Quit picking on the Shiny Pony


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
The only way to know about Trudeau's competence would be to see how he conducts himself in Cabinet meetings. That's something we will never see. Where is the cleaner who can put a camera in there so we can see what actually goes on?

There are a lot of bright young people, but like anything else, they need some time to watch and gain experience on how governments actually operate. It doesn't matter where you go in the world. Each has its own method of doing things.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
That demographic worries me the most, Murph. I would like to believe that there are intelligent thoughtful young voters who are beginning to see the cracks in the facade but after seeing the results of a few polls wherein his support among them is still high - the only demographic with positive numbers - I have my doubts.

Justin is a puppet - a very poorly manipulated one with very loose strings. If indeed it is those behind the scenes who are making policy decisions it begs the question why would they wish to have terrorists immigrate to our country? How could they be so frickin' blind to the threat they pose?

I'm quite afraid, Mowich, that a lot of young people are very fickle, they hate Trump because he's not nice and love Trudeau because he is nice. How shallow can they be?


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
When you're young, you don't realize that you are lacking experience. I'm reminded of the old joke. Please get into government now while you still know everything.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
2 British IS members say hostage beheadings were a 'mistake'

KOBANI, Syria — Two British militants believed to have been part of an Islamic State group cell notorious for beheading hostages in Syria were unapologetic in their first interview since their capture, denouncing the U.S. and Britain as "hypocrites" who will not give them a fair trial.

The men, along with two other British jihadis, allegedly made up the IS cell nicknamed "The Beatles" by surviving captives because of their English accents.

The nickname belied the cell's brutality. In 2014 and 2015, it held more than 20 Western hostages in Syria and tortured many of them. It beheaded seven American, British and Japanese journalists and aid workers and a group of Syrian soldiers, boasting of the butchery in videos released to the world.

Speaking to The Associated Press at a Kurdish security centre, the two men, El Shafee Elsheikh and Alexanda Amon Kotey, repeatedly refused to address allegations they were part of the cell — clearly having a future trial in mind. They complained that they could "disappear" after Britain reportedly revoked their citizenship.

They were captured in January in eastern Syria by the Kurdish-led, U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces amid the collapse of IS. Their detention has set off a debate in the U.S. and Europe over how to prosecute their citizens who joined IS — as the Kurds pressure the West to take them back to relieve overcrowding in prisons.

The two said the killings of the captives were a mistake — but for tactical reasons.

Many in IS "would have disagreed" with the killings "on the grounds that there is probably more benefit in them being political prisoners," Kotey said.

"I didn't see any benefit (in killing them). It was something that was regrettable." He also blamed Western governments for failing to negotiate, noting that some hostages were released for ransoms.

Elsheikh said the killings were a "mistake" and might not have been justified. But, he said, they were in retaliation for killings of civilians by the U.S.-led coalition fighting IS. He said the militants shouldn't have initially threatened to kill the hostages because then they had to go ahead with it or else "your credibility may go."

The beheadings, often carried out on camera, horrified the world soon after IS took over much of Iraq and Syria in 2014. The group also committed widescale atrocities including massacring thousands of Iraqi troops and civilians and taking sex slaves.

The first victim was American journalist James Foley, followed by fellow Americans Steven Sotloff and Peter Kassig, British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning and Japanese journalists Haruna Yukawa and Kenji Goto.

Speaking to the AP on Friday, Foley's mother, Diane Foley, called on the international community and U.S. government "to have the courage to hold these men accountable in an open trial where we can face them and they can hear all the pain and suffering they've inflicted on the world. And so that the rest of the world can understand the atrocity of their crimes."

She said she opposes the death penalty for them since it feeds jihadi "desire for martyrdom and heroic afterlife."

More: 2 British IS members say hostage beheadings were a 'mistake' | The Chronicle Herald

Just a reminder of the type of people the PM refers to as 'foreign travelers' while comparing their entry into our country with difficulties faced by Italians when they first migrated to our shores.

I think we should have a trial run. Let Justin invite one of them to live with him and the family. I'm sure Sophie will be thrilled and what a unique opportunity for the kids to really connect with a murdering soulless piece of excrement.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Gwyn Morgan: Trudeau’s cynical politics caught him in his own Trans Mountain trap

It should have been perfectly clear that Trans Mountain would face vastly more strident opposition than Northern Gateway or Energy East

Canada is endowed with the third-largest oil reserves in the world, but a lack of access to world markets means our oil is sold far below world prices. Each day, this “captive-market discount” hands a $40-million gift to Americans. Adding insult to injury, the discount also drives tens of billions of dollars in Canadian investments to American oilfields.

Now, after seven years and billions of dollars spent by proponents of three oil-export pipelines, hopes for revival of Canada’s oil industry has come down to one extremely troubled project: the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion. How could this possibly have happened?

The answer lies in politically motivated decisions that progressively narrowed those three proposals to what was always the most fraught project. Here is a precis of what I’ll call “the saga of the three pipelines.”

Enbridge filed regulatory applications for a Northern Gateway pipeline to ship Alberta oil to the North-Pacific port of Kitimat in 2010.

The Harper government’s cabinet approved the project in 2014 after a thorough and intense review by the National Energy Board (NEB). However, in September 2016, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau cancelled the project. “The Great Bear Rainforest is no place for a pipeline,” said Trudeau. It mattered not that the so-called “Great Bear Rainforest” hadn’t even been given that name until after the regulatory review (in 2016, it was still called the Central and North Coast Forest).

Some First Nation bands were pleased, but not those most affected by the loss of employment and financial benefits. Just weeks ago, the Lax Kw’alaams, representing nine First Nations tribes, filed a lawsuit claiming that the Great Bear Rainforest prohibition against development on their traditional lands shouldn’t have been implemented without their consent. The tragic irony is that Northern Gateway could have been built by 2019. And it would have created jobs and economic benefits in a part of the province that desperately needs it, unlike Vancouver.

In 2014, TransCanada filed regulatory applications for the Energy East pipeline project to move Alberta oil to refineries in Montreal and New Brunswick, while providing vital access to Atlantic tidewater. The project would have replaced the hundreds of foreign-flagged oil tankers that sail up the St. Lawrence each year carrying half a million barrels per day to Montreal, and would use existing pipelines formerly carrying natural gas. The project had all the hallmarks of a win-win nation builder. But, in the face of strident opposition from politically influential Quebec, the Trudeau government imposed an “upstream emissions test” on Energy East, blatantly ignoring the emissions emanating from foreign oil suppliers and those hundreds of tankers carrying their oil. The government then required a restart of the entire NEB regulatory hearing process with newly appointed board members. Realizing that the Quebec votes were more important to the Trudeau government than their project, TransCanada abandoned the project after spending $1 billion.

The Trudeau government’s cynical and politically motivated elimination of Northern Gateway and Energy East left the Trans Mountain expansion as the lone route left to getting Alberta oil to tidewater. But it should have been perfectly clear that the project would face vastly more strident opposition than the other two projects.

Trudeau himself provided justification for that opposition during the federal election campaign. He had attacked the NEB as lacking “public trust” (a regulator that had served Liberal and Conservative governments with distinction for decades), the same words that Trans Mountain opponents, including protestors chaining themselves to construction sites, now use to support their claims that NEB approval of the project was flawed.

After investing $1 billion, Kinder Morgan suspended construction and set a firm deadline for project cancellation unless the conditions for completion are in place. Over the nine months since B.C.’s NDP government — controlled by the Green Party, thanks to a power-sharing deal — vowed to use “all the tools in the toolbox” to stop the Trans Mountain expansion, the prime minister and members of his cabinet have repeatedly stated the project “will be built.” But no action was taken to make that happen. Now the saga of the three pipelines has exploded into a national emergency. The stakes are no longer just a crucial route to tidewater, but also a test of Ottawa’s constitutional jurisdiction over nationally important projects, a destructive breakdown in relations between two provinces and very possibly a national unity crisis.

Having made the unfathomable decision to fly to South America and Europe as this crisis escalated, the PM eventually realized he must return to Ottawa to sit down with the premiers of Alberta and B.C. He arrived with the air of a white knight come to save the day, but it was already clear that there was no chance of changing B.C.’s avowed opposition. In reality, it was B.C. Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver, not Premier John Horgan, who should have been invited to the meeting with Trudeau and Notley since the very survival of B.C.’s NDP government is in his hands.

Now we await announcement of what actions the Trudeau government will take. Taxpayers should watch their wallets, as both the federal and Alberta governments are considering funding the $7.4-billion project. That would be a lamentable but unsurprising chapter in a saga in which politics killed the first two pipelines. The killers will force us all to pay for their mistakes.

Gwyn Morgan: Trudeau


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The Eastern based Financial Post no less.

... Not looking so good for tater tot
No the famous Liberal back room are in a tizzy right now , they know who created this disaster and the finger points right back at them . To think they could have had a rocket scientist .