
Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
If any hanky panky is found does that excuse Trump asking Zelensky to have a look into the same rumour?

That's a tough one, I have to say both yes and no. As I see it Trump didn't seek out an investigation on Burisma/Biden prior to Biden announcing his run for office. The timing is suspect as to what Trump's motives were. That and the fact that Trump did not withhold aid in the years prior to Biden announcing. That is the only reason I have doubts, but would it lend more credibility? I have to say yes. But I'm still stuck on the timing. The optics of that are bad.

I believe that the Ukraine has opened a new investigation into Burisma. It will be interesting to hear the outcome.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
It that all you have? Accusing me of posting under another name? How could anyone possibly prove or disprove that. You're really grasping at straws here. Because you cannot debate me you accuse me of being "someone else" that's about the weakest comeback I can think of. But for entertainment value, please do tell me who it is that you believe me to be.
You are funny .


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
That's a tough one, I have to say both yes and no. As I see it Trump didn't seek out an investigation on Burisma/Biden prior to Biden announcing his run for office. The timing is suspect as to what Trump's motives were. That and the fact that Trump did not withhold aid in the years prior to Biden announcing. That is the only reason I have doubts, but would it lend more credibility? I have to say yes. But I'm still stuck on the timing. The optics of that are bad.
I believe that the Ukraine has opened a new investigation into Burisma. It will be interesting to hear the outcome.

I agree the timing is bad, but what were his true intentions? Why would he make anything known on it 1 1/2 years before an election not knowing even if Biden would win the Dem. bid? IMO he had Giuliani in Ukraine in late 2018 looking for DNC collusion in the 2016 election after he was exonerated of wrong doing in the Mueller report. Mueller report was not complete it never mentioned anything on Hillary or DNC involvement, the Steele dossier, Pressure put on Poreshenko to help her by making him think Trump would not help him with Russia. All of which came out from the congress investigations, and IG report, there is a criminal investigation into this now too.

I think they tripped over evidence in that investigation over Biden's influence which lead to could you look into the rumour of then VP Biden put pressure on your then Pres. To fire the prosecutor looking into Burisma's corruption investigation that has the VP Biden's son on the board, it doesn't look good.


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
Yeah, it demonstrates one of the main problems of the COLA clause well, in that the COLA just devalues the dollar, like trying to drive somewhere with your rear wheels jacked up in the air. (Maybe it's not a completely accurate analogy but it's close)
lmao yeah, COLA takes into consideration inflation, cost of living, etc. One can get a gross wage of billions per year but if the cost of living takes away 99.99999999% of it, that shouldn't be considered?
The density is astounding.


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
There are conflicting stories about Trump’s impeachment as well . How do you vote ? Up or down ? Death or life ?
A good person would vote with the evidence. But instead, Trump was excused of his guilt.


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
Good for your family . But no I do not worship Trump , nor America , but am clear eyed enough to see through your hatred of all things conservative .
hahaha The only thing conservative about Trump is his sense of the difference between right and wrong and his sense of consequences.


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020

Like Boomer? :D


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
oh indeed.......especially when the alternative languages are slang and profane. ;-)

POOR OceanKreskinHOID blowhard Breezy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is official that Trump popularity is now a high as it ever has been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
I agree the timing is bad, but what were his true intentions? Why would he make anything known on it 1 1/2 years before an election not knowing even if Biden would win the Dem. bid? IMO he had Giuliani in Ukraine in late 2018 looking for DNC collusion in the 2016 election after he was exonerated of wrong doing in the Mueller report. Mueller report was not complete it never mentioned anything on Hillary or DNC involvement, the Steele dossier, Pressure put on Poreshenko to help her by making him think Trump would not help him with Russia. All of which came out from the congress investigations, and IG report, there is a criminal investigation into this now too.
I think they tripped over evidence in that investigation over Biden's influence which lead to could you look into the rumour of then VP Biden put pressure on your then Pres. To fire the prosecutor looking into Burisma's corruption investigation that has the VP Biden's son on the board, it doesn't look good.

That's where doubt enters into this for me, what his true intentions were. I think it was expected by political strategists in 2018 that Biden would run in the next election, it was likely in the air at the very least as he looked to be the best the Dems had to offer, which really is shortsighted on the Dems. Giulaini could have been there at that time looking for what you mention, yes, that is possible. But again Giulaini because of the contacts he ran with and with info (more to come?) backed up with recordings coming out from camp Parnas this whole picture is yet to be painted.

It will be more telling when all investigative findings (that can be) are made available to the public and so the questions we all ask may be answered.

Tripped over evidence? Okay. But the problem there is that Shokin was actually removed because he wasn't doing enough to investigate corruption, including that of Burisma. So why would Biden want him removed for "investigating Burisma" when in fact he wasn't. I have a hard time with that.

I'm curious if you have read the Mueller report? I only ask because I have a copy and have peeked at it but have not read it as of yet.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
A good person would vote with the evidence. But instead, Trump was excused of his guilt.
There was only hearsay and innuendo, and votes along party lines in both houses . It was shoddy political theatre and IMO will backfire on the Dems . Time will tell .


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Ukraine and US signed a treaty in Clinton's time to help each other root out corruption.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Well you stated that my writing style reminded you of someone, so you must have had a specific individual in mind? Again, a name?
Are you a prosecutor? Maybe it was Mockingbird for all I know , did you post under that name before ?