Trudeau Is Going To Bury Us In Debt


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I read somewhere they want to give incentives to increase business investments in Canada, but not at the expense of dropping Corp. tax rates.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
You contards seem to conveniently forget that your hero steve had the biggest deficit in Canadian history, but then,facts are foreign to you ****ers
You f*cking ball licking libtards conveniently forget that Pierre Trudeau is responsible for the largest deficit increase in Canadian history, well over 700%.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Guess we should brace ourselves once again, just waiting for word on the Liberals' fall fiscal update. I wonder what Morneau and potato have in store for the next 6's doubtful it will be anything that would include any semblance of fiscal restraint or responsibility.

Liberal deficits, apparently, work for everyone

We assume he’ll assure Canadians the federal Liberal’s track record of rising debt, massive deficits, tax hikes and growing government red tape were part of a proven plan to modestly grow Canada’s economy over the past three years.

That adding a national carbon tax that will hike the cost of gas, groceries and cost of living will magically put more money into everyone’s pockets.

That following his government’s taxpayer credit-card fueled spending spree, that saw government spending top $300 billion annually for the first time ever, fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets are on the horizon.

Meanwhile, fiscal irresponsibility has defined the past three years.

During the 2015 federal election campaign, then Liberal leader Justin Trudeau predicted that if elected he would run a $9.9 billion deficit in 2016-17.

Instead, it hit $19 billion — 92% higher than planned.
Is that all . Remember the gun registry was only going to cost 2million . Gee the libs are slipping .


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You f*cking ball licking libtards conveniently forget that Pierre Trudeau is responsible for the largest deficit increase in Canadian history, well over 700%.

In 1867, the net debt of the Government of Canada was $75.7 million. During the nation-building phase of the Canadian economy from 1867 to 1913, which entailed the subsidized construction of transcontinental railways and the settlement of the West, the net debt grew from $75.7 million to $314.3 million. As a result of the First World War and the Great Depression, the net debt grew to reach $3.1 billion by 1938. The Second World War saw the net debt climb further to reach $11.3 billion by 1945. Growth of the public debt continued and the 25 years between 1945 and 1970 saw the debt reach $20.3 billion.
The period since 1970 witnessed enormous growth in the federal net debt as successive deficits combined with high interest rates saw the net debt rise from $20.3 billion to reach a peak of $609 billion in 1996—the era of the federal fiscal crisis. The period of federal restraint that followed combined by relatively robust economic growth saw balanced budgets and a reduction in the federal net debt to $516.3 billion by 2007. With the financial crisis and recession of 2008-09, federal net debt began to rise again and by 2015 had reached a new all-time high of $692 billion.
The current net public debt of Canada represents the accumulation of all the deficits plus interest over the 149 years since Confederation. Put another way, $672 billion—or 97 per cent of the current debt—has been acquired in the 46 years since 1970. Between 1867 and 2014, the average annual rate of growth of the federal net public debt comes in at 6.8 per cent. Compare that to population, with an annual average growth rate of 1.6 per cent, and inflation at 2.4 per cent as measured by the annual average growth rate of the GDP deflator. Real per capita federal net debt (in 2015 dollars) grew from $577 in 1870 and reached $19,302 in 2015.

75M -3.1B = 4033%
3.1 - 11.3 = 270%
75M - 11.3B = 15233.33%

2 wars for the bankers.

1968–1979 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Liberal1979–1980 Charles Joseph Clark Conservative1980–1984 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Liberal1984John Turner Liberal1984–1993 Brian Mulroney Conservative

1970 -1996 20B-



Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
Apparently you not noticed there is FAR MORE CREDIT CARD FRAUD in the world than there is armed robbery these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is FAR SAFER- and more profitable too- to use computer and phone to rob people these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you rob somebody in your home town then you invite a visit from the LOCAL COPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But if you do as the Nigerians do and FORGE CDN health cards- then the only cops who are investigating are on the other side of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nigerian cops and govt are probably HAPPY for the extra income that Nigerian letter scams bring in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Nobel Peace prize winner, former Peace Corp volunteer and more recently famous author author Paul Theroux is so disgusted
with how foreign aid issues are handled in Africa that he OPENLY MOCKS- in his book "Dark Star Safari" - charities such as Save the
Children and World Vision- calling them : "SHAVE THE CHILDREN and BLURRED VISION!!!!!!!!!
Nobel Prize winner Theroux suggests African are being turned into a nation of apathetic beggars who will do nothing but BEG!!!!!!!!
He writes of a village in sub Saharan Africa that he visited - which has ONE LONE FRUIT TREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the entire village spends its day in the shade of the tree- and there is STANDING ROOM ONLY- due to the large number of shade seekers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They spend ALL day in the shade of the tree- ONLY EMERGING from the shade of the tree to beg from bus passengers such as Theroux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If they do not get "gifts" then they retire back to the shade of the tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whenever the tree produces a ripe fruit it is quickly grabbed and eaten...........
What will these people do when that tree dies of old age??????????????????
What will they do when the village gets large enough that not everybody can fit into the shaded area???????????????
Will there be violence as people FIGHT FOR SHADE???????????????????????????????
Will there be Bribery????????????????????????????
Will there be a LIE-beral govt commission to determine WHO is entitled to first chance at the shade??????????????????
You do realize that if they planted and sometimes watered the occasional seed from that fruit tree then there could be MORE SHADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And if there was more shade then they could SIT in it instead of being PACKED into a standing room only MASS of sweating humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And.........they ARE HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And they EAT the fruit of their tree.........................if there was MORE FRUIT.............would they be less hungry???????????????????
This is the same problem that Cdn natives on reserves have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LIE-beral govt has turned an entire population into apathetic GOOFS who have NO THOUGHT for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



New Member
Apr 28, 2016
It's only 20 seconds and well worth a look. It's a perfect summary of our "Prime Minister's" intellect and his understanding of Trade and the economy.
