Emigrants to Canada like 30 thou Syrians.
D.P.s, Displaced Persons, used to be the WOPS, (with out papers) back in the 50s.
The cost of sanitising and mentally stabilising these people should be subtracted to the Canada Military Budget to Americas security.
Leave them alone.
Too bad about blowing up Syria.
America should say "THANK YOU" when we clean up yer stupid stupid.
check with Greta.
Canadian Kiwi.
D.P.s, Displaced Persons, used to be the WOPS, (with out papers) back in the 50s.
The cost of sanitising and mentally stabilising these people should be subtracted to the Canada Military Budget to Americas security.
Leave them alone.
Too bad about blowing up Syria.
America should say "THANK YOU" when we clean up yer stupid stupid.
check with Greta.
Canadian Kiwi.