Refugee/Migrant Crisis


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Takes away from you welfare recipients a little, but in your case, who cares?
it's all water in the Pi$$ tank on a big ship.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Not so much as it makes you look stupid. I haven't voted Dipper in this millennium! :)


Took most of your working life to figure out............................

that NDPees ARE NOT FRIENDS of people WITH FULL TIME JOBS.........................................

IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Better SLOW than dead STOPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Aussies on hook for asylum seeker's botched DIY penis enlargement
Brad Hunter
November 20, 2019
November 21, 2019 3:11 PM EST
An undated photo obtained from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection shows bunk beds under assembly at Australia's regional processing centre on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea. AFP/Getty Images
An Iranian asylum seeker who wanted to be the cock of the walk botched his do-it-yourself penis enlargement.
Now, the man in his 30s has been granted entry into Australia so he can undergo expensive reconstructive surgery — on the taxpayers who believe they’re getting the shaft.
He reportedly tried to multiply his member by injecting himself with palm oil. Whoops! According to The Australian, his ‘schlong’ shot at penis perfection made him deathly ill.
So the bigger weiner wanter was transferred from an immigration detention centre in Papua New Guinea to Australia for the procedure.
Cost? $10,000.
Australia has what’s called a Medevac law. It gives doctors a bigger say in determining which refugees are allowed into the country from the controversial detention centres.
Story continues below
However, medical evacuations can be torpedoed if they put national security at risk.
The newspaper reports that the man was a winner despite more than 50 behavioural incidents. These included tossing boiling water on a security guard and attacking another who confiscated his porn stash.
Still, Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton couldn’t block the transfer because of his limited power under the Medevac laws, according to the outlet.
The law’s supporters say the transfer would have occurred anyway because of the seriousness of the patient’s injuries.
They sniffed that the leaking of the unnamed man’s medical records was unethical.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Aussies on hook for asylum seeker's botched DIY penis enlargement
Brad Hunter
November 20, 2019
November 21, 2019 3:11 PM EST
An undated photo obtained from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection shows bunk beds under assembly at Australia's regional processing centre on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea. AFP/Getty Images
An Iranian asylum seeker who wanted to be the cock of the walk botched his do-it-yourself penis enlargement.
Now, the man in his 30s has been granted entry into Australia so he can undergo expensive reconstructive surgery — on the taxpayers who believe they’re getting the shaft.
He reportedly tried to multiply his member by injecting himself with palm oil. Whoops! According to The Australian, his ‘schlong’ shot at penis perfection made him deathly ill.
So the bigger weiner wanter was transferred from an immigration detention centre in Papua New Guinea to Australia for the procedure.
Cost? $10,000.
Australia has what’s called a Medevac law. It gives doctors a bigger say in determining which refugees are allowed into the country from the controversial detention centres.
Story continues below
However, medical evacuations can be torpedoed if they put national security at risk.
The newspaper reports that the man was a winner despite more than 50 behavioural incidents. These included tossing boiling water on a security guard and attacking another who confiscated his porn stash.
Still, Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton couldn’t block the transfer because of his limited power under the Medevac laws, according to the outlet.
The law’s supporters say the transfer would have occurred anyway because of the seriousness of the patient’s injuries.
They sniffed that the leaking of the unnamed man’s medical records was unethical.

He survived that?

Too bad ... another missed opportunity to improve our genes.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
He survived that?

Too bad ... another missed opportunity to improve our genes.


Yet another RASH and ill-advised statement from Comrade Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do believe that EMERGENCY medical care should be offered to these TRESPASSERS!!!!!!!!!!!

But that need for medical aid for self inflicted injuries SHOULD IMMEDIATELY DISQUALIFY the nutbar from entry to the country!!!!!!!!!!!

Whether it be Australia or Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I recall seeing an old photo in National Geographic magazine of some Afghan NUTBAR.........................

who had sewn his own lips shut and gone on a hunger strike to protest how long it was taking to process his immigration application!!!!!!!!!!

A person trying to persuade govt of their status as pathetic victims of persecution and thus worthy of our charity....................

SHOULD NOT be acting like an arrogant prima donna DEMANDING OUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
LEVY: Refugees will cost Toronto taxpayers $75M this year
Sue-Ann Levy
November 29, 2019
November 29, 2019 8:46 AM EST
Toronto Mayor John Tory is pictured at city council on June 26, 2018. (Stan Behal, Toronto Sun)
When all is said and done this year, Toronto taxpayers will spend $75 million to accommodate refugees and asylum seekers, the Toronto Sun has confirmed.
And city spokesman Tammy Robbinson said Thursday service demand — and the $75-million price tag — will be similar in 2020.
To make city budget matters worse, I learned that the much-touted $45 million given by the federal government to the city of Toronto to help pay for the flow of refugees to the city — as a pre-election goodie no doubt — will run out in March.
No further funding commitments have been made, I’m told.
The $75 million is a far cry from the $45 million that the mayor and council said would be enough to cover the flow of refugees to the city this year. In late June, I was told that the budget for hotel/motel accommodation was $46.4 million — with 2,600 refugees in the system at that point.
Robbinson confirmed the $75 million does not include the $1 million per month that is being shelled out to house 200 refugees at the former North York Hydro building on Yonge St. That would bring next year’s tab to $87-million.
This all came to light Thursday when I questioned an item on next week’s economic and community development committee agenda which asks councillors to increase and/or approve six contracts valued at more than $8-million to use various Toronto and GTA hotel/motels as emergency shelters.
The contracts to be approved next week are with Comfort Hotel Airport North, Alexandra Hotel (downtown Toronto), Staybridge Suites in Toronto-Vaughan, New Lido Motel and Maple Leaf Motel in Scarborough and Alternative Living Solutions, a Markham company that manages the Toronto Plaza Hotel.
This is on top of the $108 million for emergency hotel and motel spaces already approved in July. Robbinson said they’re currently using nine hotels — four for refugee claimants and five for non-refugees– and that the tab covers both refugee claimants and regular shelter users (the traditional homeless).
She said there are currently 2,400 refugee clients in the system. Some 1,800 are in hotels, 400 are still in shelters and 200 have transferred to the $1-million-a-month shelter at 5,800 Yonge St.
To put it bluntly: Houston we have a problem.
As closely as I’ve been watching these files, I have to admit even I was surprised with the high expenditures.
But why should we be when City Hall has an open wallet on so many files?
If one dare criticize whether the many soft services and virtue-signalling efforts are being properly monitored to ensure they deliver value for money, as I have, one is called “disgraceful” as Mayor John Tory said more than once at council this week (not that he mentioned me by name.)
But as I saw with our last free-spending socialist mayor — David Miller — it can’t go on forever. He left the city in dire straits, increasing spending on the operating budget by 44% and on the capital budget by another 250% over seven years.
LEVY: The intolerant radicals and their Meghan Murphy circus
EDITORIAL: Are poverty reduction programs working?
LEVY: A man's marathon effort to get his life back
He and council also hiked the city’s net debt by 176%.
This is where I fear we’re headed yet again
Unlike during the David Miller days, there are almost no councillors at City Hall now who either have the courage, the will or the knowledge to speak up about the rampant spending under Tory and the cabal of NDP councillors to whom he seems to give a wide berth — Joe Cressy, Kristyn Wong-Tam and Mike Layton.
Rest assured the bottom will fall out.
I suspect it will start with the 2020 budget as staff madly try to move the shells around to ensure they can prop up this profligate spending.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
LEVY: Refugees will cost Toronto taxpayers $75M this year
Sue-Ann Levy
November 29, 2019
November 29, 2019 8:46 AM EST
Toronto Mayor John Tory is pictured at city council on June 26, 2018. (Stan Behal, Toronto Sun)
When all is said and done this year, Toronto taxpayers will spend $75 million to accommodate refugees and asylum seekers, the Toronto Sun has confirmed.
And city spokesman Tammy Robbinson said Thursday service demand — and the $75-million price tag — will be similar in 2020.
To make city budget matters worse, I learned that the much-touted $45 million given by the federal government to the city of Toronto to help pay for the flow of refugees to the city — as a pre-election goodie no doubt — will run out in March.
No further funding commitments have been made, I’m told.
The $75 million is a far cry from the $45 million that the mayor and council said would be enough to cover the flow of refugees to the city this year. In late June, I was told that the budget for hotel/motel accommodation was $46.4 million — with 2,600 refugees in the system at that point.
Robbinson confirmed the $75 million does not include the $1 million per month that is being shelled out to house 200 refugees at the former North York Hydro building on Yonge St. That would bring next year’s tab to $87-million.
This all came to light Thursday when I questioned an item on next week’s economic and community development committee agenda which asks councillors to increase and/or approve six contracts valued at more than $8-million to use various Toronto and GTA hotel/motels as emergency shelters.
The contracts to be approved next week are with Comfort Hotel Airport North, Alexandra Hotel (downtown Toronto), Staybridge Suites in Toronto-Vaughan, New Lido Motel and Maple Leaf Motel in Scarborough and Alternative Living Solutions, a Markham company that manages the Toronto Plaza Hotel.
This is on top of the $108 million for emergency hotel and motel spaces already approved in July. Robbinson said they’re currently using nine hotels — four for refugee claimants and five for non-refugees– and that the tab covers both refugee claimants and regular shelter users (the traditional homeless).
She said there are currently 2,400 refugee clients in the system. Some 1,800 are in hotels, 400 are still in shelters and 200 have transferred to the $1-million-a-month shelter at 5,800 Yonge St.
To put it bluntly: Houston we have a problem.
As closely as I’ve been watching these files, I have to admit even I was surprised with the high expenditures.
But why should we be when City Hall has an open wallet on so many files?
If one dare criticize whether the many soft services and virtue-signalling efforts are being properly monitored to ensure they deliver value for money, as I have, one is called “disgraceful” as Mayor John Tory said more than once at council this week (not that he mentioned me by name.)
But as I saw with our last free-spending socialist mayor — David Miller — it can’t go on forever. He left the city in dire straits, increasing spending on the operating budget by 44% and on the capital budget by another 250% over seven years.
LEVY: The intolerant radicals and their Meghan Murphy circus
EDITORIAL: Are poverty reduction programs working?
LEVY: A man's marathon effort to get his life back
He and council also hiked the city’s net debt by 176%.
This is where I fear we’re headed yet again
Unlike during the David Miller days, there are almost no councillors at City Hall now who either have the courage, the will or the knowledge to speak up about the rampant spending under Tory and the cabal of NDP councillors to whom he seems to give a wide berth — Joe Cressy, Kristyn Wong-Tam and Mike Layton.
Rest assured the bottom will fall out.
I suspect it will start with the 2020 budget as staff madly try to move the shells around to ensure they can prop up this profligate spending.

Sue-Ann Levy is an EXCELLENT WRITER - but even the best ...................................

MISS A FEW DETAILS NOW AND THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welfare payments come out of out of a COMMUNAL POOL.............................

paid for out of PROVINCIAL INCOME TAXES and this deal was set up by LIE-berals .......................

to even out the municipal tax burden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And since Toronto Silly Hall is accustomed to getting TEN TIMES MORE cash in provincial transfer payments..........................

in proportion to the size of its population - than ANY OTHER Ontari-owe municipality............................

this means people OUTSIDE HOGTOWN are paying for monthly welfare cheques for ILLEGALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes- it was Hogtown that declared itself as a Sanctuary City - and then stuck others with most of the bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The TRUE COST of tending to illegals in Toronto IS WELL BEYOND $75 million dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all - health care is ALSO a provincial responsibility....................................

and isnt is odd that Toronto is DEVOTED to its LIE-berals............................

thanks in large part to the fact that NO HOG PAYS THE LIE-beral health levy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And legal aid costs are funded by the province as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That means WE GET TO PAY for the legal defense of that guy Opoku who was just arrested ............................

the guy was living in a homeless shelter at night and spending his days dumping buckets of SH+T onto unsuspecting women!!!!

One has to ask: WHERE HE GOT his "ammunition"??????????????

Was he hoarding it at the shelter till he got a big enough pile??????????????????????

And is the air so ripe in a typical shelter that nobody NOTICED the guy had.......................................

a PARTLY FILLED bucket of sh+t under his bed??????????????????

Or was he getting "contributions" from other inmates at his monkey zoo???????????????????????????

School board costs are also funded out of property taxes...........................................

And by AMAZING COINCIDENCE Toronto HOGS enjoy property taxes..........................................

that are about ONE THIRD BELOW what other GTA residents pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good old Hog town - the place were PIGS RIDE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And illegals are a LIE-beral election RESOURCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Firing of 'rude' and 'hostile' HR manager deemed OK by Court of Appeal
Sun Media
December 5, 2019
December 5, 2019 3:10 PM EST
Irritated angry man sitting at the desk in office looking at laptop screen having problem, bad news. Side view of stressed, businessman noticed the error, failed to work, failure in business concept
It’s already well known that sending out offensive tweets or posting the wrong thing to Instagram can get you fired.
Add rude emails to the list of things not to do if you want to keep your job.
According to Blacklock’s Reporter, the Federal Court of Appeal has upheld the firing of a human resources manager with the Canada Border Service Agency’s Atlantic regional office in Halifax who sent emails that her co-workers felt were unprofessional to the point of being rude.
No fewer than 18 complaints about Lorraine Lortie were received, according to Justice David Near.
Lortie held her position with CBSA for eight years until she was fired in 2016. She was reprimanded on two occasions and suspended two other times for emails that, for example, suggested co-workers “shut up and listen to me.”
Story continues below
Lortie’s firing was upheld by the Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board on Jan. 30. Her appeal was dismissed by Near, who said, “In my view the Board’s decision was reasonable. The decision was transparent, justified and intelligible.”
Managers described Lortie as being “hostile,” “rude” and “threatening” and had her take a course in communications skills at St. Mary’s University. They also commissioned a “psycho-social team health assessment” for the Halifax-based office.
“I can be honest in a nice way and I can be honest in a not so nice way,” Lortie said a memo to supervisors in 2012. “I don’t beat around the bush, and am not going to start doing so at this point.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Supreme Court won’t hear appeal from former Nazi death squad member
Canadian Press
December 5, 2019
December 5, 2019 4:46 PM EST
The Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa on Thursday, May 16, 2019. Sean Kilpatrick / THE CANADIAN PRESS
Jewish groups across the country hailed the Supreme Court’s decision not to allow an elderly man who lied about his time working for a Nazi death squad to continue his fight to retain Canadian citizenship, while his family decried the move as a miscarriage of justice.
The Supreme Court, as per its custom, did not provide reasons for refusing to hear the appeal from Helmut Oberlander. But the decision — the latest in a legal saga that’s stretched on since 1995 — means the 95-year-old man is now one step closer to formal deportation from Canada.
The Ukrainian-born Oberlander was a member of the Ek 10a, a mobile death squad that operated behind the German army’s front line in the eastern occupied territories and was part of a force responsible for killing millions of people, most of them Jews, during the Second World War.
Oberlander has long maintained that he did not take part in any atrocities, but Jewish groups said his mere membership in the squad should bar him from continued residency in Canada.
“Far too many Nazis have managed to get away with murder, live relatively normal lives and enjoy the freedom their victims were robbed of during the Holocaust,” said a statement from the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies. “While justice in this case is long overdue, it is not too late for justice to be served.”
Story continues below
“We are heartened that the government and courts stand with us in pursuing justice,” read a statement from the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs. “Even now, we are haunted by the heinous crimes committed against us and our families. We are pained by the thought that there are still Nazi war criminals who conceal their past and live among us.”
But Oberlander’s family issued a statement saying justice has not been served for a man they describe as an “upstanding” community member who deserves to spend the rest of his life in the country he’s called home for decades.
“Mr. Oberlander has been unjustly persecuted for 24 years by the Government of Canada,” the statement reads. “Mr. Oberlander has never been charged with any crime. The Government of Canada has never produced a shred of evidence against Mr. Oberlander. No such evidence exists because he has never directly or indirectly contributed to any crime.”
Courts have repeatedly agreed Oberlander’s citizenship should be revoked on the grounds that he lied about his participation in the EK 10a.
In June 2017, the federal government revoked Oberlander’s Canadian citizenship for the fourth time since the mid 1990s. In doing so, the government maintained he was complicit in war crimes by belonging to the death squad.
Oberlander, who came to Canada in 1954 and became a citizen in 1960, has long argued he was conscripted into the unit as a 17-year-old and risked execution had he tried to leave. He has insisted he acted as an interpreter and took no part in the killings.
The retired real estate developer, now living in Waterloo, Ont., did not disclose his wartime experience when he applied to emigrate, upon entering Canada or when seeking citizenship.
In September 2018, Federal Court Judge Michael Phelan upheld the government’s decision as reasonable. Phelan said Federal Court Judge Andrew MacKay in 2000 had found Oberlander knew about the unit’s brutality and was complicit in its war crimes by acting as an interpreter.
However, Oberlander’s lawyers maintained Phelan misinterpreted MacKay’s decision and was in fact leaning on his own previous ruling from 2008 — one that was upended on appeal. They argued Phelan was biased because of his involvement in the case 10 years earlier.
The case has worked its way through various appeal courts since, with Thursday’s decision marking the end of the legal battle.
Oberlander’s lawyer, Ronald Poulton, said the government’s likely next step will be to arrange a proceeding before the immigration division and try to obtain a deportation order.
He said his client, who now lives with both vision and hearing loss, is officially stateless and does not know where he would go if deported.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada referred questions on Oberlander’s future to the Canadian Border Services Agency, but said the government was “pleased” with the Supreme Court’s decision and determined to “deny safe haven” to those with ties to war crimes.
“While we do not take citizenship revocation lightly, we recognize that it is necessary in cases of fraud, false representation or where the individual knowingly concealed material circumstances,” Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino said in a statement.
The CBSA, citing privacy laws, declined to comment on Oberlander’s case.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Firing of 'rude' and 'hostile' HR manager deemed OK by Court of Appeal
Sun Media
December 5, 2019
December 5, 2019 3:10 PM EST
Irritated angry man sitting at the desk in office looking at laptop screen having problem, bad news. Side view of stressed, businessman noticed the error, failed to work, failure in business concept
It’s already well known that sending out offensive tweets or posting the wrong thing to Instagram can get you fired.
Add rude emails to the list of things not to do if you want to keep your job.
According to Blacklock’s Reporter, the Federal Court of Appeal has upheld the firing of a human resources manager with the Canada Border Service Agency’s Atlantic regional office in Halifax who sent emails that her co-workers felt were unprofessional to the point of being rude.
No fewer than 18 complaints about Lorraine Lortie were received, according to Justice David Near.
Lortie held her position with CBSA for eight years until she was fired in 2016. She was reprimanded on two occasions and suspended two other times for emails that, for example, suggested co-workers “shut up and listen to me.”
Story continues below
Lortie’s firing was upheld by the Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board on Jan. 30. Her appeal was dismissed by Near, who said, “In my view the Board’s decision was reasonable. The decision was transparent, justified and intelligible.”
Managers described Lortie as being “hostile,” “rude” and “threatening” and had her take a course in communications skills at St. Mary’s University. They also commissioned a “psycho-social team health assessment” for the Halifax-based office.
“I can be honest in a nice way and I can be honest in a not so nice way,” Lortie said a memo to supervisors in 2012. “I don’t beat around the bush, and am not going to start doing so at this point.”

Oh dear me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The poor woman CLEARLY HAD TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She does not understand the culture of entitlement.................................

that exists in ANY GOVT WORK PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the private sector - the BOSS makes the decisions and tells the employees what is required!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Failure to follow the instructions of the boss may result in reduced work hours...........................

reduced pay......................................

or even NO PAY - after being terminated for just cause!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the public sector - the supervisor IS NOT part of the management team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the public sector THE UNION IS THE BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the public sector the supervisor makes known to HOG employees what duties and tasks it would be MOST POLITICALLY

EXPEDIENT to perform - for the sake of public image and to support HOG friendly politicians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the union then decides if its workers are willing to perform the REQUESTED politically expedient tasks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The supervisor who cannot deal effectively with the employees..................................

meaning win them over to a cooperative position..................................

simply because the employees are a bunch of jumped up and grossly entitled HOGS............................

will be FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A supervisor who believes that govt and HOG unions exist to provide a service.............................

as if HOGS were nothing more than waiters in a restaurant............................

CLEARLY HAS NOT ABSORBED the proper HOG work ethic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A supervisor who believes that things like efficiency and logic and cost cutting should dominate the thinking of HOGS.....................

IS CLEARLY UNABLE to function in a HOG work environment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A typical HOG supervisor IS CAUGHT between wildly competing needs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Politicians want govt activities to LOOK GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tax payers want govt activities to BE LOW COST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOGS BELIEVE that all govt activity BELONGS TO THEM and that THEY ARE ENTITLED - to total control...................

in order to ensure the MAXIMUM BENEFIT for as many HOGS as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why for instance - when a certain local govt made the choice NOT to plant flowers in some local parks............................

in the spring - as a cost cutting option.........................................

and some senior citizens took it upon themselves to plant flowers in the existing public park flower beds.......................

ON THEIR OWN TIME AND AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOGS were outraged by the INSULT - and tore up all the flowers..........................

the seniors were unaware of HOG ENTITLEMENTS and so they assumed vandals had raided the park........................

and so they RE-PLANTED - again on their own time and expense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hogs of course struck again.......................................

and after that the seniors discovered who it was who was ripping up their plants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The seniors had words with the HOGS and it was made clear that ANY PLANTINGS by seniors would be immediately removed.........

BECAUSE THE PARK BELONGS TO HOGS - and THEY ARE ENTITLED to be paid for anything that happens in the park!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL GOVT PROPERTY is require to generate HOG INCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meaning NO FREEBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course local politicians were roped in as go between for the angry seniors who could see no reason why there would be

opposition to them planting flowers in existing beds that would otherwise end up full of weeds due to govt cost cutting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Politicians were embarrassed by the HOG actions and the HOGS were indignant that some OLD FARTS....................................

were messing with THEIR PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fortunately cooler heads prevailed and the HOGS were persuaded that it would be better for the UNION..............................

and better for the re-election of HOG FRIENDLY POLITICIANS..............................

if they let the arrogant old farts plant their damned flowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Banksy’s classic Christmas card shows a picture of Joseph and Mary crossing the desert on their way to Bethlehem and are blocked by the infamous apartheid wall that separates Israel from Palestine and the West Bank.

On Banksy’s Christmas Card Joseph And Mary Can’t Make It To Bethlehem

Read More:



Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Banksy’s classic Christmas card shows a picture of Joseph and Mary crossing the desert on their way to Bethlehem and are blocked by the infamous apartheid wall that separates Israel from Palestine and the West Bank.

On Banksy’s Christmas Card Joseph And Mary Can’t Make It To Bethlehem

Read More:

The picture would be more true and accurate.............................

if Mary was walking and wearing a suicide vest..............................

and Joseph had a load of Qassam rockets tied to the donkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And isnt it amazing that Banksy found a donkey...........................

that looks just like Cliffy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Son of Russian spies wins case to remain a Canadian citizen
December 19, 2019
December 19, 2019 11:54 AM EST
In this July 1, 2010 file photo, Alexander Vavilov, right, and his older brother brother Timothy leave a federal court after a bail hearing for their parents Donald Heathfield and Tracey Ann Foley, in Boston. Elise Amendola / THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP
OTTAWA — The son of Russian spies who was born in Canada and was stripped of his citizenship after his parents were arrested for espionage in the United States won his bid to maintain his Canadian citizenship on Thursday, the country’s top court ruled.
The Supreme Court upheld an earlier federal court ruling that said an administrative decision to strip Alex Vavilov, who was born in Toronto in 1994, of his citizenship was unreasonable.
“The judges said that Mr. Vavilov was a Canadian citizen,” according to the ruling.
The hit TV series The Americans was based partly on the story of Vavilov’s family. His parents came to Canada in the 1980s under deep cover under assumed names, with the mission to immerse themselves in Western society. The family later moved to the United States, where Vavilov’s parents were arrested in 2010 and charged with spying.
Vavilov’s parents returned to Russia in a spy swap.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Son of Russian spies wins case to remain a Canadian citizen
December 19, 2019
December 19, 2019 11:54 AM EST
In this July 1, 2010 file photo, Alexander Vavilov, right, and his older brother brother Timothy leave a federal court after a bail hearing for their parents Donald Heathfield and Tracey Ann Foley, in Boston. Elise Amendola / THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP
OTTAWA — The son of Russian spies who was born in Canada and was stripped of his citizenship after his parents were arrested for espionage in the United States won his bid to maintain his Canadian citizenship on Thursday, the country’s top court ruled.
The Supreme Court upheld an earlier federal court ruling that said an administrative decision to strip Alex Vavilov, who was born in Toronto in 1994, of his citizenship was unreasonable.
“The judges said that Mr. Vavilov was a Canadian citizen,” according to the ruling.
The hit TV series The Americans was based partly on the story of Vavilov’s family. His parents came to Canada in the 1980s under deep cover under assumed names, with the mission to immerse themselves in Western society. The family later moved to the United States, where Vavilov’s parents were arrested in 2010 and charged with spying.
Vavilov’s parents returned to Russia in a spy swap.

Yeah - it is a difficult case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One has to feel sorry for the kids- none of it is their doing.......................................

and they thought they were genuine Cdns...............................

and dont know anything about Mother Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh well - Our idiot Boy lets so many other TRULY BAD CASES STAY......................................

I guess we have room for a couple more?????????????????

Think of the two MS 13 gangsters who got Cdn papers and then got arrested.............................

trying to get back into United States with their new Cdn documents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or the Guatemalan guy who was leader of a death squad of NASTY KILLERS............................

and he tried first to get into United States and Yankees scorned him...............................

so he tried Canada and the bloody handed killer was in like Flint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or we could talk about the Birth Tourists who come her as "tourists" hiding their pregnancy from Customs............................

and when the time comes off they go to Cdn hospital to suck up our LIE-beral RATIONED HEALTH CARE..........................

and have their brats registered as Cdns so the kids can sponsor the rest of the clan as immigrants..............................

under the poisonous LIE-beral family reunification SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In some cdn hospitals - as many as TWENTY FIVE PERCENT OF ALL THE BIRTHS................................

are for "Birth Tourists"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No wonder the LIE-beral books dont balance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
U.S. deports Mexicans far from border, may send others to Guatemala
December 19, 2019
December 19, 2019 5:08 PM EST
The U.S.-Mexico border fence is seen at sunrise March 25, 2005 near Calexico, California. David McNew / Getty Images
WASHINGTON/MEXICO CITY — The United States began flying Mexican deportees to the interior of Mexico on Thursday and a senior U.S. official said Mexicans seeking U.S. asylum could be sent to Guatemala, as the Trump administration seeks to further limit border crossings.
The flight carrying Mexican deportees from Tucson, Arizona, landed in Guadalajara around midday. One immigration shelter in the city said it had been informed of a likely influx of deportees.
U.S. President Donald Trump has made clamping down on unlawful migration a top priority of his three-year-old term in office and his looming 2020 reelection campaign.
Numbers of Central American migrants apprehended at the border fell sharply in the second part of 2019 after Mexico deployed National Guard troops to stem the flow, under pressure from Trump.
With fewer Central Americans at the border, U.S. attention has turned to Mexicans crossing illegally or asking for asylum. Around 150,000 Mexican single adults were apprehended at the border in fiscal 2019, sharply down from previous decades but still enough to bother U.S. immigration hawks.
In another sign of the new focus on Mexicans, Acting Deputy U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Ken Cuccinelli said an agreement that sends U.S. asylum seekers to Guatemala to request U.S. refuge could also apply to Mexicans and other nationalities.
“As we fully implement the agreement, all populations are being considered, including Mexican nationals,” Cuccinelli said on Twitter.
Mexico’s foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Mexico said it had requested the flights to keep deportees away from dangerous border cities, while a senior DHS official said the flights were in response to rising numbers of Mexican nationals arrested at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Mexicans made up nearly half of all migrants caught between October and December, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data.
John Sandweg, a former acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement during the Obama administration, said the program would help stop Mexican migrants from simply crossing again once they had been deported.
“It’s a lot cheaper to just return Mexicans across the border,” he said. “But the real benefit is the recidivism rate.” The drive from Guadalajara to Reynosa, a Mexican border city across from the U.S. state of Texas, can take about 12 hours.
The flights could be scaled up quickly in the coming weeks, said the DHS official, who was not authorized to speak publicly. The Mexican foreign ministry said the flights would begin on a regular basis in January.
The U.S. official added the return flights may expand beyond Guadalajara, Mexico’s second-biggest city, to other parts of Mexico.
The United States has in recent years mainly deported Mexicans to border towns, although in the past it also flew them to cities in the interior.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
U.S. deports Mexicans far from border, may send others to Guatemala
December 19, 2019
December 19, 2019 5:08 PM EST
The U.S.-Mexico border fence is seen at sunrise March 25, 2005 near Calexico, California. David McNew / Getty Images
WASHINGTON/MEXICO CITY — The United States began flying Mexican deportees to the interior of Mexico on Thursday and a senior U.S. official said Mexicans seeking U.S. asylum could be sent to Guatemala, as the Trump administration seeks to further limit border crossings.
The flight carrying Mexican deportees from Tucson, Arizona, landed in Guadalajara around midday. One immigration shelter in the city said it had been informed of a likely influx of deportees.
U.S. President Donald Trump has made clamping down on unlawful migration a top priority of his three-year-old term in office and his looming 2020 reelection campaign.
Numbers of Central American migrants apprehended at the border fell sharply in the second part of 2019 after Mexico deployed National Guard troops to stem the flow, under pressure from Trump.
With fewer Central Americans at the border, U.S. attention has turned to Mexicans crossing illegally or asking for asylum. Around 150,000 Mexican single adults were apprehended at the border in fiscal 2019, sharply down from previous decades but still enough to bother U.S. immigration hawks.
In another sign of the new focus on Mexicans, Acting Deputy U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Ken Cuccinelli said an agreement that sends U.S. asylum seekers to Guatemala to request U.S. refuge could also apply to Mexicans and other nationalities.
“As we fully implement the agreement, all populations are being considered, including Mexican nationals,” Cuccinelli said on Twitter.
Mexico’s foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Mexico said it had requested the flights to keep deportees away from dangerous border cities, while a senior DHS official said the flights were in response to rising numbers of Mexican nationals arrested at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Mexicans made up nearly half of all migrants caught between October and December, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data.
John Sandweg, a former acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement during the Obama administration, said the program would help stop Mexican migrants from simply crossing again once they had been deported.
“It’s a lot cheaper to just return Mexicans across the border,” he said. “But the real benefit is the recidivism rate.” The drive from Guadalajara to Reynosa, a Mexican border city across from the U.S. state of Texas, can take about 12 hours.
The flights could be scaled up quickly in the coming weeks, said the DHS official, who was not authorized to speak publicly. The Mexican foreign ministry said the flights would begin on a regular basis in January.
The U.S. official added the return flights may expand beyond Guadalajara, Mexico’s second-biggest city, to other parts of Mexico.
The United States has in recent years mainly deported Mexicans to border towns, although in the past it also flew them to cities in the interior.

AND WHY NOT send some of them to Guatemala????????

Since THAT IS WHERE some of them come from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news................................................

Here is an article illustrating that not everybody is on board with that LIE-beral sanctuary city garbage!!

With some comments of my own in brackets):

New Jersey mayor sues NYC over moving homeless with 'offer they can't refuse'

From Reuters

Published: December 3, 2019. Updated: December 3, 2019 10:03 AM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ World

NEW YORK — Newark Mayor Ras Baraka’s administration has sued New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, accusing the fellow Democrat of dumping his city’s population of homeless people on New Jersey’s biggest city.

The lawsuit naming the city of New York, its mayor and his homelessness czar, Steven Banks, accuses the de Blasio administration’s Special One-Time Assistance, or SOTA, program of using strong-arm tactics to send people across the Hudson River to find a place to live.

“This case concerns an unlawful program of ‘coerced’ migration,” Newark lawyers say in court documents filed in U.S. District Court in New Jersey on Monday.

(Yeah- LIE-berals like to “help” illegals - but they DON’T LIKE TO PAY for them - unless there are lots of votes to be had and keeping welfare costs low keeps tax payers happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

New York City officials are accused of “forcing SOTA recipients to accept the proverbial ‘offer they can’t refuse,’” the documents said, explaining that the phrase from the 1972 American Mafia film “The Godfather” is “really a command, ‘Do what we say or else.’”

The lawsuit accuses New York of violating federal commerce laws. It cites several former New York shelter residents who were hustled through tours of New Jersey apartments and pressured to quickly commit to one, with the SOTA Program paying landlords a full year’s rent up front.

(Oh? A FULL YEAR OF RENT in advance?? Good deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

“She was told by case managers in her shelter that she should look in New Jersey, in the cities of Newark or Paterson, because New York landlords were leery of the SOTA program and because she would find something quicker in New Jersey,” Newark’s lawyers said in court filings.

(And what is wrong with spreading the joy of making welfare payments to total strangers who have often become homeless as a result of drugs and alcohol?? As citizens in Cdn cities well know- homeless people are like honey bees seeking out the sweetest nectar and best govt deals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The de Blasio administration did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Baraka, Newark’s mayor since 2014 and the son of poet and African-American activist Amiri Baraka, and de Blasio, a former Democratic presidential candidate who touts himself as a progressive, appeared together in Newark last year to announce a tenant initiative aimed at keeping people in their homes, in part by ending illegal evictions. The New Jersey program was modeled after one in New York City and both mayors praised one another for pursuing the initiatives.

The vast majority of New Yorkers experiencing homelessness – over 63,000 homeless men, women and children – spend the night instead within the city’s shelter system where they remain unseen, according to The Bowery Mission nonprofit group. In a city of 8.5 million people, nearly one in every 121 New Yorkers is currently homeless.

(One has to wonder if LIE-berals realize how RIDICULOUS they look - fighting over possession of drug addicts and crazy people -with both groups in need of being FORCED to accept treatment!! In the case of drug addicts - they need a combination of carrot and stick and to know there will be consequences if they backslide!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Imperial China dealt successfully with addicts by offering treatment as follows- for the first time addict new in the system - they were treated as victims and offered kindly treatment and rehabilitation; but if they slipped up and became addicted a second time then they were treated as slow learning dorks and made to work off some of the cost of their treatment- sweeping floors in the hospital and etc; and if they slipped and got re-addicted then govt let them know that if the third treatment failed and they got caught a fourth time - they would be declared INCORRIGIBLE CRIMINALS and EXECUTED!!!!!!)

(But of course we are “kindly” - we don’t execute drug addicts no matter how badly they are trying to poison themselves with fentanyl!! And we certainly WOULD NOT put addicts going through the system for a second or third time to actual WORK in a hospital sweeping and cleaning an washing etc- we have good union people for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Yes Cdns we are much kinder and we let recovering addicts sit in idle boredom - living as unwanted guests being fought over by govts that want somebody else - or ANYBODY ELSE to assume responsibility!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
MANDEL: Mentally ill 'lone wolf' who attacked Canadian soldiers not a terrorist
Michele Mandel
December 20, 2019
December 21, 2019 9:48 AM EST
Ayanle Hassan Ali, 27, was found not criminally responsible for a 2016 knife attack at a Canadian Armed Forces recruiting centre in North York. (Toronto Police handout)
Ayanle Hassan Ali, the mentally ill man who attacked military personnel at a Yonge St. recruiting centre three years ago, will not be retried as a terrorist.
Ontario’s highest court agreed with the trial judge who found section 83.2 of the Criminal Code — the anti-terrorism section enacted by Parliament after 9/11 — isn’t designed to capture a “lone wolf.”
In May 2018, Superior Court Justice Ian MacDonnell acquitted Ali on the terror part of the indictment, finding that while he was motivated by extremist beliefs linked to his mental illness, he wasn’t acting on behalf of any terror group.
Instead, the judge found him not criminally responsible for the lesser included offences of attempted murder, assault causing bodily harm and possession of a dangerous weapon.
Federal prosecutors had urged the appeal court to order a new trial on the terrorism charges, insisting MacDonnell was mistaken and Ali did act “for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with a terrorist group” — a group composed of himself alone.
Story continues below
“Lone-wolf terrorists are a serious problem in Canada and abroad and their recent ‘successes’ may inspire others,” they contended in documents filed with the court earlier this year. “The trial judge’s interpretation impedes the ability to arrest and charge the lone wolf.”
The appeal court disagreed.
“That the principal and the terrorist group may be one and the same person — is inconsistent with the modern principle of statutory interpretation,” wrote Justice David Watt on behalf of the three-member panel. “It is a reasonable inference that Parliament did not intend that s. 83.2 would apply to the lone wolf terrorist.”
And so when Ali, 31, is deemed mentally healthy enough to be released from his current residence in the secure forensic unit at Hamilton’s St. Joseph’s Health Centre, he will not be saddled with the terrorist label.
Yet Ali’s belief system hasn’t changed much since he stormed into the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre in North York on March 14, 2016.
MANDEL: No one errs on side of caution in military stabber's case
MANDEL: NCR military stabber approved to visit Toronto on two-day passes
Suffering from untreated schizophrenia and in the midst of a psychosis, his frenzied attack lasted less than a minute.
“I have a licence to kill, I have a green light to kill,” he had written in his diary. “One soldier is all it takes, just one. I can’t let those fools play games with me. I’ve been ready and willing for a while now.”
He repeatedly punched the first uniformed soldier in the head, then lunged at him with a large kitchen knife he’d hidden in a folder, leaving a three-inch gash in the corporal’s arm.
When a sergeant rushed out of her office, Ali gave chase and narrowly missed slicing the back of her neck. He then tried to slash and stab another sergeant who, in the chaos, had slipped on spilled coffee and fallen to the ground.
With Ali’s first blow, the blade hit the floor. He then continued stabbing the man in the head and torso but, luckily, was now using the wrong end of his knife.
After Ali was disarmed and restrained, he “appeared to be laughing, smiling, and giggling, and on something.” Others described him as “not present” and “lost in the clouds.”
At his latest Ontario Review Board hearing held in July, all agreed the mentally ill man has improved with medication but continues to pose a “significant threat” to the community.
According to his psychiatrist, he’s still receiving messages from the Internet and TV telling him he’s being watched by the military. More troubling, “Mr. Ali still believes that military are a legitimate target, and this belief remains a risk issue.”
The good news, the ORB says, is “Ali is no longer looking to become a martyr.”
If they get “his beliefs under control,” the review board predicts there’s a “reasonable likelihood” he’ll be allowed passes of up to 48 hours to visit his family in Toronto — to be supervised only by his father and sister.
Good thing he’s not a terrorist.