God is the Eternal: none before Him, and the Last: none after Him.
Quran 57: 3, which means:
He is the First [: no god before Him], and the Last [: no god after Him], and the Dominant, and the Invisible, and He is Most Aware about all things.)
More explanation is in the link:
The sin leads to remorse: indicating it was not wise, and not correct.
The sinner wishes he did not commit the sin.
The repentance means: the sinner decides he will not repeat the sin once again.
Quran 3: 193-194, which means:
193. "Our Lord, we have heard a caller [: Mohammed] calling to the belief, [saying:] "Believe in your Lord [alone]"; so we have believed. Our Lord, forgive us then our [past] sins, and conceal our [future] offences, and [after death] take us to You among the pious."
194."Our Lord, offer to us that [prosperity of Paradise] which You have promised us with, by [the words of] Your messengers, and disgrace us not [by exposing our offences before souls] on the Day of Judgment; for You never break Your promise [to us.]")
More explanation is in the link:
Also Prophet Abraham - salam to him - said as in the
Quran 26: 87, which means:
"And bring not shame on me on the day [of death] when they will be sent [from their bodies to the Afterlife e.])
e The meaning: Let me not be naked among souls, but give me one of Paradise dresses so that I may wear and cover my shame with it.
That is because when man dies, he will be naked among souls unless the angels may bring to him an ethereal dress from Paradise, so he will wear and cover his shame with it.
God will expose the disbeliever in the life of the World and in the Next Life:
Quran 9: 2, which means:
And know that you cannot frustrate [the will of] God, and that God will degrade [and abase] the unbelievers.)
Quran 16: 27, which means:
Then on the Day of Judgment He will disgrace them [before the public] and [the angel in charge of their punishment] will say: "Where are my associates, for whose sake you opposed [the believers and whom you defended]?"
Those [prophets] who were given knowledge said [to them in their material life of the World]: "The disgrace and evil, this day, are for disbelievers.")
Comment: God will let the idolater and atheist be exposed and disgraced in the life of the World in many instances; this includes me when I was enthusiastic about Imam Ali: I was in many bad situations, of which I now wish that I had not been enthusiastic (like the idolater), and then by His grace, He saved and honored me with His favor.
And when I remember my sins and mistakes, I wish I had not done that, and know that I had been in great error because of my past enthusiasm and glorifying those else than God Most Gracious.
Therefore, every wise man should not be against God by ascribing sons or daughters or peers to God, and should not deny God the Creator or else God will expose and degrade him before the community by many ways.
On the contrary, all wise people have to be with God alone without glorifying anyone besides Him, so as to ensure for themselves good consequences in the life of the World and in the Next Life.
Quran 8: 24, which means:
And know that God intervenes between man and his heart b)
b So don't think that – merely by saying "we are Muslims" but you do not struggle in the cause of God – you will be admitted into Paradise, because
He may change your opinions and doctrines then He will not admit you into Paradise.]