

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
But you are educating us if we contaminate the environment with Carbon we can have the same weather/climate as you no?
How much more education do I need when Cryin Canadians and snowflakes are running around proclaiming that they can see the Climate changing with their owns eyes? This crises has not even come close to the dirty thirties or when you and your daddy escaped from the prairies in the 80's drought levels yet?
Don't you think it should at least come close to historic benchmarks before it is a true climate emergency?
How does it help your cause when your preachers are proclaiming that the money raised from Carbon pricing be shared with the developing world so they can enjoy some of the benefits that we have?
How do Carbon offsets actually help reduce Carbon pollution?
How does transferring wealth from the haves to the have nots help reducing Carbon pollution?
How does a nation that produces 1.4% of the Global Carbon pollution help the Global crisis by reducing it to 1-1.1%?
Which school should I go to that would answer these basic questions CC?
Or if you wouldn't mind forum school me with all your wisdom on the subject
Don't ask him.
He doesn't like girls.

Hey Cryin Canadian I asked a simple question a couple of pages back and all I got outta you was crickets, could you now answer these couple of questions please


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Big coup going on in the area she was just in. Was he a CIA asset or a rebel looking for a way to support Venezuela?
She already went from NY-Chili, rather than backtrack skip over to the tip of Africa and take the coast highway to Spain. Might I suggest tinted windows on the bullet-proof Tesla. Just sayin, the last time the 'Dutch' came calling a lot of people started dying, mend some fences as well as mend the planet. Think of Africa as how North America should have been settled rather than the blood-bath it was.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You're bang-on with respect to Greta being used.

Can you imagine how broken, twisted and evil someone would have to be to consciously use someone like Greta to push their own fantasy agenda?

Obviously, the folks behind the scenes are not confident enough in this that they actively hide themselves as they wouldn't want to be associated with this ridiculous and fraudulent cause

TRUE DAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greta is a PAWN in the control of dangerous aspiring DICTATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
So, who are these masterminds plotting to enslave you? Hillary? Obama? The Illuminati? Or DA JOOOOOOZ!

I swear, y'all sound more like MHz every day.

Poor stupid T-bonesforbrains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The evidence is all around us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is LIE-beral policy - meaning GRAVY FOR HOGS...............................

AND DEBTS FOR THE REST OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perpetual poverty and privation for ordinary people.........................................

sure sounds like BONDAGE AND FORCED LABOUR TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Facts like this bother me.
Don’t you know that a war his going on?
Just some facts.
The U.S. military drops a bomb on average every 12 minutes.
The U.S. military burns on average 10million gallons of fuel daily.
As we communicate, the U.S. military is actively bombing 7 predominately Brown/Muslim countries.
What will Greta think?

Greta says YOU ARE NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Notice that Greta has NEVER SAID ANYTHING about the Swedish military!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nor has she said anything about Swedish JET FIGHTER PRODUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GRETA likes her freedom of speech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Greta likes her freedom of assembly and FREE public travel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of which are protected by the western civil rights that your RED CHINES MASTERS............................

are seeking to DESTROY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Anybody who claims to "see CO2 coming out of exhaust pipes" shouldn't be anywhere near a TV camera unless it's Dr Phil.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
This is relevant to Aussies who are of fire, regardless of age.
"A seven-day state of emergency has been declared in New South Wales, where strong winds, high temperatures and .....
Climate crisis comes front and center
In recent years, bushfires have been occurring more frequently in Australia, starting earlier in the season and spreading with even greater intensity. Experts say the cause is the climate crisis.
The blazes that are currently engulfing the country's east have focused attention on warnings issued by former senior fire officials earlier this year. They have been calling on the government to do more to combat the effects of climate change.
Greg Mullins, the former Commissioner of New South Wales' Fire and Rescue Department, has been among the most vocal critics. He and 22 other former high-ranking emergency service officials sent letters to Prime Minister Scott Morrison in April and September warning of the impact of the climate crisis on Australia and the possibility of "unprecedented fire danger," Australian media reported.
Haven't wildfires in Australia decreased about 25% in the last 25 years (?) and they're much less severe than in the '30's, '40's, & '50's?? Haven't the odds of losing your life due to a climate related issue decreased about 99% in the last 100 years or so?
We can smell the smoke from across the Tasman, in the South Island, N.Z., 2500 KMS. away.
I could smell the fires in BC this summer and couldn't see the buildings downtown 1/2 a mile away due to the smoke & I'm in south-mid Saskatchewan. I remember as a child (the day after Mount St Helens blew back in 1980) playing football and having my Buddy hit the ground with an Asthma attack, and being able to stare at the sun at 3PM without it hurting my eyes (well, it probably didn't do them any good) due to all the ash and half a mountain hanging in the air making the Sun look like a Saskatchewan Harvest-time Sunset in the middle of the day.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Haven't wildfires in Australia decreased about 25% in the last 25 years (?) and they're much less severe than in the '30's, '40's, & '50's?? Haven't the odds of losing your life due to a climate related issue decreased about 99% in the last 100 years or so?

I could smell the fires in BC this summer and couldn't see the buildings downtown 1/2 a mile away due to the smoke & I'm in south-mid Saskatchewan. I remember as a child (the day after Mount St Helens blew back in 1980) playing football and having my Buddy hit the ground with an Asthma attack, and being able to stare at the sun at 3PM without it hurting my eyes (well, it probably didn't do them any good) due to all the ash and half a mountain hanging in the air making the Sun look like a Saskatchewan Harvest-time Sunset in the middle of the day.
Nope not this year , B.C. had a very mild fire season . Northern Alberta had some big ones .


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
The fans go wild
"Emma Lavigne, the recently appointed president of the Palais de Tokyo, moved swiftly to dismiss the patron, who called Thunberg—the 16-year-old phenomenon who inspired worldwide climate strikes last week—a “madwoman” and said he hoped that a mentally unstable person might shoot her."
This weekend, the project had a very high-profile visitor: Sixteen-year-old Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg, whose searing speech at the UN on Monday was heard around the world. “We were happy that she came around because things have gotten quite crazy for Greta,” Pinsky said. He wasn’t sure what Thunberg thought of the work, but “she certainly responded to each atmosphere with a certain amount of horror.”
Greta gonna getcha!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Discriminating against us poor Western boys just trying to make a living
What opportunity or treatment has she denied you, or applied unequally?

C'mon, you were the one who asked elsewhere what harm was done. So quite being a damn hypocrite for the first time in your life.

What makes you so pants-pissing scared of a 16-year-old girl having her 15 minutes?


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
What opportunity or treatment has she denied you, or applied unequally?
C'mon, you were the one who asked elsewhere what harm was done. So quite being a damn hypocrite for the first time in your life.
What makes you so pants-pissing scared of a 16-year-old girl having her 15 minutes?

You're playin silly bugger with your attack, you know nobody is scared of a high school dropout with a mental disorder. The danger is the organization that is using her as a tool to spread their message and recruit more uninformed tools to use against millions of families and entire economies in the West. Her message is pretty much pointed at Canada and the US, and just a pot shot at the remaining world leaders. I may respect her, and especially her handlers would go take on the big emitters like China, Russia, India, etc. The organization that is using her also does not have a viable alternative to shutting down entire economies and putting Millions of families out on the street. A dangerous message that has world shattering effect versus a decades old cult trying to bust big business to transfer their wealth to third world countries in the name of world wide social eutopia.

So in closing it's not the messenger it's the message she is charged with carrying, I agree with Ron and he says it best