COVID-19 'Pandemic'


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Watching Doug Ford. No media abuse, no self congratulating, nobody praising him like they would in NK, no wacky theories, nothing outside what the experts are saying, nothing critical about his political opponents, no whining. Just straight up leadership.



Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

It's no different. The liver is an organ as is the brain. It's real.

That's a different imbalance.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

American troops gaurding the border may reduce the number of people sneaking from America into Canada.
We should be applauding and supporting this suggestion
More like keeping Canadians from emptying all the store shelves in boarder towns.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Recession fears are high amid layoffs and pay cuts from coronavirus fallout, Post-ABC poll finds

A majority of Americans say the outbreak has caused a family member to lose their job or face a reduction in pay or hours �� and even more fear that a recession that could be as bad or worse than the one caused by the financial collapse of 2008, the Washington Post-ABC News poll finds.
Americans strongly support legislative measures to send checks and help small businesses but are split over support for big corporations.

source: WAPO

Trump is getting more erratic as the economic situation continues into a crisis ........This is his baby........ he brags about it all the time. Watch for more unpredictable, irrational behavior from him as he gets more desperate.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

I would not put it past Trump to violate Canadian sovereignty, in order to temporarily draw attention off his disastrous handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in America.
Well he shut down flights from China , a smart move , of course we Canadians still allow flights from China . Where is our leadership? But hey that Trump .


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Watching Doug Ford. No media abuse, no self congratulating, nobody praising him like they would in NK, no wacky theories, nothing outside what the experts are saying, nothing critical about his political opponents, no whining. Just straight up leadership.

Which is a f*ck ton more than can be said of Prince Groper. He sent 16 tonnes of protective equipment to China that Canada is now suffering a serious shortage of, which is really f*cked considering most of that stuff is made if China. He didn't take it seriously, refused to close borders because it wasn't PC, told everyone that the virus was "low risk", and then when his wife tested positive the first thing the little f*ck does is try to make a power grab. The govt is even contemplating using cell phone data to make sure people are maintaining their "social distance".

So our lovely PM has gone from, "it's no biggie", to trying to go full dictator. Govt invasion of privacy and an attempt at making Parliament pointless. The voters didn't give him a majority govt this time so he's trying to use the "crisis" to give him the power of a majority govt without Parliamentary restraint.

Ford may take a lot of flak, a lot of which is just whiny leftist nonsense, but in this case he's shown that when shit gets real, he's far more reliable and far more of a leader than the idiot man-child in Ottawa.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Recession fears are high amid layoffs and pay cuts from coronavirus fallout, Post-ABC poll finds

A majority of Americans say the outbreak has caused a family member to lose their job or face a reduction in pay or hours �� and even more fear that a recession that could be as bad or worse than the one caused by the financial collapse of 2008, the Washington Post-ABC News poll finds.
Americans strongly support legislative measures to send checks and help small businesses but are split over support for big corporations.

source: WAPO

Trump is getting more erratic as the economic situation continues into a crisis ........This is his baby........ he brags about it all the time. Watch for more unpredictable, irrational behavior from him as he gets more desperate.
Well The Washington Post is sure a good source of confirmation bias for you . Any new smoking guns on the Russian collusion front ? How did impeachment work out for you ?
Remember Stormy Daniels and her system ?
You still believe them , unbelievable.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

This photo was taken by an ER nurse in Morristown, NJ and I just can’t.



Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Which is a f*ck ton more than can be said of Prince Groper. He sent 16 tonnes of protective equipment to China that Canada is now suffering a serious shortage of, which is really f*cked considering most of that stuff is made if China. He didn't take it seriously, refused to close borders because it wasn't PC, told everyone that the virus was "low risk", and then when his wife tested positive the first thing the little f*ck does is try to make a power grab. The govt is even contemplating using cell phone data to make sure people are maintaining their "social distance".
So our lovely PM has gone from, "it's no biggie", to trying to go full dictator. Govt invasion of privacy and an attempt at making Parliament pointless. The voters didn't give him a majority govt this time so he's trying to use the "crisis" to give him the power of a majority govt without Parliamentary restraint.
Ford may take a lot of flak, a lot of which is just whiny leftist nonsense, but in this case he's shown that when shit gets real, he's far more reliable and far more of a leader than the idiot man-child in Ottawa.

Hmmm, sounds familiar.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Well The Washington Post is sure a good source of confirmation bias for you . Any new smoking guns on the Russian collusion front ? How did impeachment work out for you ?
Remember Stormy Daniels and her system ?
You still believe them , unbelievable.
Russia helped Trump, Trump was impeached and Trump paid Daniels with campaign funds to keep quiet. All true.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Watching Doug Ford. No media abuse, no self congratulating, nobody praising him like they would in NK, no wacky theories, nothing outside what the experts are saying, nothing critical about his political opponents, no whining. Just straight up leadership.
I’ll also add, Ford doesn’t call the virus Chinese, Wuhan or Kung flu thus not stigmatizing an entire race.