Canadians prefer Trump over trudeau


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
What rage! What passion! What delirium!

Man... the salty liberal tears are endless!
LOL...How funny. That is not rage you see but amusement!! None of that even touches me!! I live in a well run, reasonably well oiled country. Only those who haven't a clue think this is rage or even upsetting. After all, I can sell my second house for a couple of hundred thousand down here and spend time in the Bahamas or the Riviera without a problem. Actually I really should, as it is getting a bit risky in Florida these days.

Oh well, my kids still enjoy a couple of weeks here every year, so I will wait until they tire of coming down.

The GOP surely saved the Democrats from the disaster known as Obamacare.
Have you needed a knee or hip replacement yet?? Or perhaps removal of cataracts? Maybe even just gallstones removed? Better stay healthy because a minor health problem can clean you out.

My neighbor across the way here in Florida died last year,,,,,, he had to sell his car to have the tests done to tell him what was wrong. Unfortunately it was too little too late. I have seen the Walmart greeters and the Public baggers (no young fellows, just old folks) way beyond the normal retirement years.

I asked one fellow why he wasn't retired,,,,,, he told me it was because those stores gave them health care along with the low salaries and while some of them were working for their own protection, some were doing it for their ailing spouses. So, I do look around and talk to people. It doesn't involve or affect me me, it does make me very sad and sorry to see so many who probably worked all their lives and still have to continue just to keep on living,


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
LOL...How funny. That is not rage you see but amusement!! None of that even touches me!! I live in a well run, reasonably well oiled country. Only those who haven't a clue think this is rage or even upsetting. After all, I can sell my second house for a couple of hundred thousand down here and spend time in the Bahamas or the Riviera without a problem. Actually I really should, as it is getting a bit risky in Florida these days.

Oh well, my kids still enjoy a couple of weeks here every year, so I will wait until they tire of coming down.

Have you needed a knee or hip replacement yet?? Or perhaps removal of cataracts? Maybe even just gallstones removed? Better stay healthy because a minor health problem can clean you out.

My neighbor across the way here in Florida died last year,,,,,, he had to sell his car to have the tests done to tell him what was wrong. Unfortunately it was too little too late. I have seen the Walmart greeters and the Public baggers (no young fellows, just old folks) way beyond the normal retirement years.

I asked one fellow why he wasn't retired,,,,,, he told me it was because those stores gave them health care along with the low salaries and while some of them were working for their own protection, some were doing it for their ailing spouses. So, I do look around and talk to people. It doesn't involve or affect me me, it does make me very sad and sorry to see so many who probably worked all their lives and still have to continue just to keep on living,
My buddy went to his doctor , it didn't cost anything , he lives in Canada and his medical premiums are paid up . Doctor gave him some tests and said come back next month . Buddy goes back next month gets some pills . Stomach still giving him problems , goes back to doctor . Doctor gives him different medication , 6 months goes by doctor decides to send him to specialist , 6 months wait to see new doctor . Finally 30 pounds lighter and over a year later buddy sees specialist , gets sent for tests , results come in , to late to operate by 6 months , by bye buddy . Our system is far from perfect and if he was in America with health coverage he would have received the proper tests in time .
Just saying .

My buddy went to his doctor , it didn't cost anything , he lives in Canada and his medical premiums are paid up . Doctor gave him some tests and said come back next month . Buddy goes back next month gets some pills . Stomach still giving him problems , goes back to doctor . Doctor gives him different medication , 6 months goes by doctor decides to send him to specialist , 6 months wait to see new doctor . Finally 30 pounds lighter and over a year later buddy sees specialist , gets sent for tests , results come in , to late to operate by 6 months , by bye buddy . Our system is far from perfect and if he was in America with health coverage he would have received the proper tests in time .
Just saying .

My buddy went to his doctor , it didn't cost anything , he lives in Canada and his medical premiums are paid up . Doctor gave him some tests and said come back next month . Buddy goes back next month gets some pills . Stomach still giving him problems , goes back to doctor . Doctor gives him different medication , 6 months goes by doctor decides to send him to specialist , 6 months wait to see new doctor . Finally 30 pounds lighter and over a year later buddy sees specialist , gets sent for tests , results come in , to late to operate by 6 months , by bye buddy . Our system is far from perfect and if he was in America with health coverage he would have received the proper tests in time .
Just saying .

My buddy went to his doctor , it didn't cost anything , he lives in Canada and his medical premiums are paid up . Doctor gave him some tests and said come back next month . Buddy goes back next month gets some pills . Stomach still giving him problems , goes back to doctor . Doctor gives him different medication , 6 months goes by doctor decides to send him to specialist , 6 months wait to see new doctor . Finally 30 pounds lighter and over a year later buddy sees specialist , gets sent for tests , results come in , to late to operate by 6 months , by bye buddy . Our system is far from perfect and if he was in America with health coverage he would have received the proper tests in time .
Just saying .
P.S. he had to sell his car because he didn't need it anymore .


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Our system is far from perfect and if he was in America with health coverage he would have received the proper tests in time .
Just saying .

that would have depended on if he had the right coverage and which Dr. he went to.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
My buddy went to his doctor , it didn't cost anything , he lives in Canada and his medical premiums are paid up . Doctor gave him some tests and said come back next month . Buddy goes back next month gets some pills . Stomach still giving him problems , goes back to doctor . Doctor gives him different medication , 6 months goes by doctor decides to send him to specialist , 6 months wait to see new doctor . Finally 30 pounds lighter and over a year later buddy sees specialist , gets sent for tests , results come in , to late to operate by 6 months , by bye buddy . Our system is far from perfect and if he was in America with health coverage he would have received the proper tests in time .
Just saying .

My buddy went to his doctor , it didn't cost anything , he lives in Canada and his medical premiums are paid up . Doctor gave him some tests and said come back next month . Buddy goes back next month gets some pills . Stomach still giving him problems , goes back to doctor . Doctor gives him different medication , 6 months goes by doctor decides to send him to specialist , 6 months wait to see new doctor . Finally 30 pounds lighter and over a year later buddy sees specialist , gets sent for tests , results come in , to late to operate by 6 months , by bye buddy . Our system is far from perfect and if he was in America with health coverage he would have received the proper tests in time .
Just saying .

P.S. he had to sell his car because he didn't need it anymore .

Sadly that sort of thing seems to be a reality although fairly rare, I hope. From what I've heard, pancreatic cancer is a bastard that way, simply because there are generally no defining symptoms until it's too late. On the other side of the coin the squeaky wheel gets the oil? I wonder if it would help if after a few negative tests, they start treating for pancreatic cancer anyway! From what a doctor was telling me it claims about 1/10000 of the population once a year!


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
No, only those Canadians who are insane!!

Doctors are not omnipotent and certainly mistakes are made and not just by them but by bureaucrats who feel they know better than those who actually do the day to day jobs, It happens in all departments of government from building of roads and running the education system. That is Democracy's biggest flaw. But, at least Canada has a health care system for all, even if it is not absolutely perfect!!

Now, the world needs to be very afraid. The announcement yesterday on upgrading the military to the tune of 54 Billion dollars is downright scary. Apparently, Trump is talking about resuming the nuclear arms race with Russia. Both Russia and the US have the capability of destroying the planet already. Are we in for a second Big Bang?? Will every tin-pot government get involved to protect themselves?? What a nightmare.

Take a gander at all the programs will be drained or cut back for this off the wall idea,
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
No, only those Canadians who are insane!!

Doctors are not omnipotent and certainly mistakes are made and not just by them but by bureaucrats who feel they know better than those who actually do the day to day jobs, It happens in all departments of government from building of roads and running the education system. That is Democracy's biggest flaw. But, at least Canada has a health care system for all, even if it is not absolutely perfect!!

Now, the world needs to be very afraid. The announcement yesterday on upgrading the military to the tune of 54 Billion dollars is downright scary. Apparently, Trump is talking about resuming the nuclear arms race with Russia. Both Russia and the US have the capability of destroying the planet already. Are we in for a second Big Bang?? Will every tin-pot government get involved to protect themselves?? What a nightmare.

Take a gander at all the programs will be drained or cut back for this off the wall idea,
Draining the swamp every thing he promised to do . Amazing doing what he promised . Unlike some PM's we have had .
Cretian and the gst comes to mind .


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Draining the swamp every thing he promised to do . Amazing doing what he promised . Unlike some PM's we have had .
Cretian and the gst comes to mind .
Problem is he re-stocked the swamp with executive orders that will not come close to fruition (thank heavens)with even more deadly crap (for the average poor and middle class having to pay for it! )

How happy would you be if Trudeau, cut back on gov't pensions, the unemployment insurance, welfare, education and health care to put us into the nuclear race?? He could also through that sort of stupidity , manage to decimate not just our own country but most of the rest of the world. Remember Canada has not only the resources and the money to do just that. He could boost our wealth just by manufacturing and selling weapons, even more efficiently that any country in the world. Remember Canadians are the best educated country in the world with 1/2 of our population holding college degrees, There is no shortage of talent.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Draining the swamp every thing he promised to do . Amazing doing what he promised . Unlike some PM's we have had .
Cretian and the gst comes to mind .

everything? Isis is still about


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
They are going to be a tough nut to crack. We'll know more tomorrow. Will he get the $54 billion? Will it be earmarked for finishing off ISIS? What will be the tactical plan?

He said he'd do in within 30 days...take out isis.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Problem is he re-stocked the swamp with executive orders that will not come close to fruition (thank heavens)with even more deadly crap (for the average poor and middle class having to pay for it! )

Silly Bluebyrd... they already are coming to fruition. They are already in play.

I am enjoying your salty tears.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
You have to wonder why. Trump said he can get rid of them in 30 days. What the **** is he waiting for

He's waiting for his generals to come up with the plan that he demanded they come up with.

but I think those are the generals that he also said he knew more maybe they too are out to get him

like the fbi, cia, obama, democrats, etc etc etc.