Impeach Trump!!


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I knew it would all, come back to him.

It's funny how a guy that is Angry at Blacks protesting being indiscriminately killed by police, by bending a knee calls that unpatriotic, nevertheless the same guy can insult Gold Star Families and John McCain a war hero and somehow that is okay.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Gee...and we just found out that Hitlary is now on the FBI hook for collusion with the russians and selling off the US uranium for traitorous donations to her slush fun[sic]...

So thats what she gets up to when she isn't out empowering her rapist husband and his trips to pedo Island.
There is talk she is one of THEM too.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
What about it..

Are you saying this is Trump's Benghazi. ;) Yeah, Cap I guess your right.

I guess you can treat a fallen soldier's family like dirt so long as you "respect" the flag by standing for the national anthem at a football game.

DT is simply a disgusting human being.

It's really sickening to watch you play the victim on this.

Trump's Benghazi?... hell, i can't think of any contemporary President that wasn't involved in some form of conflict that didn't result in the loss of life or property, but here you are, thumping your chest and wailing to the heavens about big, bad ole mean Trump... Hell, where's your outrage on Obama who not only got elected on recalling ALL US soldiers, but received a Peace Prize AND increased the American's military commitments?.... Where's all your pissing and moaning on that?

Get over it already.... You still got another 7.25 years so don't get an aneurysm right from th eget-go


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013

At the federal level, Article Two of the United States Constitution states in Section 4 that "The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."

The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeaching, while the United States Senate has the sole power to try all impeachments. The removal of impeached officials is automatic upon conviction in the Senate. In Nixon v. United States (1993), the Supreme Court determined that the federal judiciary cannot review such proceedings.

Impeachment is analogous to indictment in regular court proceedings; trial by the other house is analogous to the trial before judge and jury in regular courts. Typically, the lower house of the legislature (House of Representatives) impeaches the official and the upper house (Senate) conducts the trial.

At the Philadelphia Convention, Benjamin Franklin noted that, historically, the removal of "obnoxious" chief executives had been accomplished by assassination. Franklin suggested that a proceduralized mechanism for removal—impeachment—would be preferable.



Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
I knew it would all, come back to him.

It's funny how a guy that is Angry at Blacks protesting being indiscriminately killed by police, by bending a knee calls that unpatriotic, nevertheless the same guy can insult Gold Star Families and John McCain a war hero and somehow that is okay.

Looks its our residents antifa idiot posting none sense again. Careful he might punch other antifa members and call them racist.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Does anyone really believe a President can be impeached for being tactless and crude? Won't EVER happen. :) :)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Says the guy who wants to annihilate all of humanity.

Suddenly you care.

It's you nazis types that keep starting all the world wars because you can't do economics very well..
especially the part where all you henchmen get the long knives in the back as payment the day after the revolution cometh.

It is fun to watch yet another mental prediction bite the dust though.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Says the guy who wants to annihilate all of humanity.

Suddenly you care.

Watching antifa attacking themselves dose have high entertainment value. Even someone with as little credibility as yourself can agree to at least that.

It is the stupidity that is antifa, that helps me realize how hopeless our society has become.

We are involved in a internal war of ideology.

One that i doubt North America will survive

So why would i give a fuk.