CDN Election 2019


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yeah I don't get it either how do you get a (D) in 2019 with a 500,000+ increase in vote, and 20+ increase in seat count, maybe it's millennial math?

OH NO - That is LIE-beral MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Surely you recall the debate here a couple of years back on just that subject?????????????????

With LIE-berals SNEERING that Harper had squeaked out a narrow victory with 39 percent of the popular vote..................

while Our idiot Boy got what LIE-berals referred to a a "clear majority" with his 37 percent popular vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The Cons have to ditch the loonies like JLM before they'll be attractive enough to garner majority levels of votes


Joyless LIE-beral Monkey IS NOT a Conservative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He WILL NOT SAY who he supports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suspect he is a Bernier supporter...........................................

or a Family Alliance member........................................

or he may be a Red Tory like the old fool Comrade Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in any case Joyless LIE-beral Monkey competes with Conservatives in spite of having sharing many values with Conservatives!!!!!!!!!

One wonders if he has a crush on Tanya Granic Allen or some such thing??????????????????

And dreams of leading a new Conservative/ Red Tory/ LIE-beral Lite party ....................................

Along with Granic Allen????????????????????????????

LIfe is more difficult for the Conservative minded who do not toe the party line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals who do not fit the main stream have the opportunity to join the idiot cousins...........................

meaning NDPees or Greenies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But non main stream Conservatives have no place to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

Joyless LIE-beral Monkey IS NOT a Conservative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He WILL NOT SAY who he supports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suspect he is a Bernier supporter...........................................

or a Family Alliance member........................................

or he may be a Red Tory like the old fool Comrade Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in any case Joyless LIE-beral Monkey competes with Conservatives in spite of having sharing many values with Conservatives!!!!!!!!!

One wonders if he has a crush on Tanya Granic Allen or some such thing??????????????????

And dreams of leading a new Conservative/ Red Tory/ LIE-beral Lite party ....................................

Along with Granic Allen????????????????????????????

LIfe is more difficult for the Conservative minded who do not toe the party line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals who do not fit the main stream have the opportunity to join the idiot cousins...........................

meaning NDPees or Greenies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But non main stream Conservatives have no place to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You talking about Scheer? Get outa here! :)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I'm usually cool about people being wrong about things. Like you said, mistakes happen.

But being blatantly ignorant.

What I don't understand is why you keep ignoring it? It's right there in front of you.

The Votes stayed "left" (yes, I know, you hate the use of the term).

The Cons only had a gain of 542,000 votes.

The Bloc or Green ALONE in their gains wipes that lead off the damn map, by 10,000.

How can this NOT be a sign that the Cons are in trouble???

(also, I feel kind'a awesome being called a harridan, no one's called a harridan anymore :D )

If you think a stupid election is worth alienating yourself with people, have at it!


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
If you think a stupid election is worth alienating yourself with people, have at it!

How on Earth did you get I was going to alienate myself over an election?

Seriously, where did THAT comment come from.

And you still can't admit that the Cons are in trouble if they don't smarten up...

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
How on Earth did you get I was going to alienate myself over an election?
Seriously, where did THAT comment come from.
And you still can't admit that the Cons are in trouble if they don't smarten up...
There is nowhere for them to grab without a philosophical readjustment. Canadians are definitely interested in fiscal prudence but not in them "old time religion" views against gays, abortions, artsy people, urbanites, environmentalists, atheists, science etc.

No growth potential, there.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
There is nowhere for them to grab without a philosophical readjustment. Canadians are definitely interested in fiscal prudence but not in them "old time religion" views against gays, abortions, artsy people, urbanites, environmentalists, atheists, science etc.
No growth potential, there.
Just as MAGAhats long for Happy Days, with Richie and Potsie down at Arnold's, Fonzie being cool, and the only non-white in all of Milwaukee nice and subservient, Canadian tighty whitey righties long for a Canada that never existed, with lumberjacks, ranchers, and railroadmen and their obedient, homemaking wives all being watched over by the benevolent Sgt. Preston, and the scary "them" being Frenchies who were funny because of their accents and because Sgt. Preston would make damn sure they never got out of their place.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
There is nowhere for them to grab without a philosophical readjustment. Canadians are definitely interested in fiscal prudence but not in them "old time religion" views against gays, abortions, artsy people, urbanites, environmentalists, atheists, science etc.

No growth potential, there.

Which really has been my entire point.

And, personally I think it's sad, because I also think we need the Cons, if not in power then at least to be a decent enough party to counter the extreme of the left.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Just as MAGAhats long for Happy Days, with Richie and Potsie down at Arnold's, Fonzie being cool, and the only non-white in all of Milwaukee nice and subservient, Canadian tighty whitey righties long for a Canada that never existed, with lumberjacks, ranchers, and railroadmen and their obedient, homemaking wives all being watched over by the benevolent Sgt. Preston, and the scary "them" being Frenchies who were funny because of their accents and because Sgt. Preston would make damn sure they never got out of their place.

... "Eh!" (or is it A... how do you spell Fonzie's only word for everything?)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
How on Earth did you get I was going to alienate myself over an election?


You do it every time you call a person a moron and "you just don't get it" over a differing opinion. Your opinion is fine, but no one if obligated to "get it" or are you like Putz, too stupid to understand?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You talking about Scheer? Get outa here! :)

Poor Joyless LIE-beral Monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is so insecure he cannot even make honest admissions about his party values..................................

he is like Judas - to ashamed to admit WHO he supports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Poor Joyless LIE-beral Monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is so insecure he cannot even make honest admissions about his party values..................................

he is like Judas - to ashamed to admit WHO he supports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Could it be nervousness being new to the position?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
How on Earth did you get I was going to alienate myself over an election?

Seriously, where did THAT comment come from.

And you still can't admit that the Cons are in trouble if they don't smarten up...
The conservative problems all result from their chose of leader and the poor campaign he ran . The back room political advisors lost the election for Harper and doubled down with Sheer . Trying to win over the press is not a path to electoral victory for conservatives in Canada .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Could it be nervousness being new to the position?

Oh Joyless LIE-beral Monkey..................................

are you now CLAIMING TO BE SHY???????????????????????????

Why dont you see if you can respond intelligently to this stuff::::::::::

Here is an article illustrating yet again that LIE-berals are dangerously complacent about foreign influences in Canada!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Hong Kong Canadians question alleged pro-Beijing backing for prominent Liberal candidate

By Sam Cooper, Global News

Published: October 20, 2019

An association of Hong Kong Canadians is questioning whether a Toronto-area Liberal candidate is too close to alleged pro-Beijing elements in the party, including Michael Chan, a former provincial Liberal minister who was allegedly investigated by CSIS, Canada’s intelligence agency.

READ MORE: As Canada-China relations worsen, a Trudeau cabinet minister sends cheery tweets from China

(Is the IDIOT LIE-beral minister OBLIVIOUS of current issues between China and Canada??)

Mary Ng, the minister responsible for promoting trade with China, is a candidate for Markham-Thornhill, a riding heavily populated by Canadian immigrants from both mainland China and Hong Kong that has increasingly become a hotspot for political tensions over the pro-democracy protests currently taking place in Hong Kong.

(At this time apparently the ONLY THING holding back the Beijing Butchers from massacring Hong Kong protestors is fear of a Trump reaction!! With other western nations possibly JOINING in against the Butchers!! China is under great pressure to show a kindly face to the world -and stave off HARSH REACTION to its bullying on MULTIPLE international fronts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Members of the group Torontonians Stand With Hong Kong say they are concerned Ng could hold the same pro-Beijing positions as those allegedly held by Chan, who previously served in the provincial Liberal governments of Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne.

In June, Ng announced on her Chinese-language WeChat account that Chan was a co-chair for her campaign.

(Uh huh - just ANOTHER REASON why Cdn voters need to clean house and FUMIGATE to end the LIE-beral political infestation!! LIE-berals make Termites look benign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In a 2015 report, the Globe and Mail alleged CSIS had formally warned Ontario’s Liberal government in 2010 that Chan was unusually close to the Chinese consulate in Toronto and that he could be at risk of influence from officials in Beijing. Global News has not verified the claims made in the Globe and Mail report.

READ MORE: Chinese influence in Canada ‘alive and well,’ says student leader threatened by trolls

(Various news reports have suggested that RED CHINA sees nothing wrong with threatening people of Chinese background living in other countries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

According to the report, Chan is a prominent organizer in Ontario and “has been a mentor to a cadre of provincial and federal Liberals running for office, which has triggered both criticism and trepidation among pro-democratic community members.”

(And now we are wrestling yet again with the question of how sincere LIE-berals really are about our civil rights and free speech!! I repeat the FACT that Pierre Trudeau praised “the genius of Chairman Mao in rushing 30 million Chinese to the gallows”!! How can we trust LIE-berals who give PUBLIC APPROVAL of such actions and values?????????????????????)

(Especially when Our idiot Boy Justin tells us “he likes the way the Chinese get things done”!! Is Our idiot Boy even aware that his father approved - in WRITING - of MASS MURDER in China???????????????????)

The report said McGuinty’s government rejected CSIS’s allegations and its warning about Chan. Chan also strongly denied the allegations and sued the Globe and Mail. The Globe and Mail defended its reporting, and the court case is reportedly unresolved. The Toronto Confederation of Chinese Canadian Organizations, a group named along with Chan in the report, also went public to denounce the allegations against him.

Questions about Chan, the Toronto Confederation of Chinese Canadian Organizations and associated politicians in Ontario have not faded away among some Hong Kong Canadians.

“Michael Chan is known to be very close to China, and according to news reports, he was accused of being accessible to Chinese Communist Party influence,” said Ringo Wong, a Markham-Thornhill constituent. “Having him as a key organizer of (Ng’s) campaign worries me.”

Chan, who was minister of citizenship, immigration and international trade in the Wynne government, stepped down in 2018. But he remains a key organizer and fundraiser in Ontario’s Chinese-Canadian community.

Chan was influential in paving the way for Ng’s nomination in the Markham-Thornhill riding in 2017, a Liberal insider told Global News, when former Liberal MP John McCallum stepped down to become ambassador to China.

A Chinese language report on Ng’s 2017 nomination victory shows a picture of Chan celebrating with Ng, and hoisting her arm upwards in a victory salute. And at a June 2019 fundraiser for Ng’s campaign, Chan was there at her side, as she announced him as a campaign co-chair, Ng’s WeChat account shows.

Global News could not reach Chan for comment after repeatedly attempting to contact him through both Ng’s campaign and his reported workplace, and on Chan’s Twitter account.

Ng was not made available for an interview, but her campaign provided this statement:

“To ensure Mary’s federal re-election campaign included the diverse voices from the many cultural communities in her riding, a number of community leaders were asked to be campaign co-chairs. Michael Chan originally accepted this request; however, (he) has never been an active member of the campaign.”
PRC celebration held by Confederation

Ringo Wong and members of the Hong Kong democracy group say they want Ng to answer why she attended a People’s Republic of China 70th-anniversary celebration on Sept. 29, which included Chinese consulate officials and Chinese-Canadian associations with strong pro-Beijing positions.

(Given the current tensions between Ottawa and Beijing- that is a GOOD QUESTION- since even Toronto mayor Jackass John Tory WAS SMART ENOUGH TO STAY AWAY from Beijing Butcher celebrations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The event was organized by the Toronto Confederation of Chinese Canadian Organizations. Chinese-language reports showed that Ng attended the event and gave a speech.

Attending Chinese government-related events has become increasingly controversial for Canadian politicians due to tensions in Hong Kong and Beijing’s detention of two Canadians in the wake of Canada’s role in Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou’s extradition case.

“I found that (Ng) attended the event on Sept. 29 and I see a problem because, at this stage, we are not in a good relationship with China,” said Eric Cheung, a constituent in the Markham-Thornhill riding.

(And federal LIE-berals HAVE YET to send Hua-wei exec Meng off to Washington to face a trial there for violating U.N. Sanctions!! Should we assume LIE-berals wish to WAIT - till after the election before RELEASING HER -as many LIE-berals seem to want to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

RCMP gave FBI serial numbers, other details about Meng Wanzhou’s phones: defence

(And the question to that is SO WHAT?? Canada and United States are military allies -with the added issue that RCMP does not have the international reach to determine what Meng might have done wrong!! Yankees did the investigating and then laid the charges so WHY are LIE-berals farting about?? Unless THEY DO PLAN to release Meng once they are safely PAST the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Oh Joyless LIE-beral Monkey..................................

are you now CLAIMING TO BE SHY???????????????????????????

Why dont you see if you can respond intelligently to this stuff::::::::::

No need to go into a tirade over a post that was placed as question, if you took the time to check!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
No need to go into a tirade over a post that was placed as question, if you took the time to check!

Oh Joyless LIE-beral Ostrich.........................go hide your head in the sand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our govt is NOW PARALYZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing is going to get done that NEEDS doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating how the new minority govt situation has clipped the wings of LIE-beral social justice warriors!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Trudeau says new cabinet to be sworn in on Nov. 20, vows to work with

Published: October 23, 2019

OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he will unveil his new cabinet on Nov. 20 and is vowing to work with opposition parties — his first public comments since election night, when voters handed the Liberals a minority mandate.

However, Trudeau says he has no plans to establish any sort of formal coalition.

(In other words LIE-berals will put govt activity pretty much ON HOLD till they can figure out how to regain a majority- which may take a DECADE or more - considering HOW BADLY ALL LIE-beral policy has FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

He is promising to make his cabinet gender-balanced, just as it was in 2015 when he first assumed office.

(That`s nice - we can look forward to more unskilled dorks to be promoted beyond their abilities!! One has only to think of racist Hedy Fry screeching about “crosses burning as we speak in Prince George” - an insult that she was forced to apologize for to our Parliament!! And of course Fry was chair of the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women Inquiry that spent over $50 million dollars for the dubious privilege of accusing us of being racists because we cannot solve the emotional problems of native drug addicts and hookers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Then there was Maryam Monseff - also forced to apologize for her raging melt down when MP`s REFUSED to blindly accept her vision for electoral reform that would have paralysed our parliament and turned it into an out of control spending machine - with NO OFF switch!! Monseff was then demoted out of cabinet when it was discovered that her parents had LIED on their immigration papers about where they had come from - a sin that usually is punished by deportation - but kicking a former LIE-beral cabinet minister out of the country would not be politically correct - FOR LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And then there is Iqra Khalid -who keeps pushing her racist Islamophobia crap - that would - if implemented - immediately VIOLATE all sorts of Cdn civil rights!! Not even the infamous “Not Withstanding Clause can excuse or enable her anti white bigotry and desire to silence ALL critics of LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(ON the plus side- if you can call it that - Climate Barbie - the infamous environment minister McKenna - is back for another round of mockery - and yes - she still demands we buy her accessories separately- such as her relentless need for airline tickets - the woman travels more than any other federal minister - including foreign affairs Freeland who needs to meet with people in other countries!!!!!!!!!!)

He says Canadians gave him a lot to think about on Monday night, and says he will take the time necessary to reflect on how to work with the other parties.

(Yes- and what draws the attention of Our idiot Boy Justin first- is the need to issue WAY MORE FAKE NEWS to gull Cdns into believing he actually has something besides bigotry and debts to offer us!! And Our idiot Boy BADLY NEEDS to grab votes BACK from the idiot cousins of NDPees and Greenies!! Look for LIE-beral policy to GO HARD LEFT - meaning even more costly and intrusive!!!!!!!!!)

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer has put the onus on Trudeau to work with the provinces and opposition parties over the coming months, while NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh has said he wants Trudeau to address his party's key priorities in exchange for New Democrat support.

(One obvious area for cooperation would be on Kinder Morgan pipeline- except that LIE-berals have been TELLING BIG LIES about the pipeline!! Our idiot Boy CLAIMS he will get it built -except that he has ALREADY had 4 years in which to sort out the conditions that must be met- conditions that LIE-berals keep changing to suit themselves - and PARALYSE the pipeline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(A one time alliance of Conservatives- who believe the pipeline IS NEEDED - allied to LIE-berals who CLAIM the pipeline “is in the national interest” SHOULD get the thing rolling - but it will not happen due to that PESKY LIE-beral habit of not telling the truth ABOUT ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Trudeau says Canadians have sent a clear message to the House of Commons that they want new MPs to work together in Parliament to address climate change and the cost of living.

(LIE-berals are politicians who are watching their world collapse in debt and public anger -their ONLY FOCUS at this time is recovery of THEIR FORTUNES!
One might think this would prompt LIE-berals to cooperate with others- but such a view is NONSENSE!! NO COOPERATION with other parties will be acceptable to LIE-berals since other parties might get some CREDIT and that MUST NOT HAPPEN if LIE-berals are to recover lost votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Thus LIE-berals will want to build affordable housing -but DO NOT want the new units to be filled with NDPee supporters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals want to save the middle class - meaning the civil service union HOGS that LIE-berals depend on for support - but NDPees are focused on the “working poor” and on legal immigrants - virtually all of whom are non unionized and thus DO NOT BENEFIT from LIE-beral union bribery - thus there is a MAJOR BATTLE brewing between LIE-berals and NDPees over where govt gravy will be spent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Greenies do not have the political clout at this time to influence our parliament so LIE-berals are only focussed on how to steal votes from Greenies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 23, 2019.

(Add in the fact that the entire planet is reputed to be heading for a recession in the next year or so and then factor in the perilous debt wall that Canada is facing with resulting CRIPPLING REDUCTIONS in borrowing that will DRASTICALLY CURTAIL LIE-beral spemding and thus LIMIT the available supply of votes bought with govt gravy and we see that the “Do Nothing Brigade: will be FIRMLY IN CONTROL of Ottawa for the best part of several years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(It is my prediction that the LIE-beral minority will be LUCKY to produce two budgets before we have another election!! Further - we can expect that LIE-berals will explore the LEGAL OUTER LIMITS of government by Order In Council so they can avoid those crippling Non Confidence votes for as long as possible!!!!!!!)

(There is even good reason to suspect that LIE-berals will NOT EVEN PRODUCE a budget in spring 2020!! It is quite likely that LIE-berals will attempt to use Orders In Council to simply EXTEND all existing 2019 fiscal budget details for another year while they wait to see what happens with the economy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals will have NO INCENTIVE for cooperating with Ford in Ontari-owe as he is seen as a HUGE political threat!! Ford and Ontari-owe must be damaged politically even if it means angering Toronto LIE-beral supporters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals are UNHAPPY about helping B.C. as that province has shown strong and UNHEALTHY NDPee tendencies and it is the home base of Jagmeet Singh - and LIE-berals want to weaken Singh further!! And of course there is also the mounting CHAOS in the B.C. lumber industry - where people HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN how deftly LIE-berals provoked Yankees into slapping tariffs on Cdn soft wood lumber products!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Alberta and Saskatchewan are a lost cause - home of the “Support Anybody But LIE-berals” gang that dominates there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Eastern Canada is devolving into a gravy grabbing mess with the frustrated locals mauling any LIE-berals they can reach - thanks in large part to various medical horror stories such as babies sent home to die because the hospitals were full and old folks waiting forever for ambulances and badly needed medical treatment!!!!)

(LIE-berals did not get the support they expected from Quebec thanks to CAQ at the provincial level and Bloc Heads at federal level!! LIE-berals normally LOVE to support Quebec- and Our idiot Boy apparently may even risk JAIL TIME over his handling of Lavalin as he “saves jobs in Quebec” - but his display of Lavalin devotion DID NOT TRANSLATE into votes for LIE-berals!! And his handing out of a BILLION DOLLARS to Bombardier did not sit well with disgusted Cdns!!!!!)

(Our idiot Boy may be reluctant to shower more gravy onto Quebec UNLESS the gravy can be GUARANTEED to buy future votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Thank you LIE-berals for turning Canada into a rudderless ship drifting in stormy economic waters - while the Do Nothing Brigade DITHERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Oh Joyless LIE-beral Ostrich.........................go hide your head in the sand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our govt is NOW PARALYZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing is going to get done that NEEDS doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating how the new minority govt situation has clipped the wings of LIE-beral social justice warriors!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Trudeau says new cabinet to be sworn in on Nov. 20, vows to work with

Published: October 23, 2019

OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he will unveil his new cabinet on Nov. 20 and is vowing to work with opposition parties — his first public comments since election night, when voters handed the Liberals a minority mandate.

However, Trudeau says he has no plans to establish any sort of formal coalition.

(In other words LIE-berals will put govt activity pretty much ON HOLD till they can figure out how to regain a majority- which may take a DECADE or more - considering HOW BADLY ALL LIE-beral policy has FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

He is promising to make his cabinet gender-balanced, just as it was in 2015 when he first assumed office.

(That`s nice - we can look forward to more unskilled dorks to be promoted beyond their abilities!!

So you think the idiot will make the exact same mistake again. You DON'T balance a cabinet by gender! You balance a cabinet by making sure it's balanced in that each Minister is the MOST suited to do that particular job. A good percentage of the time there's good chance you'll end up with a good balance anyway. The ideal gender balance would be the cabinet's distribution would be close to the distribution of all M.P.s. Of course if the head honcho is an idiot, it will probably result in a f**k up right down the line! :)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
So you think the idiot will make the exact same mistake again. You DON'T balance a cabinet by gender! You balance a cabinet by making sure it's balanced in that each Minister is the MOST suited to do that particular job. A good percentage of the time there's good chance you'll end up with a good balance anyway. The ideal gender balance would be the cabinet's distribution would be close to the distribution of all M.P.s. Of course if the head honcho is an idiot, it will probably result in a f**k up right down the line! :)

OH Joyless LIE-beral Monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy HAS ALREADY ANNOUNCED that his NEW CABINET...................................

WILL BE GENDER BALANCED - JUST LIKE THE OLD ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In fact it may even be rather UNBALANCED - both mentally and physically..............................

since Climate Barbie McKenna got re-elected and Ralph Goodale DID NOT get re-elected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Climate Barbie McKenna burns MORE JET FUEL than any other LIE-beral............................

in her Quixotic Quest to warn us of the Climate Emergency that LIE-berals are precipitating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We KNOW LIE-berals are to blame because Demon Possessed Devil Spawn Greta told us...............................

that Our Govt is not doing enough to halt the climate emergency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Demons never they?????????????????????????????

Goodale deserves to be known as the Cdn version of Saddam Hussein`s propaganda minister ...............................

the infamous "Comical Ali" - whose daily briefings on the progress of the Gulf War .............................

became ever more DELUSIONAL and absurd as the Coalition moved closer to Baghdad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our very own Comical Goodale has earned his nickname for his delusional responses to questions in parliament...........................

regarding the number of ISIS fighters who have returned to Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comical Goodale gave an ABSURD response regarding returned Isis fighters............................

using numbers that were TWO YEARS OUT OF DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even worse- the numbers Comical Goodale recently gave out WERE PROBABLY WRONG when issued the first time around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All that Comical Goodale proved was that LIE-berals HAVE NO INTEREST in tracking returning Isis fighters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes- Our idiot Boy is cobbling together a new cabinet that will be gender balanced...........................

and mentally UNSTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like the old one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!