Trudeau. Is he an idiot or what?


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s hypocrisy was on full display this week in the House of Commons, as he was answering question on the topic of female genital mutilation (FGM).

FGM is the brutal cultural practice that mutilates a young woman’s genitals and has been carried out on an estimated 200 million girls and women worldwide — most prominently in North Africa and the Middle East.

News reports over the summer, however, revealed how FGM is increasingly practised in Canada, and that our border guards are on the lookout for tools commonly used by FGM practitioners.

As I reported exclusively in the Sun, the website Muslims in Calgary posted an article that justified and even encouraged this practice within the Islamic faith. Following my report, the organization quickly apologized and retracted the disturbing essay.

We know that FGM is practised in Canada, and we need tougher laws and more resources to protect young women at risk in our country.

This week, Calgary MP Michelle Rempel — who has been working tirelessly to combat this issue — asked the Prime Minister why his government wants to remove a warning against FGM in Canada’s citizenship guide.


MALCOLM: Trudeau’s odd statements on female genital mutilation continue | Toronto Sun

This is where we need to force people who come here to accept that FGM is a human rights violation. It is a barbaric practice, along with honour killings!

There is no logical reason to cut a women clitoris for example except for the reason of hurt male pride, which is not an excuse! Men dont own women, women own themselves!

Trudeau needs to grow a backbone

Canada is a signatory to over 20 major international conventions and treaties. A significant number of these are based on fundamental human rights principles. Canada's commitment to the development and maintenance of fundamental human rights in the international community and in Canada is therefore a matter of law.
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House Member
May 18, 2010


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011

He’s trying to over compensate for Trumps ban on Muslims. A sort of doubling down on his own beliefs in the face of Trump doing the complete opposite.

Its just his way of making himself feel self righteous


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I can explain why you want people to believe this.

Okay, make it quick and no conspiracy shit and again, make it snappy.
I've got a pedicure in 45 minutes.

Because the young Trudeau has very little of his old man in him.

Trudeau: Well there are a lot of bleeding hearts around who just don't like to see people with helmets and guns. All I can say is, go on and bleed. But it's more important to keep law and order in the society than to be worried about weak-kneed people who don't like the looks of a soldier.

He's more like his Mom.

Over time, the marriage disintegrated to the point that, as recounted in her book, Trudeau had an affair with US Senator Ted Kennedy. She was also associated with members of the Rolling Stones, including Ronnie Wood[23] and, according to Keith Richards's autobiography, Life, Mick Jagger.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The Prime Minister set himself up for this from the word go and it stems back to his statement in the political debates with Harper where he said, "A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian." In regard to stripping people who engage in terrorist acts or take up arms as insurgents in other countries of their citizenship.

Whether your political leanings are left or right, I think most of us care about the country we live in and therefore want to protect our citizens. Can we also not agree that it is a very bad idea to accept Isis fighters back into our nation under the guise that we can somehow rehabilitate them?

Perhaps I'm being racist or non-inclusive, but when you abandon this country to go to a foreign land and take up arms against our military and that of our allies you have in essence turned your back on your country. In this case Canada. In the old days they used to call that treason. Nowadays, it seems that we in this nation our somehow at fault.

I don't think they should be hung or shot or even jailed. I think they should be stripped of the citizenship they turned their back on and betrayed when they signed up to be foreign fighters. The fact that some folks (our Prime Minister and his Cabinet included) can't seem to compute this, is mind boggling for the rest of us Canadians, left or right.

Our Prime Minister is as inept as Donald Trump is a buffoon.

You said it well! :)