Sod the Scots (and Australian reporting of Brexit)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
From an American Anglophile:


Sod the Scots (and Australian reporting of Brexit)

Michael Davis
28 June 2016
The Spectator

Apparently the Scottish are taking their cues from Sir Oswald Mosley these days. Following the destruction of fascism in World War II, the late British Union of Fascists Fuhrer set off on a new endeavor: the formation of a pan-European nationalist movement. His aim was to remove the competing interests of the Old Guard nationalist remnants still struggling for breath on the Continent and unite Europe in a highly centralized, authoritarian state.

Pan-European nationalism is self-evidently absurd, if only for the fact that ‘continent’ and ‘nation’ are necessarily distinct categories. Say what you will about nationalism and Europeanism in themselves, but it’s simply impossible to predicate Europeanism on patriotic sentiment. The whole thing’s not much less ridiculous than ‘Bad Bishop’ Brown’s Christian Marxism. Mosley and Brown had this in common, if nothing else: they were intellectually lazy, self-aggrandizing spivs.

So, too, are the Scots – or at least the ones who vote SNP. The ‘nationalists’ are all up themselves because England and Wales voted Leave in the Brexit referendum, whereas Scotland voted overwhelmingly Remain. Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the SNP, is therefore threatening to call a second referendum on Scottish independence.

Now, it’s one thing to wish your country belonged to the European Union, far and away the most bloated and authoritarian bureaucracy since the Great Ming. It’s entirely another to say that you want to belong that same EU because the English razed your heather fields in the 14th century. Certainly there’s a case for Scotland to be independent, and it’s altogether true that the English oppressed them a few dozen generations ago. But there’s absolutely no sense in saying that William Wallace or Robert the Bruce would’ve led the Highland clans into battle under the banner of the European Union. Rebbie Burns would never have lent his pen to Jean-Claude Juncker’s cause. (‘Ye R’manians by name, lend an ear, lend an ear!’) In short, there’s not a snowball’s chance in Hell that any of the Scottish nationalist folk heroes would’ve traded an English tyrant for a Belgian one.

‘Well, the Scots are silly buggers,’ you say. Fair enough. And I’m not one to piss on a patriotic bonfire. (All the better if you throw the effigy of a papist saboteur on top.) But what about the poor English?

Let’s face facts: England would be much better off without the Scots. The devolved Scottish government is a cumbersome welfare state – and one propped up by English taxpayers to boot. The massive redistribution of wealth initiated by the SNP is only possible because the English are, for some reason, keen as beans to foot the bill. And how do the Scots repay them? Endless streams of vitriol about the ‘English oppressors’, culminating in a £15.8 million independence referendum – to which the English taxpayer contributed generously, no doubt. Recall that this all took place in 2015, when a post-EU Britain was only a twinkle in Nigel Farage’s eye. The real question posed by the referendum was, ‘Do you want to stop receiving welfare checks from London?’ Put that way, it’s amazing that 45 percent of Scots voted ‘Yes’. Who turns down free money? Then, of course, the Scots turned around and elected Nationalists to 54 of 59 parliamentary seats. Further proof that the SNP’s platform is, in fact, ‘Give us more stuff, you Sassenach bastards.’

Maybe I’m too American to appreciate the English people’s boundless generosity toward the Scots. They’re financial leeches, shameless ingrates, and they play the victim card more than President Obama at an ‘historically black college’ – yet none of that perturbs the limeys. So maybe they really are an infinitely stoic race. Or maybe they’ve bought into the Scots’ Sippenhaft narrative. Or maybe I’m just not Australian enough to see the overwhelming, undeniable evidence supporting the Remain camp. (Wait a second…)

Still, as an Anglomaniac, I can’t help but plead with the mother country: if the Scots do secure a second referendum, call their bluff and cut them off. Pack up the North Sea oilfields, the GBP, and go home. You left the EU, at least in part, because you were tired of shoveling money into failed states. Well, Scotland is a failed state. And if they’re not grateful for your unfathomable benevolence, tell them to piss off. Let them try their luck begging handouts from Angela Merkel and see how quickly they come crawling back, tam o’ shanter in hand, haggis tucked between their legs.

Sod the Scots (and Australian reporting of Brexit) | The Spectator
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Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
I think most of the world knows that England is a waste of skin. Scotland is simply trying the wipe the sh!t off their boots. They will let the British to wallow in their own filth.

Mother Nature is sending immigrants to breed the English out. In twenty years, the rest of the world won't even recognize the island. Schwarma bars will be on every corner. What little work that remains will be interrupted by prayers and calls to London's council to clean up the animal dung in the streets.

So I say, sod the Brits. They are about to be bred out of existence.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
I say burning sod makes for scotch
scotch the brits, I say
I rish I could see the wales on the beach too...


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
This reminds me of the Canadian situation with Quebec. The poor hard done by welfare recipients on this side of the pond.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Most of the world knows that Scotland would be nothing without England.

Hogwash. Anything to support an argument that the UK lost years ago. Most of Europe's troubles stem from having the UK around and having to deal with their bossy, know-it-all attitude. That was your undoing. Your shortsightedness is astounding.

As well, the world is tired of coming to your aid every time you end up in trouble because of your big mouths and cultural ignorance. It's a mute point however. Mother Nature is breeding the defects out of the gene pool there. Scientists call it genetic purging, which happens naturally.

The Scots are Brits, too.

No, they're Scottish. Affected less by the thousands of years of chronic inbreeding by Britain. They want out. Their departure will reduce what geneticists refer to as 'inbreeding depression' that is so prevalent in Britain.

Britain is the poster child of Europe.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

No, it's not hogwash. It's true. The stats prove it.

Most of Europe's troubles stem from having the UK around and having to deal with their bossy, know-it-all attitude.

Most of Europe's troubles have stemmed from the European mainland. It's the European mainland which gave the world fascism, communism and socialism. It's Britain which, time and again, has to rescue the Continentals from the evils they create. World War II being a perfect example. Britain will also rescue 27 European countries from the evil that is the EU.

No, they're Scottish.

And they're British, too. Just as an Albertan is also a Canadian.

They want out.

So why did they vote to stay in the UK two years ago?


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
You can deny until the cows come home, but your days in the sun have ended. Nature is taking you apart and recombining the genes into something more palatable for the species. The stats prove it.

Britain has not rescued anyone for hundreds of years. You are good at getting yourselves into trouble and then asking others for help digging yourselves out. The rest of the world - North America specifically - had to save your sorry butts from speaking German during WWII. It was the same with WWI. History proves that. The sun set on the Brits at the end of the 19th century. In short, get over yourselves.

As a people, you are incapable of looking after yourselves. Your 'nose in the air' attitude is the reason nature is altering the gene pool there. You'll scream and deny. You'll blather and boast. But culturally, you are wasteland. The world is tired of listening to you whine,

It will be fascinating to look into your eyes, in those last seconds of your cultural consciousness, as you plummet toward oblivion.

During those few remaining ticks of your conscious clock, the world will see the exact moment when you finally comprehend the utter hopelessness of your situation. No one will come to your aid then. Suddenly, you will grasp your pathetic existence as livestock and nothing else.

Mother Nature is brutal. She is going to attempt to save your branch of the species by breeding out your wretchedness. It is not racist. It is not hateful or rude. It is survival of the fittest. You will adapt or die. It is the way of things.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Britain has not rescued anyone for hundreds of years.

Try telling that to people in countries like France and Belgium and the Netherlands, who buy visiting Britons drinks in bars as a thank you for rescuing them in WWII.

Try telling that to Norway, which still sends Britain a Christmas tree, which is put up in Trafalgar Square, every year as a thank you for freeing it from German occupation.

And you do realise that, in criticising Britain, you're criticising Scotland, too.

You are good at getting yourselves into trouble and then asking others for help digging yourselves out.

No, we're not. Britain didn't get herself into trouble in WWII - Continental Europe did, and Britain saved it.

The rest of the world - North America specifically - had to save your sorry butts from speaking German during WWII. It was the same as WWI. History proves that.

Bull****. Britain saved herself from Germany during WWII by comprehensively defeating her in the Battle of Britain, to successfully fend off a German invasion.

As a people, you are incapable of looking after yourselves.

I think you'll find the English, and then the British, have looked after themselves for centuries.

It will be fascinating to look into your eyes, in those last seconds of your cultural consciousness, as you plummet toward oblivion.

Oh, okay...


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
You poor, wretched fool. Your responses read like a 10 year old in a school yard.

We did not! We are not! No! My dad can beat up your dad!

I am not criticizing Britain. I am recounting history. The British have been a historic wasteland since 1900, or a little before that. Prior to WWII, you were doomed by world events beyond your control. England's bad times started with your PM, Neville Chamberlain, and his childlike belief that he had somehow secured 'peace in our time'. As if the belligerents would listen to him. His facile British view of things hurt the world terribly..

The Brits have always been good at revisionist history. The Battle of Britain didn't do squat to save Britain. It was a marvelous propaganda tool though, and good for Hollywood. The two primary reasons you're not speaking German:

a) The Germans made the mistake of opening up a second front to take on the Russians. This overextended their resources. and
b) Having the rest of the world show up for the war (and D Day) saved your sorry asses.

It was a combination of poor German military decisions and help from the rest of the world that saved your little island. That is historic fact, not some rubbish talked about by school boys in a soccer pitch.

Further to that, ensuring Montgomery was not in charge of the D Day invasion tripled the Allied chance of success.

Three times the number of deaths on D Day were suffered by the allies than by the Brits.

The Russians suffered horrendous losses during WWII. Many times more than the British. With the second front, the Russian wore down the German strength, resources and will to fight. That ensured the Allies would succeed in mainland Europe. Not magical 'flying kites' or 'the British Bulldog' winning the day.

Note: It WAS NOT the Brits who succeeded. It was the Allies that did it. It wasn't even a partnership. If the British had not bothered to show up, the invasion would not have been affected or even slowed. Read some history from German, Russian, French and other sources. Don't read only British or American history.

You Brits are so full of yourselves. No wonder Mother Nature is cleansing your part of the gene pool.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The British have been a historic wasteland since 1900, or a little before that.

Prior to WWII, you were doomed by world events beyond your control. England's bad times started with your PM, Neville Chamberlain, and his childlike belief that he had somehow secured 'peace in our time'. As if the belligerents would listen to him. His facile British view of things hurt the world terribly..

It's alright you saying that now, with hindsight, but, then again, you weren't living in Europe in the 1930s.

The Battle of Britain didn't do squat to save Britain.

Yes, it did. It prevented the Germans from going through with Operation Sea Lion, their planned invasion of Britain.

It was a marvelous propaganda tool though, and good for Hollywood. The two primary reasons you're not speaking German:

a) The Germans made the mistake of opening up a second front to take on the Russians. This overextended their resources. and
b) Having the rest of the world show up for the war (and D Day) saved your sorry asses.

I think you'll find it was Britain's victory during the Battle of Britain - which took place when she was the only country fighting Germany - which ended all Germany's hopes of invading Britain.

Further to that, ensuring Montgomery was not in charge of the D Day invasion tripled the Allied chance of success.

Montgomery was a great fellow.

And D-Day was a British-planned (mainly Monty) and British-led operation.

Three times the number of deaths on D Day were suffered by the allies than by the Brits.

That's because British soldiers were, and still are, the best in the world, despite the fact that your figures are likely to be rather dodgy.

The Russians suffered horrendous losses during WWII.

That's because Russian soldiers aren't as good as British soldiers and Russia, unlike Britain, was invaded by Nazi Germany.

Note: It WAS NOT the Brits who succeeded. It was the Allies that did it. It wasn't even a partnership. If the British had not bothered to show up, the invasion would not have been affected or even slowed. Read some history from German, Russian, French and other sources. Don't read only British or American history.

Absolute poppycock.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Take a few minutes to read your own history. That's what makes you so much fun to deal with on this forum. Facts don't stand in the way of your posting something stupid.

No, we don't!
We are too smarter!
I think you'll find...
Oh yeah?

Thankyou for demonstrating why the British are being overwritten genetically..


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Take a few minutes to read your own history. That's what makes you so much fun to deal with on this forum. Facts don't stand in the way of your posting something stupid.

No, we don't!
We are too smarter!
I think you'll find...
Oh yeah?

Thankyou for demonstrating why the British are being overwritten genetically..

MYTH: D-Day was predominantly an American operation

REALITY: For many people, D-Day is defined by the bloodshed at Omaha -- the codename for one of the five beaches where Allied forces landed -- and the American airborne drops. Even in Germany, the perception is still that D-Day was a largely American show; in the recent German TV mini-series, "Generation War," there was a reference to the "American landings" in France.

But despite "Band of Brothers," despite "Saving Private Ryan," despite those 11 photographs taken by Robert Capa in the swell on that morning of June 6 1944, D-Day was not a predominantly American effort. Rather, it was an Allied effort with, if anything, Britain taking the lead. Yes, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the supreme Allied commander, was American, but his deputy, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder was British, as were all three service chiefs. Air Marshal Sir Arthur "Mary" Coningham, commander of the tactical air forces, was also British. The plan for Operation Overlord -- as D-Day was codenamed -- was largely that of Gen. Bernard Montgomery, the land force commander. The Royal Navy had overall responsibility for Operation Neptune, the naval plan. Of the 1,213 warships involved, 200 were American and 892 were British; of the 4,126 landing craft involved, 805 were American and 3,261 were British.

Indeed, 31% of all U.S. supplies used during D-Day came directly from Britain, while two-thirds of the 12,000 aircraft involved were also British, as were two-thirds of those that landed in occupied France. Despite the initial slaughter at Omaha, casualties across the American and British beaches were much the same.

D-Day: Exploding the myths of the Normandy landings -


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Chatting with you is like arguing with a pig. It gets you nowhere and upsets the pig.

I said, allied, NOT an American operation. Your hastily cobbled together report supports my earlier posts. 3 times the number of Allied troops were killed. The Germans were weaker because a two front war. Their resources were stretched. That's supplies and men.

The article you posted was written to correct inaccuracies in American beliefs, created in large measure, by reading US written history books and watching Hollywood movies.

I warned against using those as sources as well.

Nothing has changed. Thank you for reinforcing what I posted.

As a people, you are overdue for replacement.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Chatting with you is like arguing with a pig. It gets you nowhere and upsets the pig.

I said, allied, NOT an American operation. Your hastily cobbled together report supports my earlier posts. 3 times the number of Allied troops were killed. The Germans were weaker because a two front war. Their resources were stretched. That's supplies and men.

The article you posted was written to correct inaccuracies in American beliefs, created in large measure, by reading US written history books and watching Hollywood movies.

I warned against using those as sources as well.

Nothing has changed. Thank you for reinforcing what I posted.

As a people, you are overdue for replacement.



Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
I'm happy that I've made you actually check your facts before you post. It was CNN, but it's a start.

You're still a dullard, but perhaps we can persuade you to read and educate yourself. Examine your history and the history of the world generally. That will help you understand why the planet dislikes the UK, how and why the empire died, and most importantly, why Mother Nature is sending immigrants to your shores to deepen the gene pool.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
That will help you understand why the planet dislikes the UK, how and why the empire died, and most importantly, why Mother Nature is sending immigrants to your shores to deepen the gene pool.

Well that's bollocks. Brits get drinks bought for them in European bars because we saved them in WWII. Norway sends us a Christmas tree each year, as a thank you for saving them in WWII, which is put in Trafalgar Square.



Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
I used to have drinks bought for me as well. That doesn't prove anything. Canada gets tulips from the Netherlands every year for housing their Queen. Nice, but it does not prove anything.

History is a compilation of facts. Not drinks or Christmas trees. Your arguments are silly. Go and read.