Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

Billionaire and ex-New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is taking steps to run for president, months after saying he would not run

A spokesman said that Bloomberg ��believes that Donald Trump represents an unprecedented threat to our nation�� and that ��the current field of candidates is not well positioned�� to defeat him. He plans to file for access to the Alabama ballot before Friday��s deadline; deadlines for filing for additional state ballots are looming.

In March, Bloomberg said that he would not run for president after concluding that his path to the Democratic nomination was narrow and that he could accomplish more as a private citizen. ��I am clear-eyed about the difficulty of winning the Democratic nomination in such a crowded field,�� he said then.


Now THAT would change the dynamics considerably....He could be a formidable candidate.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015

Billionaire and ex-New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is taking steps to run for president, months after saying he would not run

A spokesman said that Bloomberg ��believes that Donald Trump represents an unprecedented threat to our nation�� and that ��the current field of candidates is not well positioned�� to defeat him. He plans to file for access to the Alabama ballot before Friday��s deadline; deadlines for filing for additional state ballots are looming.
In March, Bloomberg said that he would not run for president after concluding that his path to the Democratic nomination was narrow and that he could accomplish more as a private citizen. ��I am clear-eyed about the difficulty of winning the Democratic nomination in such a crowded field,�� he said then.
Now THAT would change the dynamics considerably....He could be a formidable candidate.

Bloomberg would be a welcome change to the Gotham crime boss and his henchmen in power, now.

Besides, Bloomberg actually knows how to make a billion without stealing it from others.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Bloomberg would be a welcome change to the Gotham crime boss and his henchmen in power, now.

Besides, Bloomberg actually knows how to make a billion without stealing it from others.
Personally.......I am hoping he does...........

Can you imagine?? Intelligence, articulate, experienced............diplomatic ..........ya know......all those important qualities for POTUS.....AND mentally, emotionally psychologically STABLE...........mature .........and wise.

The world would go through a culture shock................;-)

Guess.........we shal lsee...


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Personally.......I am hoping he does...........

Can you imagine?? Intelligence, articulate, experienced............diplomatic ..........ya know......all those important qualities for POTUS.....AND mentally, emotionally psychologically STABLE...........mature .........and wise.

The world would go through a culture shock................;-)

Guess.........we shal lsee...
Americans don't want a smart president, they want a celebrity, preferably a blow hard, wife cheating, embezzling con man and all round scum bag. Ask Wally, he'll tell ya.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Americans don't want a smart president, they want a celebrity, preferably a blow hard, wife cheating, embezzling con man and all round scum bag. Ask Wally, he'll tell ya.
you are right about America and the issue of celebrity. Fame and Money.......... regardless of how one achieves it........is important to them. Instant gratification is a factor too. Obama was never appreciated for the ability he had. They seem to love drama and sensationalism...........and Trump provides that.. He is SIMPLE..........and they seem to WANT simple.

You are rigfht........they do not want intelligent, sophisticated or articulate. Those don't speak their language.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

Billionaire and ex-New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is taking steps to run for president, months after saying he would not run

A spokesman said that Bloomberg ��believes that Donald Trump represents an unprecedented threat to our nation�� and that ��the current field of candidates is not well positioned�� to defeat him. He plans to file for access to the Alabama ballot before Friday��s deadline; deadlines for filing for additional state ballots are looming.

In March, Bloomberg said that he would not run for president after concluding that his path to the Democratic nomination was narrow and that he could accomplish more as a private citizen. ��I am clear-eyed about the difficulty of winning the Democratic nomination in such a crowded field,�� he said then.


Now THAT would change the dynamics considerably....He could be a formidable candidate.
Better then mayor Pete ?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Pelosi: Midwest Voters Too Dumb To Vote Correctly

The Jimmy Dore Show
637K subscribers

It's a good thing Russia prevented Hitlary from campaigning in Wisconsin and Michigan...

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

Deval Patrick, former governor of Massachusetts, will formally join Democratic presidential contest this week

Sources close to Patrick confirmed his interest in the race earlier this week. The two-term governor will enter the race less than three months before the first votes are taken in Iowa, and faces a challenge in raising the money and voter support to propel his campaign.

source: WAPO


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

Deval Patrick, former governor of Massachusetts, will formally join Democratic presidential contest this week

Sources close to Patrick confirmed his interest in the race earlier this week. The two-term governor will enter the race less than three months before the first votes are taken in Iowa, and faces a challenge in raising the money and voter support to propel his campaign.

source: WAPO
Good luck to him , it would take lots to be worse than the present crop .

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

Former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg files federal papers declaring himself a Democratic candidate for president

The filing, coming little more than eight months after Bloomberg ruled out a similar bid because he believed it would be too hard to win the Democratic nomination, reflects his view that the field of Democratic contenders was not well positioned to win next year and that a candidate with his experience, political moderation and deep pockets would have a better chance of defeating President Trump in a general election.

source: wAPO


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Another advantage Mayor Pete has is that, not being a decades-long Washington insider, he has no record of corruption.

Biden's already taking hits for that. As the spotlight gets tighter and brighter, it'll be interesting to see what pops up on Warren and Sanders.


T-bonesforbrains actually THINKS that being a MAYOR OF A MAJOR CITY....................................

means HAVING CLEAN HANDS????????????????????????????????????????

And NO CONNECTION to the Washington SWAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently your knowledge of politics IS DRASTICALLY

LESS THAN YOU THINK IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a MAROON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Gee, the way the latest impeachment hearings are going, there may only be one party running in 2020.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

Former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg files federal papers declaring himself a Democratic candidate for president

The filing, coming little more than eight months after Bloomberg ruled out a similar bid because he believed it would be too hard to win the Democratic nomination, reflects his view that the field of Democratic contenders was not well positioned to win next year and that a candidate with his experience, political moderation and deep pockets would have a better chance of defeating President Trump in a general election.

source: wAPO
Another rich old white guy .


House Member
May 18, 2010

Former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg files federal papers declaring himself a Democratic candidate for president

The filing, coming little more than eight months after Bloomberg ruled out a similar bid because he believed it would be too hard to win the Democratic nomination, reflects his view that the field of Democratic contenders was not well positioned to win next year and that a candidate with his experience, political moderation and deep pockets would have a better chance of defeating President Trump in a general election.
source: wAPO
Bloomer is way too old, besides Trump will chew him up and spit him out like a sunflower seed.
No competition for Trump

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Another rich old white guy .

He must be one hellava lot better businessman than Trump ... twelve times richer, never bankrupted and most importantly, respected by his peers.

"Old white guy" ... you miss Obama, already?

Bloomberg will be the first Jewish President ... another big breakthrough almost on par with a half Kenyan occupying the White House.