Israeli F-35s


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I notice that it is only Israeli jets that can fly actual missions, on paper anyway and PR bullshit is the best weapon Israel has. It applies even more to the banksters.
Israeli F-35s Were Reportedly Behind January Raid on Damascus Airport

The Israeli Air Force conducted an airstrike on Damascus International Airport in January claiming to be targeting Iranian troops, whose presence Damascus and Tehran have repeatedly denied. Syrian air defences managed to intercept some 30 missiles, but some still managed to get through and damage the airport's infrastructure.

An Israeli-modified fifth-generation F-35 jet was responsible for the destruction of Chinese-made JY-27 radar at Damascus Airport during an air raid in January 2019, online magazine Military Blog reported citing an anonymous source. The Israeli Air Force has refused to comment on this report.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
I notice that it is only Israeli jets that can fly actual missions,
Open your eyes then, dumbass.

On 27 September 2018, a United States Marines Corps F-35B attacked a Taliban target in Afghanistan, the first U.S. combat employment. The F-35B took off from the USS Essex amphibious assault ship in the Arabian Sea.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
They can't even down a chopper. Israel is claiming to gave flown to Damascus. Have you ever seen this headline before? They fired at the missiles, if the planes had been targeted they would be smoking wrecks like the F-16 was. If they did not shoot you cannot claim the F-35 was unstoppable. War does create profits fir the right players after all.
Israel warned Syria ahead of the strike: Israel confirmed that "dozens" of ground-to-air missiles were fired at its planes, noting that it had warned Syria ahead of the strike, advising Damascus not to respond to the Israeli attack. "We warned the Syrians not to fire anti-aircraft missiles at our planes during the strike and they chose to fire anyway," Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis, the Israel Defense Forces spokesman, told reporters.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I notice that it is only Israeli jets that can fly actual missions, on paper anyway and PR bullshit is the best weapon Israel has. It applies even more to the banksters.
Israeli F-35s Were Reportedly Behind January Raid on Damascus Airport

The Israeli Air Force conducted an airstrike on Damascus International Airport in January claiming to be targeting Iranian troops, whose presence Damascus and Tehran have repeatedly denied. Syrian air defences managed to intercept some 30 missiles, but some still managed to get through and damage the airport's infrastructure.

An Israeli-modified fifth-generation F-35 jet was responsible for the destruction of Chinese-made JY-27 radar at Damascus Airport during an air raid in January 2019, online magazine Military Blog reported citing an anonymous source. The Israeli Air Force has refused to comment on this report.

How the hell would a LOON like MHz know what was flying over Damascus or any other place in the Middle east since he apparently has his ass planted firmly in the heart of the LIE-beral mandated SUCKER NATION of the world - meaning Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or maybe MHz has some special receivers wired into his tinfoil hat so he can see what is happening on the other sie of the world??????????????????????????

And if F-35`s can breeze past Chinese and Russian and Iranian radars and missile defenses without even being seen clearly then maybe they are a LOT MORE EFFECTIVE THAN LIE-berals want to admit????????????????????????

And we all know how enthusiastic Our idiot Boy is about equipping Cdn military with the most costly and least effective weapons available!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO WONDER LIE-BERALS DONT WANT F -35`s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I notice that it is only Israeli jets that can fly actual missions, on paper anyway and PR bullshit is the best weapon Israel has. It applies even more to the banksters.
Israeli F-35s Were Reportedly Behind January Raid on Damascus Airport
The Israeli Air Force conducted an airstrike on Damascus International Airport in January claiming to be targeting Iranian troops, whose presence Damascus and Tehran have repeatedly denied. Syrian air defences managed to intercept some 30 missiles, but some still managed to get through and damage the airport's infrastructure.
An Israeli-modified fifth-generation F-35 jet was responsible for the destruction of Chinese-made JY-27 radar at Damascus Airport during an air raid in January 2019, online magazine Military Blog reported citing an anonymous source. The Israeli Air Force has refused to comment on this report.

What a loser..

First you complain how Israel is killing the Palestinians, now you're saying they can't fight.

You're the biggest Asshat in Canada.

Meanwhile.. :lol:

Killing Sand Niggers one sortie at a time..


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
What a loser..

First you complain how Israel is killing the Palestinians, now you're saying they can't fight.

I was complaining about cheering it on. I can't fight them but I can sure as fuk ruin your day.

You're the biggest Asshat in Canada.
I doubt there are any other Canadians who are willing to call bullshit when bullshit promoted by Jews is passed off as a fact.

Meanwhile.. :lol:

Killing Sand Niggers one sortie at a time..
They seem to be part of a bigger list, you forgot that part.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
They can't even down a chopper. Israel is claiming to gave flown to Damascus. Have you ever seen this headline before? They fired at the missiles, if the planes had been targeted they would be smoking wrecks like the F-16 was. If they did not shoot you cannot claim the F-35 was unstoppable. War does create profits fir the right players after all.
Israel warned Syria ahead of the strike: Israel confirmed that "dozens" of ground-to-air missiles were fired at its planes, noting that it had warned Syria ahead of the strike, advising Damascus not to respond to the Israeli attack. "We warned the Syrians not to fire anti-aircraft missiles at our planes during the strike and they chose to fire anyway," Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis, the Israel Defense Forces spokesman, told reporters.

Thank you MHz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every time you open your blowhole you remind us yet again of just how TRULY BAD an idea it was to allow Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals to take control of Cdn immigration system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have said before and will say again THAT YOU are proof that Muslims hold political and moral values that make them INCOMPATIBLE with western civilization!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You do not belong here and it was an act of LIE-beral political vandalism to allow you in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB

I have said before and will say again THAT YOU are proof that Muslims hold political and moral values that make them INCOMPATIBLE with western civilization!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You do not belong here and it was an act of LIE-beral political vandalism to allow you in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm from Alberta and our values are not under the same horizon so perhaps you should come up with a list of what those values are. 'Capitalism Rules' is not a good start.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I'm thinking the same as STB here if the F-35's are slipping in and out of conflict zones with the newest and greatest non US missile defence systems, why are we not taking delivery of this aircraft for our defence?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I'm from Alberta and our values are not under the same horizon so perhaps you should come up with a list of what those values are. 'Capitalism Rules' is not a good start.


AS I have said- and you have just PROVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muslim jew baiters such as yourself hold views and values that make you UNSUITABLE to be a Cdn citizen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Letting somebody with your values vote in our elections is an act of LIE-beral political vandalism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Capitalism "is not working" simply because STINKING LIE-berals and their civil service union Hog allies have so seriously CRIPPLED IT with their grotesque entitlements and vast debts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are some thoughts on the subject posted by a LIE-beral and rebutted by me:::::

Some jackass Lie-beral recently posted that he thinks we need a `new deal`.....something to `adjust` our society and economy to be `more fair and stable` if Lie-berals could provide such a thing without turning it into a chance to loot and pillage for their own benefit! Lie-beral Pierre Trudeau even wrote a book called `Towards a Just Society`.....while he was loading up our nation with HUGE debts that took a only a few years to create and will take several centuries to pay off. And naturally the Lie-berals think THEY would be leaders of that `just` and utopian society. The Lie-beral has made a post in which various questions are asked and I have supplied answers to the Lie-beral whines as set out below::::

(Q) The economy is not working. A new one needs to be built.
(A) The economy is working just fine, same as it ever was....unfortunately the level of government taxation, corporate greed and government debt have reached such a point that little money filters down to the ordinary people and makes it LOOK as if it is not working. Pare away a good many of the endless list of Lie-beral entitlements and watch the economy grow!

(Q) It (the economy) is not working on a global level, where the world continues to falter.
(A) All western countries have adopted the same tax and spend without end madness....with other countries having less resources to prop up their economies than Canada....we Cdns can be quite deep in debt and still keep things more or less running here in Canada because of having so much gas, oil, minerals, lumber, food, etc......we have stuff that it is easy to sell and so our economy keeps moving when others falter. Compared to us, the PIGS-the Portuguese, Irish, Greeks and Spaniards have nothing to sell except for some pleasant scenery and some picturesque ruins-that they built LONG AGO..... BEFORE they got into the tax and spend and borrow madness. We Cdns are simply the least bankrupt and least insolvent ones in a world of debt and fiscal madness. Some leftist Hogs want to suggest that government austerity measures don’t work.....this argument is supported ONLY by trickery and deceit!

Thus far, the only austerity measures in place involve taking money away from those who have the least in order to give it to those Working Family Coalition HOGS who already have TOO MUCH and who are directly responsible (thanks to their ENDLESS list of entitlements) for the current govt debts!

It is simply a matter of too many civil servants taking too much too often and not doing enough in return! By about 2018 we will owe the Working Family Hogs in Ontari-owe between TWO HUNDRED and THREE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS in pension promises made by Lie-berals desperate to save their own places on the rich gravy train! By 2018 we will owe the Ontari-owe high school teachers FIFTY-FIVE BILLION DOLLARS in deferred pension payments-and what the teachers get, the other civil service unions will expect-these are promises made by Lie-berals who knew they would NEVER have the money available but needed the votes of the lies were told and the Hogs bought into them....and now the bankrupt chickens have come home to roost and the amount of red ink flowing across bankrupt Ontari-owe books is so great that it frightens even spendthrift Lie-berals

Teachers and other Hogs are so deluded about Ontari-owe finances they probably expect to be paid in leprechaun gold....if only lazy Lie-berals and welfare bums would go out and catch a few and make THEM pay taxes too.....the search for `new revenue tools` is as endless as Hog entitlements!

(Q) The economy is not working at a national level, where incomes stagnate, unemployment persists and good jobs are outsourced abroad.
(A) Each year a `pot` of money is produced-this pot is called gross domestic product and it is a FINITE amount of money-once its gone there will be no more till next year.....spend it all this year and then load up with massive debt and you wont have anything to spend next year.....or in our case with our OVER ONE TRILLION DOLLAR debt, we wont have much to spend for the next 150 to 200 years.....this is the face of bankruptcy and we don’t have the multi BILLIONS needed to keep Working Family Hogs happy and quiet....they certainly cannot have what they feel `entitled` to and we cannot even provide them with what Lie-berals have promised them.

(Q) As a study released Friday by the United Way shows, it is not working at a Toronto level.
(A) No surprise in this....Toronto is the poster boy for foolish spending...not only has Toronto messed up its own budget in order to fund that very rich socialist Silly Hall Gravy Train so beloved of Working Family Hogs, it has also HELPED mess up the ENTIRE PROVINCIAL BUDGET by supporting insane Lie-beral spending habits. For every dollar that Queens Park spends on `ordinary people`-meaning those living OUTSIDE Toronto, Queens Park spends TEN DOLLARS on each `very special` citizen living INSIDE Toronto!

(Q) That study makes the point that, even within Canada’s premier city, the gap between the rich and poor is growing.
(A) Again, no surprise-those who are able move away someplace cheaper where their meagre after tax dollars go farther while the wealthy congregate IN Toronto with their colleagues and social `equals`-meaning all those with access to government money- and then Working Family Coalition offers `charity` to those who cannot escape-they build grossly expensive affordable housing using the money they have extorted from lesser mortals. The old saying applies: a Lie-beral is a person who will give away everything that he does not own!

(Q) Experts may tie themselves up in knots over the precise trajectory of inequality, depending in part on what is measured and when.
(A) NO....the only `experts` who tie themselves in knots are Lie-beral campaign managers and speech writers trying not to trip over their own tongues! The `experts` only have trouble when they try to make it look like Lie-berals are doing good for ordinary people when they are really only catering to Working Family HOGS while screwing the rest of us! Even a Lie-beral sometimes slips up while trying to make 2 + 2 add up to FIVE!

(Q) But the general point is beyond dispute: On its own, the free market is providing increasingly less equal rewards.
(A) Beyond dispute, the doofus says? Only a Lie-beral would choose to ignore the collapse of communism and the bankrupt status of any leftist government that takes on too much debt while buying elections as Lie-berals and Working Family have done in Canada and as their foreign colleagues have repeatedly done in other lands burdened by massive debts and unemployment that are a natural result of stupid greedy spending!

(Q) That inequality, in turn, hampers the very forces that favour the free market.
(A) Here is one we can agree on! Smart people, strong people, creative people will usually LEAVE the sort of bankrupt MESS being created in Ontari-owe at this time.....its WHY all of our ancestors immigrated to Canada in the first get away from the rot and corruption in Europe and other places. In those old days our social `leaders` were Dukes and Duchesses and other `royalty to the manor born`....too bad our current Working Family Hogs THINK they are ROYAL....certainly one cannot become a HOG unless one is appointed by the `king`-the union executive and it helps to be RELATED to somebody who is ALREADY a Hog in good standing! Too bad the `Royal` poison has spread so far that we now have no place new to run away too and must fight it out here for control of our collapsing economy!

(Q) In Canada, this trend is offset only by remnants of the great postwar bargain hammered out between capital and labour, a bargain that included unemployment benefits, pensions and strong unions. That bargain is no longer operative. Labour unions are weak; most of the jobless don’t qualify for employment insurance; most workplaces don’t offer pensions.
(A) The so called `great post war bargain` has been perverted out of all recognition. Corporate welfare is gutting our government revenue as Lie-beral governments do dirty backroom deals to save the jobs of friends and allies while lesser mortals have their pockets picked to pay for it. But the single biggest fiscal drain of all comes from the civil service unions! They have gone WAY beyond simply defending their members from bad bosses and now have themselves become as greedy and dictatorial as the corporate bosses they decry! Jobs for life for garbage men, plus solid gold pensions for people who often retire so early in life that they spend more time retired than they do actually WORKING! Our government is burdened with endless grievances launched by Working Family Coalition-including one in which a worker at a Toronto Aquatic sports complex was CONVICTED as a pedophile-he served his jail sentence and then expected to get his job continue working with kids! And his union fought that one through the courts to the Supreme Court of Ontari-owe....and LOST each time. And it costs an average of $3000.00 per day to fight civil service grievances.....and Toronto has, on average 2500-to 3500 PER YEAR but happily most of the grievances are rather less insane than the example cited!
The greatest threat we face here in Canada is the long term economic chaos, social unrest and despair that is a direct result of the dirty rotten back room deals cooked up by our civil service and the Lie-beral Party of Canada to ensure both groups will be able to continue riding that wonderful RICH gravy train with its ENDLESS LIST OF ENTITLEMENTS......this is a fight that Working Family Coalition MUST lose for the good of future generations of Canadians! The HOGS MUST be taught that the gravy train has been CANCELLED for the good of the country!

Jean Chrétien’s Liberal government began the job of dismantling the so-called welfare state. Stephen Harper’s Conservatives are finishing it.

But the factors that really killed the old bargain were globalization and the changing nature of work.

The old welfare state was built for a world where much of the workforce laboured in big factories.

Now, big factories are passé. The new normal is part-time work and alleged self-employment.

I say “alleged” because many companies reclassify their workers as self-employed contractors simply to avoid paying statutory benefits.

So far, Canadian politicians have been abysmally slow in responding to the new reality of work.

The fact that they are still debating the need for a national child-care program some 50 years after women began to flood into the paid workforce is evidence of that.

So what needs to be done?

First, we must recognize that capitalism will not save itself. It never does.

To let the free market have its unfettered way is to degrade the workforce that business needs and impoverish the customer base upon which it depends.

As the current slump demonstrates, private business — no matter how low the tax rate — won’t invest to produce commodities that it believes customers won’t buy.

Failing a social revolution (which, I suspect, most Canadians don’t want), the alternative is to save capitalism from itself.

Here are three modest ideas.
Build a national pharmacare program. This would continue the process, begun in the 1960s, of socializing the costs needed to keep workers healthy.

At various times, politicians from across the political spectrum — including Harper — have called for pharmacare.

Done correctly, a national drug program would save money for both employers and the public at large.

<bullet> Reform the employment insurance system. The aim here should be to ensure that all who are involuntarily unemployed, including part-timers and the self-employed, have full access to EI.

This would diminish downward pressure on wages, which, in the first instance, business won’t like.

But it would also stabilize buying power, which business will like.

<bullet> Rebuild the entire collective bargaining system. Developed in the 1930s and ’40s, the current one was premised on a world of factory production. A new arrangement would have to take into account the dramatic new changes in work.

This will face sustained political opposition. Enlightened employers know that, in the long run, unions create the conditions for a broad and politically stable middle class, thus allowing corporations to prosper. But enlightened employers are in the minority.

These are just three areas. On issues ranging from pensions to climate change, more needs done.

In a perfect world we would encourage social justice because it was the right thing to do. In this world, we appear to act only when pushed by something called the economy.

This is one of those times. The economy is crying for change. The old ways aren’t working. New ones are required.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Preferably. Even better would be the model that automatically nails muzzie terrorists.

OH NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You KNOW Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals WOULD NEVER support the purchase of effective and useful weapons for Cdn military!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One has only to look at the tin can armoured cars they have just purchased - the little 4 by 4 things that routinely strip transmissions and crack axles and then catch fire when in use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other words the new LIE-beral armoured personnel carriers have EXACTLY the same off road performance qualities as the trucks that LIE-beral Chretien purchased years ago for the military after virtually all the existing trucks were ordered OFF the public roads by Transport Canada due to the dangerously rusted out condition of ALL military vehicles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral Chretien SOLVED the unreliable truck problem by CLOSING the Alberta military test range so qualified specialists could not make up a comprehensive list of military vehicle faults, failings and short comings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy has taken another route...................he has simply allowed the military to wither away to such a small and demoralized group that they no longer complain of the junk they are expected to work with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it does not hurt to be sending the more competent and independent minded members of our military off to peace keeping missions - roughly out of range of sensation seeking Cdn journalists looking for a quick story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Really? Sounds slightly racist to me. Few other anti-social traits in there as well. The psychopathic traits I will leave for another post, as they appear in every fuking post.

WELL................. MHz.........................if you stop posting then the level of sanity here will RISE SUBSTANTIALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You could save the time you used to waste posting your little

Jew Baiting diatribes and instead do something useful such

as trying to catch Theend in a BIG NET and then wrapping

him back up in his straight jacket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
OH NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You KNOW Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals WOULD NEVER support the purchase of effective and useful weapons for Cdn military!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Earth to 'it'. We tend to buy and then send to NATO to use if they need something. It's not like we never answer the phone or say anything but, 'Yes Sir.'

Some of your posts, if not most, make some valid points but it doesn't allow for the same thing happening no matter who us sleeping in 'the big house' on Ottawa. More importantly I have failed to notice very many words that would lead do any improvements in 'the system'. I've already indicated the 'world' should give them Jerusalem as that is the prize they have put a lot of effort into 'acquiring' that area. A lot of Gentiles have died along the way also. Put the UN there and have then be the 'general contractor. for the public utility projects that brings the nations that are members all up to a certain standard if housing that is the 21st century version of what DipShit currently lives (loose definition) in and within a few years rather than centuries. That would be a temporary boom for all industrialized countries as a decade of manufacturing would be needed and then only 15% of any country needs to be doing any heavy lifting and the 85% are in tourism/get a hobby mode. Those are the businesses that will last forever.

If we bucked the system we would all have the same living conditions enjoyed by the Natives in the Villages scattered around Hudson Bay. Know what I mean??