The Alt-Right Movement: A New Age of Racism and Xenophobia


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
An alt-right person:



Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Trump campaign manager: Supporter who shouted ‘Jew-S-A!’ at media is ‘deplorable’

Donald Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway says the man who shouted “Jew-S-A!” at reporters covering the Republican nominee’s rally in Phoenix on Saturday would have been removed had she been there.

“His conduct is completely unacceptable and does not reflect our campaign or our candidate,” Conway told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” Sunday.

When asked by Tapper whether she would call the man’s conduct “deplorable” — a term used by Hillary Clinton to describe some of Trump’s supporters — Conway said she would.

“That man’s conduct was deplorable,” Conway said. “And had I been there, I would have asked security to remove him immediately. Clearly, he doesn’t speak for the campaign or the candidate, and what he had to say was disgusting.”

The man — who was wearing a “Hillary for Prison” T-shirt — began heckling the traveling press corps while Trump was speaking, turning his back on the candidate to glare at the media assembled inside the press pen.

“You’re going down! You’re the enemy!” he shouted.

Then — as the crowd chanted “U-S-A!” — the man returned to offer his anti-Semitic version.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Posters urging white people in Toronto to join alt-right removed
By Jenny Yuen, Toronto Sun
First posted: Monday, November 14, 2016 02:37 PM EST | Updated: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 07:46 AM EST
TORONTO - While reports of racist acts have circulated on social media following Donald Trump’s election victory, a Toronto councillor is worried the same sentiment is seeping into her east-end neighbourhood.
Councillor Janet Davis said she was alerted Monday by constituents of racist signs at Stan Wadlow Park — located in the Woodbine Ave.-O’Connor Dr. area — that urge white people who are “tired of political correctness” and “questioning when immigration will stop” to join the alt-right, a group known for having far-right conservative ideologies.
“It’s very worrisome,” said Davis, who claimed “the American election has unleashed this kind of ultra-right-wing sentiment and it’s frightening.”
The poster says “Hey, White Person” and posed the questions in bullet points: “Wondering why only white countries have to become ‘multicultural?’” and “Tired of being told you’re ‘racist’ for celebrating your heritage?”
While Davis said city workers were dispatched to rip down the signs — placed in the park and surrounding bus shelters and hydro poles, she was uncertain how many had been put up.
“I was really disgusted by the content,” she said. “That level of hate and intolerance that is expressed in this poster is not something that is acceptable anywhere in this city, let alone this neighbourhood.”
Trump, in his first post-election interview that aired Sunday on 60 Minutes, told supporters engaged in racist and bigoted attacks to “stop it,” insisting there were “a very small” number of incidents.
City spokesman Cheryl San Juan confirmed parks staff removed the signs they saw in the park and that Astral Media would dispatch workers to take down any reported in bus shelters.
Toronto Police Const. Victor Kwong said the force received several complaints from the public.
Police spokesman Meaghan Gray says complaints about the posters have been sent to the force's hate crime unit for review.
She says anyone who sees the posters or has information about them should contact police.
- With files from CP
City of Toronto supervisor Fiona Skurjat removes some racist signage in and around Stan Wadlow Park, in the Coburn and Woodbine Aves. area of Toronto, on Monday, November 14, 2016. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun)

Posters urging white people in Toronto to join alt-right removed | Toronto & GTA


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Trump supporters are idiots.

Male Trump Supporter Sucker-Punches Woman Who Disagrees With Him At Brooklyn Restaurant

A supporter of President-elect Donald Trump punched a woman in the face after arguing with her about politics on Saturday night at Bar Tabac, a French restaurant in Brooklyn, according to witnesses and the eatery itself.

Blake Drost, who tends bar at and manages social media for the business, Bar Tabac, said that he was not working the night of the assault, but that he spoke to staffers and customers who were at the restaurant, which is on Smith Street in Boerum Hill. From Drost's understanding, two women, Clinton supporters, were sitting together eating dinner and discussing politics. A couple seated next to them, Trump supporters, began arguing with the women, and the women requested to be moved, Drost said. The servers accommodated the women by moving the Trump-supporter couple across the dining room.

From there, "This is a packed Saturday night—it’s not like we’re keeping tabs on everybody—but as far as we know everything is going perfectly," Drost said. "The couple finishes, gets the check, and leaves."

But then, according to Drost, "the guy runs back in, past four or five tables, and punches this woman square in the face, then runs out."

Male Trump Supporter Sucker-Punches Woman Who Disagrees With Him At Brooklyn Restaurant: Gothamist


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
CNN and Jake Tapper apologize for ’unacceptable’ banner text

First posted: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 02:08 PM EST | Updated: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 04:16 PM EST
NEW YORK — CNN and host Jake Tapper have both apologized for an on-screen banner that Tapper said was “unacceptable” and “horrified” him when it appeared during his show on Monday.

The vacationing Tapper quickly responded to outraged viewer comments with several Twitter posts explaining that, despite his absence, he was “furious” and his “staff has heard from me.”

The offending phrase appeared during a discussion among Jim Sciutto, subbing for Tapper on “The Lead,” and two journalists about President-elect Donald Trump’s support from the alt-right. The segment focused on white nationalist leader Richard Spencer, whose anti-Semitic declarations Sciutto characterized as “hate-filled garbage.”

The on-screen phrase during the segment stated, “Alt-Right Founder Questions if Jews are People.”

CNN issued a statement calling that caption “poor judgment and we very much regret it and apologize.”
CNN and Jake Tapper apologize for ’unacceptable’ banner text | World | News | To


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
for all we know every one these so called alt righters comes from the same school of agenda bullhorn as cannuck and mentalfloss
after all the PROVEN fake jew hate, it's become impossible to take any of these race spigots seriously

Say, i wonder if trump will cut off the billions in welfare to poor old aparthied racist israel, or will it stop when the palistinian semites have been final solutionized

Nothing like a tu quoque fallacy to start off the week.
hitler was a lefty, just like the democrats in the US were the party that supported slavery.
Also, just like your genocidal pal andrew jackoffson, the so called founder of the democratic party and the trail of tears....but you know a muslim hater, you know this.

Politico Editor RESIGNS After Publishing Home Addresses Of Alt-Right Icon Richard Spencer, Advocating For ‘Baseball Bats’
Well, what a nice little brown shirt

Asked point-blank about Nazi conference in DC over wknd: @realDonaldTrump tells @nytimes "of course" "I disavow and condemn them"
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
no you are

for all we know the alt right you quote is just you,TB, or cannuck on another forum


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
The slogan was also used by former President Bill Clinton in his 1992 presidential campaign, although he later claimed the statement was a racist dog whistle during the 2016 election.[6][7]
I'm sure you were trying to make some kind of point
what ever it was just blew up in your other face

Get real.

Only Trump supporters would do the heil.

oh, high mental
see above there mister party of slavery
and pedophilia...and making amurka grate again