No, I don't believe anything. I know sea levels are rising because the data are quite firm and consistent.So you believe in his claims of rising sea levels , good for you .
You're one of the ones who "doesn't believe in AGW." And because your emotional set apparently leads you to reject objective facts, you undoubtedly follow the script, which includes the following mutually exclusive statements:Now please tell me how you find my position as foaming hatred ? That is a stretch even for one so used to playing word games as you .
1. Ain't happening.
2. Ain't caused by humans.
3. Can't do nothing about it.
Looping back nicely to the conspiracy theory that the liberals (capital or small "L") are TRYIN' TO TAKE AWAY AHR RAHTS!, the insane thesis that all the researchers are bought-off and lying (except for the tiny majority who reject AGW, whom you have decided must be morally pure geniuses vastly above pressure or bribery), and probably that Al Gore is Satan
For the record (not that you'll listen or "believe") I don't "believe" in AGW. The average temperature of the planet is rising, sea levels are rising. Those are facts. CO2, methane, and H2O are greenhouse gases. Also a fact, demonstrated through experimentation. And I find these facts interesting.
Human industrial activity has increased the amount of CO2, methane, and H2O in the atmosphere. Probably, though it calls for a lot of unproven assumptions. If true, I find it concerning.
Human activity is the sole or primary cause of AGW. Sorry, far too speculative. Tries to make too much cloth out of too little yarn. Ignores far too many other possible contributing factors. Also smacks of the same emotion-driven "belief" that drives the deniers on the other side.
Solution? Continue research. And in the meantime, implement those "anti-AGW" measures that ALSO reduce pollution, because the link between breathing hydrocarbons and sulfur dioxide and gasping, coughing, turning grey, falling over, and ceasing cardiopulmonary function is established to the point of fact. So why do possibly-useful/possibly-useless stuff when there is plenty of stuff that will bring immediate, direct benefits while at the same time reduce AGW, if it turns out that AGW actually is a fact?