Did you have it in Canada?Canadian bacon sucks. Had it on pizza . Didn't care for it. A blt would be lousy using it.
Likely not so they told you it was Cdn Bacon but what do they know......
or American version
Did you have it in Canada?Canadian bacon sucks. Had it on pizza . Didn't care for it. A blt would be lousy using it.
That's sliced ham.Did you have it in Canada?
Likely not so they told you it was Cdn Bacon but what do they know......
or American version
That's sliced ham.
I like a bacon, lettace and tomatoe sandwich on toast sometimes.
nobody should mess with balogna. no phony balogna. ITs' one of the only processed meats I like. It's a nostalgic favourite and reminds me of elementary school....
Thank you.You spelled tomato wrong
Bologna barely qualifies as meat to begin with.... Basically, they grind-up all the lips and azzholes from the steer and compress it into, well, bologna
Bologna barely qualifies as meat to begin with.... Basically, they grind-up all the lips and azzholes from the steer and compress it into, well, bologna
I like all beef bolognaI know. That's what makes it soooo delicious.
I like all beef bologna
bull log na
just sayin
I like bologna that is made out of beef. Without anything added. In the store it's called Beef Bologna. That's the kind I like.What are your thoughts on mock bologna?
why you'd mock something like bologna seems kind of illogical.
Or the bologna with the pasta letters? that stuff use to cause the ebby jeebies in me.
that'd be 3 l's though. Bull ogna. still bull, but with ogna. Like wtf is an ogna. Or what part is the ogna...
So what about mock bullogna.
I like bologna that is made out of beef.
Without anything added.
In the store it's called Beef Bologna.
That's the kind I like.
Caqd somnadian bacon sucks. Had it on pizza . Didn't care for it. A blt would be lousy using it.
What are your thoughts on mock bologna?
why you'd mock something like bologna seems kind of illogical.
Or the bologna with the pasta letters? that stuff use to cause the ebby jeebies in me.
that'd be 3 l's though. Bull ogna. still bull, but with ogna. Like wtf is an ogna. Or what part is the ogna...
So what about mock bullogna.
T he poor are good to eat.
Moose stew, nothing finer, ever incountered, soon they will be extrinct. One half ton packages of delishious.
What about mock moose? Ain't yuz a patriot?