Trudeau. Is he an idiot or what?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
That's probably about the extent of the commonality. Trump has smarts and balls. :)

Business smarts maybe, but he and Justin share a commonality in that both are completely unqualified for the position they hold. As far as your second statement goes. Being an arrogant buffoon is the same as having balls.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Well, they are both men. Both are married to women. They both speak English. Neither served in the military. Neither smokes. Neither has been invited to my house or hunting lodge.

There are more I'm sure.

And neither has a heart or a brain! :)


Time Out
Dec 1, 2017
Best to move along numbskull. This conversation is too far above your IQ.

I voted Liberal for the first time in my life for one reason.

Pot laws.

When that is complete and it will be, I will never vote for them again unless they promise something similar.

To be honest I didn’t really mind Harper as PM. It would be interesting to see how he would handle that golden ape to the south.

I’ll likely vote for Brown in Ontario, I like Bill Davis and he seems to be similar.

May vote NDP too if they can shed the Liberal pc crap.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Business smarts maybe, but he and Justin share a commonality in that both are completely unqualified for the position they hold. As far as your second statement goes. Being an arrogant buffoon is the same as having balls.

Not really too surprising with Justin. My first clue was when he announced one of his key campaign promises..................legalizing pot! :) and second importing refugees by the thousands. Wouldn't "housecleaning" be the first order of the day before anything else?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
My first clue was when he announced one of his key campaign promises..................legalizing pot! :)

I know that, as a social conservative, you care little for the tax dollars being utterly wasted on the war on drugs. Being a trough feeder instead of a trough filler, it's understandable that you care little for fiscal responsibility.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Business smarts maybe, but he and Justin share a commonality in that both are completely unqualified for the position they hold. As far as your second statement goes. Being an arrogant buffoon is the same as having balls.

QUalified for the position is a wild one. My opinion is that Harper has been the closest to being qualified in both countries in several secades.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s hypocrisy was on full display this week in the House of Commons, as he was answering question on the topic of female genital mutilation (FGM).

FGM is the brutal cultural practice that mutilates a young woman’s genitals and has been carried out on an estimated 200 million girls and women worldwide — most prominently in North Africa and the Middle East.

News reports over the summer, however, revealed how FGM is increasingly practised in Canada, and that our border guards are on the lookout for tools commonly used by FGM practitioners.

As I reported exclusively in the Sun, the website Muslims in Calgary posted an article that justified and even encouraged this practice within the Islamic faith. Following my report, the organization quickly apologized and retracted the disturbing essay.

We know that FGM is practised in Canada, and we need tougher laws and more resources to protect young women at risk in our country.

This week, Calgary MP Michelle Rempel — who has been working tirelessly to combat this issue — asked the Prime Minister why his government wants to remove a warning against FGM in Canada’s citizenship guide.


MALCOLM: Trudeau’s odd statements on female genital mutilation continue | Toronto Sun


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s hypocrisy was on full display this week in the House of Commons, as he was answering question on the topic of female genital mutilation (FGM).

FGM is the brutal cultural practice that mutilates a young woman’s genitals and has been carried out on an estimated 200 million girls and women worldwide — most prominently in North Africa and the Middle East.

News reports over the summer, however, revealed how FGM is increasingly practised in Canada, and that our border guards are on the lookout for tools commonly used by FGM practitioners.

As I reported exclusively in the Sun, the website Muslims in Calgary posted an article that justified and even encouraged this practice within the Islamic faith. Following my report, the organization quickly apologized and retracted the disturbing essay.

We know that FGM is practised in Canada, and we need tougher laws and more resources to protect young women at risk in our country.

This week, Calgary MP Michelle Rempel — who has been working tirelessly to combat this issue — asked the Prime Minister why his government wants to remove a warning against FGM in Canada’s citizenship guide.

Quite simple. He's trying to be everything to everyone. IN is desperate bid for a Peace Prize, he's unwittingly, or maybe it is wittingly, throwing his "standards" under the bus for one group, and throwing a different set of his "standards" under the bus for another group. Quite frankly, I think the only reason he claims to be a feminist is so he can creepily hug his female cabinet ministers when he thinks they've done a good job. As we have seen him do on a few occasions at least.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
QUalified for the position is a wild one. My opinion is that Harper has been the closest to being qualified in both countries in several secades.

I never thought we had much to complain about with Harper. (Mind you he was probably regarded as being cheap with the handouts) :)


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
I never thought we had much to complain about with Harper. (Mind you he was probably regarded as being cheap with the handouts) :)

And it helped that he wasn’t mentally ill.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
He was permanently damaged from this:



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Justin has become downright dangerous.

He is a New Age Spiritualist, a cult shaman. It is no surprise that he singled out Christianity and the moral foundations of Western Civilization as his primary target. Something that must be ridiculed, apologized for and discarded.

The New Age is a complex assemblage, but it a closed system founded primarily of a overarching spiritual consciousness that rejects the existence of Evil (there are only relative points of view). Judgemental religions, such as Christianity, become an anathema.

What passes for a Deity becomes a Mother Earth Goddess. That explains much of his fanatical attachment to the idols of feminism and radical environmentalism. He has surrounded himself with a coven of witches. He promotes spiritualism (self centred 'karma' or unity and sublimation with the universe), theosophy (a unity of all religions) and anthroposophy (essentially man as his own creator) as the philosophical roots of his politics.

His program essentially is that of Gnosticism which sees the cosmos as organic, self contained whole animated by an ambient energy which emanates from it parts and forms an supreme consciousness that neither creates nor discharges. It simply 'is'. It understood only by 'holders' of an esoteric knowledge.

We are in grips of occultist.

As I have already posted a thread that literally proves the creators of mankind were the chimp and the pig, makind is a proven hybred of those two organisms. So the question is who created the pig and or the chimp? It is not yet known if either of these two parent organisms give a damn or if the question has ever or will ever cross thier minds.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017

last unknown common ancestor.

this has been traced to an organism that lived in volcanic debris.

this is required for people who simply cannot comprehend that all life came from the very cosmic dust that coalesced into the Big Bang.

I did say "on the battlefield".

We do have JTF2 on site.

We do know who they are.

Shoot them all.

The ones that get captured, leave them with their captors.
there is no way we can identify who should die and who should not.