NEB vs Province of Quebec

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
The Province of Quebec does not have a chance,I say this with sympathy,
There is limited process to access in this industry,Canadians should just move on,particularly the people of Quebec
The NEB do not serve Canadians,the NEB do not protect Canadians,or their land
The Process's administered by the NEB are designed to divide,isolate,escalate,agitate and formulate,and a few other things,masterfully designed or in my case "stupid designs"
The NEB are useless product to society,a product of political weaknesses .The NEB present as being on the public side,regulatory side,they do this while using public money to mask agendas.
Taxman,you must dislike this?
In summary
Quebec presents themselves as big suckers in a little pond
Good luck Quebec

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
You talk about war. Not me.

You had better start, sonny. Canada cannot stand to have a whole in the middle. Whatever Canadian government thst you think you will "negotiate" your exit with will fall within hours of your declaration of independence as all of those Quebec MPs that were necessary to form it are gone and it will implode. Yes, our Armed Forces have been weakened (largely by Prime Ministers from Quebec .. I wonder why?) Canada doens't get angry very often but on the few occasions that we have, our militaries have been noteably fierce. It may take time to gear up but it will go very badly for you in the end. Without the protection of the Canadian federation that preserves your language and culture from the reality of the "outside" around you, it will be the suicidal end to all that you hold dear.

If you are collectively stupid, you will leave Canada ... for a short time, probably and you will not return voluntarily.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Je crois qu'une séparation est peut-être nécéssaire, mais ça doit être un changement graduel. Aller d'une génération aussi centralisé à un Québec souverain d'un jour au lendemain serait trop vite. Il faidrait que le Canada se décentralise avant.

Si le PQ favoriserait la décentralisation, Il gagnerait beaucoup plus de soutient, même des fédéraliste.

Seulement une fois que le Canada est suffisamment décentralisé serait-il ensuite possible pour le Québec de se séparer.

You had better start, sonny. Canada cannot stand to have a whole in the middle. Whatever Canadian government thst you think you will "negotiate" your exit with will fall within hours of your declaration of independence as all of those Quebec MPs that were necessary to form it are gone and it will implode. Yes, our Armed Forces have been weakened (largely by Prime Ministers from Quebec .. I wonder why?) Canada doens't get angry very often but on the few occasions that we have, our militaries have been noteably fierce. It may take time to gear up but it will go very badly for you in the end. Without the protection of the Canadian federation that preserves your language and culture from the reality of the "outside" around you, it will be the suicidal end to all that you hold dear.

If you are collectively stupid, you will leave Canada ... for a short time, probably and you will not return voluntarily.

Québec would be foolish to leave. Decentralisation and more provincial powers, maybe even extreme decentralisation I can see. But outright separation would only hurt both Québec and the ROC.

However, the ROC would be foolish to not negotiate a peaceful separation since while separation would hurt both sides, war would destroy both sides.

Remember, Québec still represents close to a quarter of Canada's population.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Remember, Québec still represents close to a quarter of Canada's population.

Maybe but the separatists and quebecois only make up a small part of that number. Quite likely there would be a mass exodus from quebec leaving a relatively small number to fight for whatever it is they think they stand to gain.

I hope that Quebec,East ,West thing doesn't start Alberta rhetoric,don't tell me this will be Jason's voice?
I am moving if this is started

Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on your way out! Do you need a bus ticket? I'll pitch in to send your froggie a$$ on it's way.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Je crois qu'une séparation est peut-être nécéssaire, mais ça doit être un changement graduel. Aller d'une génération aussi centralisé à un Québec souverain d'un jour au lendemain serait trop vite. Il faidrait que le Canada se décentralise avant.

Si le PQ favoriserait la décentralisation, Il gagnerait beaucoup plus de soutient, même des fédéraliste.

Seulement une fois que le Canada est suffisamment décentralisé serait-il ensuite possible pour le Québec de se séparer.

Québec would be foolish to leave. Decentralisation and more provincial powers, maybe even extreme decentralisation I can see. But outright separation would only hurt both Québec and the ROC.

However, the ROC would be foolish to not negotiate a peaceful separation since while separation would hurt both sides, war would destroy both sides.

Remember, Québec still represents close to a quarter of Canada's population.

A fifth now and falling rapidly...

The ROC cannot survive with a hole in the middle, therefore, no price will be too high. We hold four-fifths of the cards. We're just to meek and mild to call.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Probably the solution is an extremely decentralised federation with a common citizenship and passport. Maybe a common currency and military too. But separate for the most part.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Probably the solution is an extremely decentralised federation with a common citizenship and passport. Maybe a common currency and military too. But separate for the most part.

We already did that and we have an extremely de-centrslized federation already ... all created to make Wuebec happy. The next step is dissolution or grow some balls collectively and deside that it is worth preserving.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
We already did that and we have an extremely de-centrslized federation already ... all created to make Wuebec happy. The next step is dissolution or grow some balls collectively and deside that it is worth preserving.

Balls and brains together. Even more decentralisation is key.

Just reading from this thee, the two sides are clearly very different in world views.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
You had better start, sonny. Canada cannot stand to have a whole in the middle. Whatever Canadian government thst you think you will "negotiate" your exit with will fall within hours of your declaration of independence as all of those Quebec MPs that were necessary to form it are gone and it will implode. Yes, our Armed Forces have been weakened (largely by Prime Ministers from Quebec .. I wonder why?) Canada doens't get angry very often but on the few occasions that we have, our militaries have been noteably fierce. It may take time to gear up but it will go very badly for you in the end. Without the protection of the Canadian federation that preserves your language and culture from the reality of the "outside" around you, it will be the suicidal end to all that you hold dear.

If you are collectively stupid, you will leave Canada ... for a short time, probably and you will not return voluntarily.

Like I said, violence and military submission of Quebecers by the WASP canadian is a old phantasm of many ROC people. if we can not prevent a heart to love, you can not prevent hatred. I have no ambition to change that. I leave that to Quebec federalists.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Like I said, violence and military submission of Quebecers by the WASP canadian is a old phantasm of many ROC people. if we can not prevent a heart to love, you can not prevent hatred. I have no ambition to change that. I leave that to Quebec federalists.

Try us.

I dare you.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
Si le PQ favoriserait la décentralisation, Il gagnerait beaucoup plus de soutient, même des fédéraliste.

Ça été essayé avec le beau risque de René Lévesque, repris par Bourassa et Mulroney avec l'entente du Lac Meech.... qui était une bien timide tentative de réforme et de décentralisation que les Québécois étaient prêts à endosser et accepter. J'étais de ceux-là.... mais on sait ce que le ROC a fait de cette entente.....

Maybe but the separatists and quebecois only make up a small part of that number. Quite likely there would be a mass exodus from quebec leaving a relatively small number to fight for whatever it is they think they stand to gain.

Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on your way out! Do you need a bus ticket? I'll pitch in to send your froggie a$$ on it's way.

Is that kind of hatred and racism reply is permitted by the moderators of this forum ?

A fifth now and falling rapidly...

The ROC cannot survive with a hole in the middle, therefore, no price will be too high. We hold four-fifths of the cards. We're just to meek and mild to call.

USA is living with this situation without any problem.... canada can ;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Try us.

I dare you.

With the inter-provincial families along the border, I can guarantee even the military wouldn't be sure where to draw the battle line.

French Ontario would be having a debate over what side to take, Quebecers themselves would be divided. That whole region would look like former Northern Ireland in no time flat.

Who would win? Who cares who would win? Quebec's economy would be destroyed, and consequently Eastern Ontario's too, if not all of Ontario's.

The FLQ would revive like never before, for many decades and so Québec would be a police state. The feds would have to impose curfews in hot spots with soldiers patrolling the streets. The sovereignty movement would become criminalised along with the PQ. The government would define what a political party could stand for.

Anglos in Quebec would face harassment like never before.

Quebec's tourism industry would be next to non-existent, high unemployment and so a rise in FLQ terrorism.

We all know what that means. French Canadians outside of Québec wouldn't be safe from the gang mindset either, with Anglos burning French community centres.

Negotiating peaceful separation would be preferable, no?


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Like I said, violence and military submission of Quebecers by the WASP canadian is a old phantasm of many ROC people. if we can not prevent a heart to love, you can not prevent hatred. I have no ambition to change that. I leave that to Quebec federalists.

So when are you leaving Canada? Or at least stop sucking the teat of the west?


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
With the inter-provincial families along the border, I can guarantee even the military wouldn't be sure where to draw the battle line.

French Ontario would be having a debate over what side to take, Quebecers themselves would be divided. That whole region would look like former Northern Ireland in no time flat.

Who would win? Who cares who would win? Quebec's economy would be destroyed, and consequently Eastern Ontario's too, if not all of Ontario's.

The FLQ would revive like never before, for many decades and so Québec would be a police state. The feds would have to impose curfews in hot spots with soldiers patrolling the streets. The sovereignty movement would become criminalised along with the PQ. The government would define what a political party could stand for.

Anglos in Quebec would face harassment like never before.

Quebec's tourism industry would be next to non-existent, high unemployment and so a rise in FLQ terrorism.

We all know what that means. French Canadians outside of Québec wouldn't be safe from the gang mindset either, with Anglos burning French community centres.

Negotiating peaceful separation would be preferable, no?
I think you're closer to reality with this description of the consequences of a violent confrontation following a positive vote in favor of sovereignty. We saw in 1995, entrepreneurs and influential people from both sides of the border were on standby to calm the situation and call for a measured response and calm and I think that is exactly what would have happened. In fact, approximately the same reaction as the Brexit had.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Is that kind of hatred and racism reply is permitted by the moderators of this forum ?

It's not racism. You are not a different race. You are a different culture full of self-aggrandizement and self-importance when the reality is you are a minority that got your a$$es kicked has ever since behaved like a spoiled child to get your way. Pretty much every westerner is sick and tired of your sh^t and tired of paying your way. I don't hate you as a person so much as what you stand for and how you steal from me to pay for your unsustainable social programs.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
So when are you leaving Canada? Or at least stop sucking the teat of the west?

When your government will cease its violation of democracy and let Quebecers decide for themselves.

By the way, how are the sales of oil these days? How is the Alberta finance? ;-)

It's not racism. You are not a different race. You are a different culture full of self-aggrandizement and self-importance when the reality is you are a minority that got your a$$es kicked has ever since behaved like a spoiled child to get your way. Pretty much every westerner is sick and tired of your sh^t and tired of paying your way. I don't hate you as a person so much as what you stand for and how you steal from me to pay for your unsustainable social programs.
ha ! again ?

"Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to a United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination. The UN convention further concludes that superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and there is no justification for racial discrimination, anywhere, in theory or in practice.[2]"


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I think you're closer to reality with this description of the consequences of a violent confrontation following a positive vote in favor of sovereignty. We saw in 1995, entrepreneurs and influential people from both sides of the border were on standby to calm the situation and call for a measured response and calm and I think that is exactly what would have happened. In fact, approximately the same reaction as the Brexit had.

I think the Oka crisis was a good lesson. It embarrassed Canada on the world stage, making the government look like a bunch of bullies in the eyes of the international public.

If course Québec has to be careful with this too.

If Québec voted to separate, the world would look closely arlt how Anglos react.

But it would also look closely at how Québec would treat its minorities.

We can say we don't care. But China does care when it loses trade deals because of human rights. We too will care when foreign states pressure Canada and Quebec to respect their minorities in exchange for trade.


Electoral Member
Jun 23, 2013
I think the Oka crisis was a good lesson. It embarrassed Canada on the world stage, making the government look like a bunch of bullies in the eyes of the international public.

If course Québec has to be careful with this too.

If Québec voted to separate, the world would look closely arlt how Anglos react.

But it would also look closely at how Québec would treat its minorities.

We can say we don't care. But China does care when it loses trade deals because of human rights. We too will care when foreign states pressure Canada and Quebec to respect their minorities in exchange for trade.

Yes I agree. That's part of the real politics