So, how about that Syrian chemical attack thing?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Chemical attack has all the hallmarks of a false flag
APRIL 5, 2017
Report: Soros-Linked Group Behind Chemical Attack in Syria

The White Helmets, an al-Qaeda affiliated group funded by George Soros and the British government, have reportedly staged another chemical weapon attack on civilians in the Syrian city of Khan Shaykhun to lay blame on the Syrian government.
A day prior to the attack, Gulf-based Orient TV announced “Tomorrow we are launching a media campaign to cover the airstrikes on Hama country side including the usage of chemical warfare against civilians.” This shows clear foreknowledge that the rebels were going to stage an attack by Orient TV....

...Several children appear in the videos suffocating from an unknown chemical substance, while others appear to have unexplained head injuries. It is known 250 people were kidnapped by Al-Qaeda last week from the nearby city of Hama, which is the same number as the current body count of wounded and killed civilians.

good ol soros the obombahitlary supporting jew burning nazi agrees with netenyahoo
...and trump too eh?
funny that

...and we know who supports elCIAdoh


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
You aren't really up on who is doing what in Syria are you?? And to think we call the Muslims stupid.
So far all chemical attacks have been bu US supported terrorists. What part of that is escaping what you call 'your brain??

Trump needs some new advisors as much as the usual suspects here do. There is naturally stupid and there is intentionally stupid.
"These heinous actions by the Assad regime cannot be tolerated," he emphasized.
The lethal gas attack "had a big impact on me," he added, saying that this changed his attitude toward President of Syria Bashar Assad.

The chemical attack was an "affront to humanity," he said, adding that the US is raising its voice with the global chorus denouncing the tragedy. Biochemical warfare against enemy militants and innocent civilians "cannot be tolerated," Trump said.
Assad responded to reports of the attack by saying that there are no chemical weapons left in Syria, making it impossible that the attack could have stemmed from the Syrian government.
Moscow succeeded in negotiating a deal with Damascus to oversee the elimination of its chemical weapons arsenal in 2014. In that same year, Russia and Syria completed the goal of destroying all the weapons under the direct supervision of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

Maybe Americans and Canadians are just naturally dimwits at the best of times. (both at home and abroad)

Wow! When I heard about this attack, I knew you would defend the Syrian Government, because to do otherwise flies in the face of all the crazy conspiracy theories you espouse. It would have been refreshing for you to acknowledge that someone Assad's military did this, but why change your mantra now?

Next you'll be accusing Swedes.

Chemical attack has all the hallmarks of a false flag
APRIL 5, 2017
Report: Soros-Linked Group Behind Chemical Attack in Syria

The White Helmets, an al-Qaeda affiliated group funded by George Soros and the British government, have reportedly staged another chemical weapon attack on civilians in the Syrian city of Khan Shaykhun to lay blame on the Syrian government.
A day prior to the attack, Gulf-based Orient TV announced “Tomorrow we are launching a media campaign to cover the airstrikes on Hama country side including the usage of chemical warfare against civilians.” This shows clear foreknowledge that the rebels were going to stage an attack by Orient TV....

...Several children appear in the videos suffocating from an unknown chemical substance, while others appear to have unexplained head injuries. It is known 250 people were kidnapped by Al-Qaeda last week from the nearby city of Hama, which is the same number as the current body count of wounded and killed civilians.

good ol soros the obombahitlary supporting jew burning nazi agrees with netenyahoo
...and trump too eh?
funny that

...and we know who supports elCIAdoh

Infowars. Now there's a solid news source. I remember when Alex proclaimed that Railroad Car Carriers were going to be used to take American citizens to internment camps.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
There is nothing funny about you being a goof.

What makes it worse is you have no idea what a goof is.

goof n

a goof is a child molester in prison that likes young boys.they must be kept in protective custody. quite often murdered or beaten into comas


Department of State‏Verified account @StateDept

12:32 AM - 24 Jun 2014

.@JohnKerry: Today the last 8% of declared chemical weapons were removed from #Syria.

Great work done by all involved

Too bad Trump let all those chemical weapons back in to Syria. More Trump failures


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
‘FALSE FLAG’ — Ron Paul Says Syrian Chemical Attack ‘Makes No Sense’

Ron Paul claimed on Wednesday’s broadcast of “The Liberty Report” that all signs point toward Tuesday’s chemical attack in Syria being a false flag operation.

“Before this episode of possible gas exposure and who did what, things were going along reasonably well for the conditions,” the former Texas congressman stated. “Trump said let the Syrians decide who should run their country, and peace talks were making out, and Al Qaeda and ISIS were on the run.”

“It looks like, maybe, somebody didn’t like that so there had to be an episode, and the blame now is we can’t let that happen because it looks like it might benefit Assad.”

“It’s not so easy though is it? What happened four years ago in 2013, you know, this whole thing about crossing the red line?” he posed. “Ever since then, the neocons have been yelling and screaming, a part of the administration has been yelling and screaming about Assad using poison gas.”

“It was never proven in fact,” agreed Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity executive director Daniel McAdams. “U.N. official Carla Del Ponte said it was most likely done by the rebels.”

“It makes no sense, even if you were totally separate from this and take no sides of this and you were just an analyst, it doesn’t make sense for Assad under these conditions to all of the sudden use poison gasses,” Paul continued. “I think it’s zero chance that he would have done this deliberately.”


Back in January, Paul said in an interview with The Daily Caller that false flag attacks could be used by both the so-called American “deep state” and foreign actors to draw the Trump administration into foreign engagements.

“All we need is a false flag and an accident and everybody will be for teaching them a lesson,” he told TheDC’s Alex Pfeiffer. “You know the deep state is very very powerful and they have a lot of control.”

“I think there’s the shadow government, the military-industrial complex, the CIA, and all the things that can be done because they just melt away and they do exactly what the establishment says.”
This article was reprinted with permission from The Daily Caller News Foundation.
‘FALSE FLAG’ — Ron Paul Says Syrian Chemical Attack ‘Makes No Sense’ - Ron Paul Liberty Report

Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing...Or False Flag?

Streamed live 21 hours ago
Just days after the US Administration changed course on Syrian President Assad, saying he could stay, an alleged chemical weapon attack that killed dozens of civilians has been blamed on the Syrian government. Did Assad sign his own death warrant with such an attack...or does some other entity benefit?

SYRIA: Another Chemical Weapon False Flag on the Eve of Peace Talks in Brussels

The NATO and Gulf State funded White Helmets, handling alleged Sarin gas attack victims with bare hands – goes against all medical procedure for this type of attack. (Photo: Twitter)

It is known that about 250 people from Majdal and Khattab were kidnapped by Al-Qaeda terrorists last week. Local sources have claimed that many of those dead from the chemical weapons were those from Majdal and Khattab. This would suggest that on the eve of upcoming peace negotiations, terrorist forces have once again created a false flag scenario. This bears resemblance to the Ghouta chemical weapons attack in August 2013 where the Syrian Army was accused of using the weapons of mass destruction on the day that United Nations Weapon’s Inspectors arrived in Damascus.
Later, Carla del Ponte, a UN weapons inspector said that there was no evidence that the government had committed the atrocity. This had however not stopped the calls for intervention against the Syrian government, a hope that the militant forces wished to eventuate from their use of chemical weapons against civilians in Ghouta.

looks like the us backed terrorists just killed some more children least they won't wind up as illegal refugees though eh?
that will save on the expense of a wall
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
So few people understand that region. And anyone outside the inner circles of the various players there have no clue. We get what they feed us. The only thing that's absolute is nothing that is reported by anyone operating there is the whole truth. Nothing. Anyone that claims he understands is as nutty as Cliffy.

You should go back to chasing Cannuck.
So you being a f*cking idiot is somebody else's fault?? That about sum it up.

The criminals are well known and it has been published many times. The citizens that support the US are a tad slow to begin with and mega slow in accepting the US is a terrorist state and has been since 1953 and the overthrow of the elected government of Iran.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
No, not at all. That part of the world is always in turmoil. For example, regime changes meant that the US was friends with Iran for a while. Then their enemy. Nothing there is black and white, or stays the same. Alliances change. It is difficult for the region to stabilize.

The same goes for Russia.

It is unlikely that the region will ever be at peace. And it's been like that since long before the US was even a country.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
iran has not attacked any one since the US was formed.
but the cia did a coup there, replaced the elected leader, and installed the shaw of iran, one of the worst dictators ever:
all to get the OIL - just like the US wants Syria for:A PIPELINE
just like afghanistan: a PIPELINE and OPIUM

just like assad is the elected leader in Syria by a far higher percent then any US leader has been elected by probably since forever

so there you have the problem
again and again and again

who installed saddam?
and took him out (NO WMDS) for the OIL to put in those PIPELINES
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
For decades America ruled in this part of the world now Russia
sees its change with weak leadership and chaos in America.
Trump dare not pick a fight on two continents and expect results.
This thing is spinning out of control and should it continue we will
see half the world at war within the next six months. I am afraid
America elected a mad mad to lead and he will lead them to a very
unhappy ending
Which half is going to war ? Are we included ?

The US backed rebels were found to be the ones who used sarin gas the last time Assad was blamed and there is no reason to believe that this is also the case. The US wants Assad gone because he dropped the Yanky dollar, just like they had to get Qaddafi and Hussein for the same reason. But Muslim haters will jump on anything to justify their hatred. There is no evidence that will sway their bigotry. Y'all beef hooked.
Yup the muddled east was such a peaceful place before America came to town .

iran has not attacked any one since the US was formed.
but the cia did a coup there, replaced the elected leader, and installed the shaw of iran, one of the worst dictators ever:
all to get the OIL - just like the US wants Syria for:A PIPELINE
just like afghanistan: a PIPELINE and OPIUM

just like assad is the elected leader in Syria by a far higher percent then any US leader has been elected by probably since forever

so there you have the problem
again and again and again

who installed saddam?
and took him out (NO WMDS) for the OIL to put in those PIPELINES
Iraq >


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
No, not at all. That part of the world is always in turmoil. For example, regime changes meant that the US was friends with Iran for a while. Then their enemy. Nothing there is black and white, or stays the same. Alliances change. It is difficult for the region to stabilize.

The same goes for Russia.

It is unlikely that the region will ever be at peace. And it's been like that since long before the US was even a country.
The tits that run the US were in Europe long before the US was a country. Thanks for confirming how truly stupid you are.

'Friends of Iran' eh. Me thinks they were friends of big oil as this is the only 'gift' the US (Rothschild stooge) gave to the people of Iran.

Savak/Savama, the symbol of censorship and torture in Iran
Savak, the Shah's secret police force

The Chief of Savak, General Nematollah Nassiri, who was imprisoned by the Shah and executed by the people after the 1979 Revolution
The Shah's brutal secret police force, Savak, formed under the guidance of CIA (the United States Central Intelligence Agency) in 1957 and personnel trained by Mossad (Israel's secret service), to directly control all facets of political life in Iran. Its main task was to suppress opposition to the Shah's government and keep the people's political and social knowledge as minimal as possible. Savak was notorious throughout Iran for its brutal methods.
The interrogation office was established with no limit of using horrific torture tools and techniques to break the arrested dissenters to talk in a matter of hours.
The censorship office was established to monitor journalists, literary figures and academics throughout the country. It took appropriate measures against those who fell out of the regime's line.
Universities, labor unions and peasant organizations, amongst others, were all subjected to intense surveillance by the Savak agents and paid informants. The agency was also active abroad, especially in monitoring Iranian students who publicly opposed the Shah's government.
Interrogation, torture and long term imprisonment by Savak for reading or possessing any forbidden books. The prohibited books were removed from the book-stores and libraries; even the Tozih-ol-Masael written by Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini was forbidden.
Over the years, Savak became a law unto itself, having legal authority to arrest, detain, brutally interrogate and torture suspected people indefinitely. Savak operated its own prisons in Tehran, such as Qezel-Qalaeh and Evin facilities and many suspected places throughout the country as well. Many of those activities were carried out without any institutional checks.
The monarchy was toppled in Iran on February 11th, 1979 (22nd day of Bahman 1357, Persian calendar). The Savak dissolved and then the Iranian people along with the political prisoners tasted the blossoms of freedom (Bahar-e Azadi) for a few months. The banned and forbidden newspapers, magazines and books started republishing until the religious dictatorship took place then Savama was created that resembled Savak in different forms of oppression.

Yup the muddled east was such a peaceful place before America came to town .

Iraq >
You seem to be fully unaware that the holy wars were an attack against 'them' by the European Royals. In several 100 years they failed to win the war.



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I would like to take this opportunity to accept full responsibility for all of the problems in the Middle East. Yep, it's all on me. I did it.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Mhz, you are fixated. The region didn't need Europeans or the US to throw it into turmoil. It was there long before whitey ever showed up. Muslims were warring with each other long before the Europeans got there. You are writing off a lot of the region's history.

Do yourself a favour. Read about the history of the ME from farther back than 1900. Forget about the US and the Europeans. Read about the Asians and the locals. How they did business. If anything, you'll understand the people and how they lived. And continue to live.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Mhz, you are fixated. The region didn't need Europeans or the US to throw it into turmoil. It was there long before whitey ever showed up. Muslims were warring with each other long before the Europeans got there. You are writing off a lot of the region's history.

Do yourself a favour. Read about the history of the ME from farther back than 1900. Forget about the US and the Europeans. Read about the Asians and the locals. How they did business. If anything, you'll understand the people and how they lived. And continue to live.
You going back to Neb dismantling Israel?? That was God's punishment for killing people He sent to them. He isn't finished with them and their 'friends' will suffer the very same punishment.
Me thinks you are trying to transfer the turmoil Europe has always been in on Muslims who only came onto the scene in about 700AD.

I would like to take this opportunity to accept full responsibility for all of the problems in the Middle East. Yep, it's all on me. I did it.
Bit too much fire-water this morning?? (or are you always saying retarded things?)


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
I think not. The people of the region were fighting each other before, during and after Mo arrived. The region did not always need outside help to start hostilities.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You going back to Neb dismantling Israel?? That was God's punishment for killing people He sent to them. He isn't finished with them and their 'friends' will suffer the very same punishment.
Me thinks you are trying to transfer the turmoil Europe has always been in on Muslims who only came onto the scene in about 700AD.

Bit too much fire-water this morning?? (or are you always saying retarded things?)

Take your pills.