGELY COSTLY LIE-beral mental health programs!

LIE-berals want us talking about RARE tragedies like the Nova Scotia shootings and NOT to talk about how such a crazy person

completely slipped through the LIE-beral mental health and legal cracks!

WE ARE NOT TO ASK how a LOON got hold of a bunch of smuggled guns and ammunition of the sort that Cdn natives routinely

haul across our borders with NO LEGAL IMPEDIMENT - because LIE-berals NEED Native votes!

And most important of all - LIE-berals DO NOT want to discuss how many guns are in the hands of prairie farmers who have been


LIE-berals DO NOT CARE about criminal control!

LIE-berals ARE MIGHTY UPSET that so many Cdns have been forced to SHOOT PROWLERS and thus EXPOSE

the legal failures of LIE-beral hug a thug judges!

And our news media whores DO NOT want to discuss ANY of this LIE-beral CRAP!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Liberal government 'not thinking about raising taxes' right now, says Morneau

Somebody will have to pay for our Trillion dollar debt he says, I would look at a big rise in GST just before the next election if it doesn't look good for the Libs. If it looks good for re-election then early in the new mandate, GST was mentioned by him in the article.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Raise the GST and have it absorbed in the sticker price like they do in the UK.

....and dont buy F35's


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Canada’s road to UN Security Council seat goes through Fiji

Coronavirus: Saskatchewan retail stores prepare to reopen in second phase

The second phase of the reopen Saskatchewan plan, also known as reopen retail, will see many stores able to open their doors to customers once again.
During the preparation stage of the reopen, some locations are feeling hesitant with the start date.

“We have folks that can open up May 19 that are planning on opening up full force; we have others that are saying, 'Hey, we are going to take another two weeks to kind of see what the lay of the land is,'” said Judith Veresuk, Regina Downtown Business Improvement District executive director.
Lesa Gibbons, Warehouse Business Improvement District executive director, said shops have been sharing ideas, and looking to stores that were allowed to open in the first phase for guidance.
"We have a lot who are reaching out and having those conversations — you know, 'Are you having someone at your front door to monitor how many people are in the store? Are you having someone make sure people are using hand sanitizer at different points throughout your location?'" she said.

READ MORE: Regina hair salons, barbershops prepare for reopen amid PPE, training concerns

A big concern is not just what shopping will look like, but the access to personal protective equipment, and the price tag for those items.
"Its been a challenge and we are hoping to bridge some of that just by providing some welcome-back kits to have some of the essentials to help ease that stress as they look to reopen," Gibbons said.
It's a similar concern for malls like Regina's Northgate Mall. Discussions of whether the mall, or each individual store will supply PPE are currently taking place.
With so many stores located in one space, Mitchell Cohen, Westdale Construction Co. Limited COO, which owns Northgate Mall, said at a time like this we cant be looking at the dollars and cents.

READ MORE: Coronavirus: Farmers’ markets, thrift shops now included in Saskatchewan’s reopen plan

"We have to take care of each other, have to take care of our tenants, have to take care of our employees. So we are putting a lot of steps into place," Cohen said.
Those steps include, shorter hours of operation, curb side pick up, and food courts being limited to pick up and take out only.
Questions about COVID-19? Here are some things you need to know:
Symptoms can include fever, cough and difficulty breathing — very similar to a cold or flu. Some people can develop a more severe illness. People most at risk of this include older adults and people with severe chronic medical conditions like heart, lung or kidney disease. If you develop symptoms, contact public health authorities.
To prevent the virus from spreading, experts recommend frequent handwashing and coughing into your sleeve. They also recommend minimizing contact with others, staying home as much as possible and maintaining a distance of two metres from other people if you go out.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Here comes another bailout for Air Canada

Air Canada to lay off 20,000 workers as pandemic collapses travel industry

Air Canada plans to cut its workforce by at least half as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc on the airline industry, according to an internal memo obtained by CBC News.
Effective June 7, "approximately 50 to 60 per cent" of the company's 38,000 employees will be laid off, the company said in the memo sent to all staff on Friday. "We estimate about 20,000 people will be affected."
Air Canada said the move comes after a "fundamental review of what we must do to successfully emerge from this crisis and begin rebuilding our airline."

The airline said it is currently flying at about five per cent of the capacity it flew last year and hopes to ramp up to 25 per cent later in the year if government-imposed travel restrictions are eased. Landry said in the memo that the airline was burning $22 million a day.............More

I'm really starting to realize why most Corp. Headquarters relocated from Winnipeg to Montreal, best way to stay in business


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
It will be interesting to see how everyone reacts to the Big Liberal Government saving the day by paying the freight for everyone.

I'm sure there will be endless bleating in parliament.

What choice was there or is there?

Either you spend the money or you face the consequences.

Many businesses go broke and many people go broke and die.

Priorites are a biatch.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
It will be interesting to see how everyone reacts to the Big Liberal Government saving the day by paying the freight for everyone.

I'm sure there will be endless bleating in parliament.

What choice was there or is there?

Either you spend the money or you face the consequences.

Many businesses go broke and many people go broke and die.

Priorites are a biatch.
What we're seeing currently is more or less unavoidable. Going into this pandemic with a $50,000,000,000.00+ deficit over the previous four years was completely avoidable and should be a huge factor in how Justin Trudeau is remembered beyond his hair and socks and divisiveness by future peoplekind.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
What we're seeing currently is more or less unavoidable. Going into this pandemic with a $50,000,000,000.00+ deficit over the previous four years was completely avoidable and should be a huge factor in how Justin Trudeau is remembered beyond his hair and socks and divisiveness by future peoplekind.
WHo cares how Trudeau is remembered?

How does that matter right now?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
WHo cares how Trudeau is remembered?

How does that matter right now?

POOR hemerHOID!!!!!!

His LIE-beral idols are being Scorned!

We NEED to remember Trudope for what he is! He has been a political DISASTER!

Here is an article illustrating how desperate LIE-berals are to save their minority govt at ANY PRICE! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Business and health leaders accuse Trudeau of 'shifting the goalposts' for reopening economy

By Jesse Snyder, National Post. Published May 16, 2020

OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been “shifting the goalposts” in justifying the lockdowns over COVID-19, while portraying as “selfish” any hopes to reopen an increasingly damaged economy, a coalition of health experts and business executives say.

(LIE-beral values are being FULLY SATISFIED in various by this Wuhan disaster! Firstly - our use of fossil fuel has collapsed and this fits neatly with the previously stated LIE-beral aim of killing the entire Cdn oil patch and forcing us to HALT any use of fossil fuel under any circumstances in Canada!)

(Secondly - the collapse of our economy means air pollution levels ARE WAY DOWN - thus if this situation continues indefinitely - the alleged Climate Emergency will be ALLEVIATED - perhaps permanently - to the delight of LIE-berals and their radical environmentalist supporters!)

(Thirdly - with the loss of so many jobs - there is no longer any crowding on our roads or on our public transit! Thus NO NEED for LIE-berals to scrounge up the gravy necessary to build that costly transit! LIE-berals are DELIGHTED to use their gravy for shameless vote buying so they can cling to power at any price!)

(Next - there is the collapse of tourism with LIE-berals pleased that Cdn snowbirds are no longer taking gobs of gravy south to other nations in winter thus the Cdn balance of trade is aided!)

(Next - with much lower traffic levels - LIE-berals are saving gravy on road maintenance and repairs!)

(In other news - LIE-berals are DELIGHTED that Parliament has essentially been shut down and will very likely stay dormant for many months to come! Sone Cdns will recall that LIE-berals HID a nasty little dictators TRICK in their first major aid package - a trick that would have allowed LIE-berals to SHUT DOWN Parliament and democracy in Canada until December 2021! Yes LIE-berals sought the POWER to TAX, SPEND AND SET POLICY AS THEY SAW FIT - WITHOUT ANY OVERSIGHT by opposition parties - for nearly two years!)

(Fortunately for Cdns - Conservatives exposed that THIRD WORLD Dictator crap and Our idiot Boy was forced to back down! Since then he has been doing his ut-most to make it look as if he was taking control of efforts to control the Pandemic while merely throwing out masses of aid cash to anybody who asks! Just so long as those asking ARE NOT employed in the Alberta oil industry that LIE-berals SO DESPISE! Nor are LIE-berals being generous to small biz -most of whom are non union and thus beneath LIE-beral notice!)

(IN related news - house contsruction is nearly dormant and that also pleases LIE-berals as it means an END to arguments about paving over green space! Our crippled economy will AID LIE-beral long term city planning policy that works to jam us ever more tightly into little concrete boxes in concrete city canyons!)

(Best of all - from the LIE-beral view point - poor people who are utterly dependent on govt aid will sell their votes more CHEAPLY! A thoroughly cowed and hungry population is an OBEDIENT public!)

The Macdonald-Laurier Institute released the letter, dated May 14 and co-signed by several business and health leaders, which said “the Liberal government has presented social distancing measures as a stark choice — either selflessly shut down the economy to save lives or selfishly worry about the economy and condemn thousands to a vicious illness.”

But that approach oversimplifies the decision facing governments, and “is being pursued at an almost incalculably large cost to the well-being of Canadians,” according to the letter, which was co-signed by 24 health professionals and business executives.

(Anybody who doubts the desperate NEED for govt aid should immediately read the Pierre Berton book titled “The Great Depression”! It is NOT a happy read -rather it is a long list of sad and desperate acts and accounts of personal suffering and deprivation! Aid in such times as this IS NEEDED - too bad the LIE-beral DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS! HOW MUCH AID is enough?)

(As already mentioned - LIE-berals are seeking to cling to power at ANY PRICE and thus they are in NO HURRY to end the aid give aways or see the economy re- opened! A return to normalcy means a return to SHARP QUESTIONS directed at LIE-berals who do NOT have honest answers!)

(How can we pay off our old debts, much less pay all our new ones UNLESS we sell lots of our most valuable commodity - OIL! LIE-berals shun such a question!)

(What of native rights in future? LIE-berals have recently exposed the long term POISON they have injected into the life of natives by persuading a cabal of cynical opportunists that they represent “Sovereign Nations entitled to treat with Ottawa as equals! The result has been increasing lawlessness in native communities as radicals set their own laws and refuse to recognize laws written by white “OUTSIDERS”!)

(The result of this native “freedom” has been an epidemic of smuggling of everything from guns to cigarettes to liquour and illegal aliens! Things are so bad along our borders that Quebec Provincial Police MUST ASK PERMISSION OF MOHAWKS before entering the “sovereign” reserve! Mohawks have set up a Crime Kingdom that routinely IGNORES Cdn laws when convenient to natives!)

(The “deal” between Wet`suwet`en hereditary chiefs who are UN-ELECTED and NOT representative of the mood of the native majority is unravelling as elected leaders who DO REPRESENT the native majority are opposed to the shameless power grab that hereditary chiefs and LIE-berals are trying to FORCE onto BOTH the native majority AND onto the general Cdn majority!)

The letter comes amid some debate around the severity and length of economic shutdowns across Canada, which have shuttered the majority of businesses, put millions of people out of work, and obliterated corporate and government balance sheets. While some form of lockdown is widely believed to be a necessary measure in response to COVID-19, some people are questioning whether more limited shutdowns could have been equally as effective in keeping the health-care system from being overwhelmed.

“It’s becoming clearer and clearer that the fear we experienced at the beginning, when we knew so little about the virus, is exaggerated,” said Brian Lee Crowley, managing director of MLI. “We can rein that back now.”

(Crowley is behind the times with that remark- there is new information that Wuhan Virus attacks the body in unique ways! It had been thought that children were relatively immune to the Virus but now we are getting reports of kids suffering from various difficulties that look like allergic reactions to the Virus and these inflammations and allergies ARE SERIOUS!)

(Sadly a number of people have been HOSTILE to social distancing and these Covidiots have demonstrated their disdain for the new rules and their stupidity in various ways that have facilitated the Virus spread! The strong reaction by leaders such as Doug Ford have jolted the public into a new sense of caution and care! And the spectacle of infected old folks at Long Term Care facilities waving out windows at family forbidden to enter even to say good bye to the dying has helped sober up the skeptics!)

Provincial governments are responsible for lifting economic restrictions, which were enforced under provincial emergency orders. But in an interview, Crowley said the tone in Ottawa has been conflicting with its provincial counterparts, which threatens to slow any efforts to return the economy to full capacity.

(The truth is that LIE-beral Ottawa has NO BUSINESS telling the provincial health units how to act! Nor does Our idiot Boy EVEN WANT to make any strong statement on anything - for fear he will be held to account later! Thus Our idiot Boy spews his virtue signalling platitudes in vague hope that some voters will be foolish enough to think he is CONTRIBUTING in some useful way - other than by throwing uncounted gobs of gravy out the door!)

“What’s happening now is they’re convincing people to continue being afraid, when what we need is a message of reassurance and confidence from government,” he said. “They’re contributing to an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty that is completely unhelpful as we try to move toward a more measured response to the virus.”

(What “reassurance” would the Covidiots desire? Certainly we will get through this mess eventually - but as SARS taught us - to be complacent is to become dangerously careless - and the second wave of Wuhan Pestilence is apparently coming into full pubic view! Thus nothing should be said that will encourage Coviditiots to abandon social distancing!)

(The sad truth is that Our idiot Boy has nothing useful to say - and PROVES IT with every meaningless “update” that our LIE-beral loving media whores promote for us!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
WHo cares how Trudeau is remembered?
How does that matter right now?
All the people that have to pay for his idiocy.And their yet to be born offspring that will still be paying for his 3-month spending spree.
trudOWE is now in direct competition with his father for worst PM ever. Either way they #1 and #2 sewn up.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You think maybe it isn't?

THERE IS A REASON why Our idiot Boy has been so WILLING to swallow and then promote the Beijing Butcher propaganda

regarding where the Wuhan Pandemic CAME FROM!

Our idiot Boy is prepared to BANKRUPT Canada in an effort to bolster his public image!

His minority govt is going to have to face A DAY OF RECKONING in spring 2021 when he MUST SUBMIT HIS first minority

govt budget! And he DOES NOT want to look like a LAME DUCK candidate to the U.N. Committee!

LIE-berals are engaged in digging us into the most remarkable debt hole in the history of the human race! Unfortunately it IS MOSTLY NECESSARY to save us from the Wuhan Virus! However we MUST ASK if there should not be limits put on that COSTLY LIE-beral generosity!

Prior to the Wuhan Pestilence we were already carrying debt loads so severe that it will take CENTURIES and the efforts of multiple generations to pay off! Now thanks to Wuhan Virus, we are way beyond any reasonable definition of bankruptcy!

Those who think the govt action in shovelling out all that cash is wrong - should read the Pierre Berton book called “The Great Depression” about the Dirty Thirties that led to economic conditions so harsh that they prompted dictators to start WW2!

Berton`s book is NOT enjoyable reading as it is a collection of reminiscences of hardship and deprivation and soul searing difficulties that were forced on the Cdn population by careless bankers and penny pinching politicians! But Berton DOES graphically illustrate how ugly our lives would become if govt aid had been with- held during this Wuhan Pestilence!

The long term consequences of govt aid are NOT as bad as the Wuhan Pestilence running wild - JUST SO LONG as politicians use care in not letting aid go on TOO LONG! Sadly -LIE-berals are using the aid give away to create what amounts to a “guaranteed income” for all!

We should understand that LIE-berals want DESPERATELY to back away form their early statements that demanding forced quarantines of travellers was RACISM! LIE-berals DO NOT want us to recall their previous support for the Beijing Butchers and the outright LIES they told to World Health Organization as the Pandemic was ramping up! LIE-berals KNOW that public opinion is turning against the Chinese “basic democracy” so belobed of LIE-berals!

LIE-berals assume that handing out insanely great gobs of gravy will make us feel that all is well and that maybe we will stop asking the hard questions of LIE-berals! But bankers are getting very uncomfortable with the fantastic debt that govt is running up! The BIG QUESTION for both bankers and Cdn public is this: “WILL Our always wasteful LIE-berals have the stomach to rein in the massive aid projects they have created, once the Pandemic has ended”?

The ugly answer seems to be NO! LIE-berals believe implicitly that ANY PROBLEM can be cured by throwing govt gravy at it! Further - LIE-berals have a LONG AND UNHEALTHY relationship with our civil service union HOGS!

Even as our Pestilence riddled economy sputtered into frozen immobility - HOGS were still demanding major new gobs of gravy from govt! There is ample reason to believe that HOGS will SWIFTLY RESUME their demands for new entitlements at the earliest opportunity!

We KNOW that interruptions of the food supply chain are going to drive up food prices! We know that we are heading for major property tax hikes as cities wrestle with their debts that are created by people UNABLE to pay their full share of property taxes! We KNOW that all levels of govt are facing massive new interest payments on all that debt!

So WHAT HAPPENS when HOG union demand meets public INABILITY TO PAY? With LIE-berals stuck in the middle - knowing that if LIE-berals try to force us to pay - the formerly Silent Majority will rise in rage and vote them out - and knowing also that if HOGS do not get their gravy then LIE-berals wil LOSE ESSENTIAL voter support and be thrown out of office! LIE-berals are damned - amnd out office either way!

LIE-berals are very aware of their idiot cousins the NDPees and Greenies waiting in the wings and offering deluded HOGS promises that LIE-berals have already proven they cannot honour! But hope springs eternal in the HOG breast and as we saw in Ontari-owe in 2018 - HOG frustration with LIE-berals becomes a BOON to the idiot cousins - with NDPee Horvath enjoying an NDPee revival and becoming leader of the official opposition in Ontari-owe! And the brief success of Mulcair and his NDPees in Quebec a few years back is another example of HOG willingness to believe idiot promises in hope of grabbing gravy!

To counter the pressure from the idiot cousins - LIE-berals are pulling out all the aid stops! LIE-berals SHRUG OFF things like aid FRAUD - with LIE-berals actually SHUTTING DOWN their tax fraud squad while the Pandemic rages and incredible sums of cash are handed out to all comers!

If the LIE-berals end up surviving their non confidence vote after presenting their 2021 spring budget - which will be the first real test of the LIE-beral minority after the Pandemic ends - then we can expect them to be LACKADAISICAL about collecting cash from fraudsters! It costs cash to legally chase down cheats - and the same LIE-berals who cannot bother dealing with gang bangers killing each other and cannot be bothered paying the freight to keep hard core criminals in jail without bail till trial - will be equally LAZY about chasing tax cheats!

LIE-berals will simply write off the gravy obtained by cheats as being “uncollectable” in the same way they shrugged off the $2.8 billion dollars in loans to General Motors and to Chrysler - even as GM was packing up and LEAVING Canada!

On the other hand - if LIE-berals LOSE their non confidence vote in 2021 - then we should expect LIE-berals to be RABID in their condemnation of any failing by the new govt to collect every penny owing from fraudsters! This is the most typical form of LIE-beral hypocrisy - meaning “do as we say but NOT as we do”!

Further - LIE-berals are again touting their “guaranteed annual income” vote buying SCAM as a LONG TERM solution to our economic woes! Too bad we could not afford it when Wynne-bag Ontari-owe LIE-berals set up a trial project that delighted poverty pimps but enraged the general public - and we CANNOT AFFORD IT NOW either - but Our idiot Boy and his federal LIE-berals are growing DESPERATE and they are willing to throw fiscal caution to the winds in exchange for a chance to cling to power just a little longer!

ALL LIE-beral policy is FAILING! And the sooner Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals are shoved off the political stage - the better for us all!

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
What we're seeing currently is more or less unavoidable. Going into this pandemic with a $50,000,000,000.00+ deficit over the previous four years was completely avoidable and should be a huge factor in how Justin Trudeau is remembered beyond his hair and socks and divisiveness by future peoplekind.
WHo cares how Trudeau is remembered?

How does that matter right now?
I'm sure Justin cares about how he'll be remembered, and it governs some of his behavior when the "Private School Trust Fund Do As I Say & Not As I Do & The Rules Are For The Peasants And Not The Liberal Elite Like Me" Trudeau isn't being used as his default. When he's history, hopefully future generations with think of him before they elect someone like him again.