No criminal charges for Hillary Clinton over private email server


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Flashback: Rove Erases 22 Million White House Emails on Private Server at Height of U.S. Attorney Scandal – Media Yawns | Pensito Review



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Wonder how long she'll be smiling now that wikileaks has released the files on her. Based on some of the info that was released, anyone voting for Hillary is voting for graft, corruption, theft and a continuation of the status quo in Washington. Meanwhile, the woman who initially leaked the info is serving 35 years in the pokey for essentially ratting out a criminal.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
One doesn't have to know where the bodies are buried or how many there are
One just needs to know that they are
its all in what one's definition of are is


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island

yeah gopher this a joke, I wonder what everyone here is going to try hanging her for now.

I said earlier on, they all better sharpen up their swords because when she is elected as
the next u.s. president, they will be ready to 'fall on them' because I'm sure they all
would not want to live another day. lol

anyway, its good entertainment, coming in here to see all the panic.

they will have to drum up something new now.

and oh yeah, carol rove and company, such short memories many have.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Some would say allowing hackers into her bathroom server where classified information she was supposed to protect with her life was easily available, in return for massive donations to her money laundering charity foundation, is high treason


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I love how the supporters of the Bush/Cheney gang who really did real crimes against humanity, causing the death and mutilation of untold millions can get upset about emails. Some sort of cognitive dissonance going on between their ears or is it just a complete lack of an ability to think for themselves? Being spoon fed their opinions by Rush Limpdick seemed like a good idea at the time but it has had serious repercussions on their ability to think.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I love how the supporters of the Bush/Cheney gang who really did real crimes against humanity, causing the death and mutilation of untold millions can get upset about emails. Some sort of cognitive dissonance going on between their ears or is it just a complete lack of an ability to think for themselves? Being spoon fed their opinions by Rush Limpdick seemed like a good idea at the time but it has had serious repercussions on their ability to think.

Do you think it funny that she is being defended as being no worse than George W? Good positive selling point.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Some would say allowing hackers into her bathroom server where classified information she was supposed to protect with her life was easily available, in return for massive donations to her money laundering charity foundation, is high treason

FFS, this just shows how much the public knows about servers and security.. suddenly everyone is a server tech over night, yet they keep downloading viruses and can't figure out how to remove it from their PC. :lol:


Easy start for the beginner securing a server.

Now just block all those scary countries the USA is afraid of.

What's even more funny is the US Gov't claims well you need to use the Government E-Mail servers because they can't be hacked.

FBI Says a Mysterious Hacking Group Has Had Access to US Govt Files for Years

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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
FFS, this just shows how much the public knows about servers and security.. suddenly everyone is a server tech over night, yet they keep downloading viruses and can't figure out how to remove it from their PC. :lol:

It certainly shows how much the public knows about the law.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
It certainly shows how much the public knows about the law.

Yeah, Class D Felony in the USA for Hacking. Yet most hackers use a ruse or mask their IP's - but the majority are from outside the USA & Canada.

Yet nothing is really secure.. you don't have to hack to track somebody..

A simple Forum, such as CC.. one can attach an image to a thread.. that image can pull all the data needed to trace members.. just an example.

Same with an email with an image attachment, someone can trace where you are when you open your email.

The minute you open your web browser.. you should consider nothing is private.. NOTHING.

Sorta surprised more people didn't listen to Edward Snowden... The Internet truly is the Wild West, and as far as security, it's only as secure as the programmer who wrote the script to begin with. Scripting vulnerabilities are very common.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
No criminal charges for Hillary Clinton over private email server

It may be that this is like what we call: ear pinching!
It may be like the scandal for her husband before when he was a president, and so he yielded and wore the silly head-cap, and they then pardoned him.

All such things are sorts of pressure and warning to her that she should keep to the line of Zionists or else .. scandals and accusations and troubles.
But if she aline or align with the Zionists, they will uphold her ... something like that.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I love how the supporters of the Bush/Cheney gang who really did real crimes against humanity, causing the death and mutilation of untold millions can get upset about emails. Some sort of cognitive dissonance going on between their ears or is it just a complete lack of an ability to think for themselves? Being spoon fed their opinions by Rush Limpdick seemed like a good idea at the time but it has had serious repercussions on their ability to think.

yes, the imbalance from one to the other is laughable, going to war over 'lies' that cause millions
of deaths in my mind is a tad more serious than a few e mails, that harmed no one.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
oh god, the *I told uze all so from the beginning, but every one seems to have forgot laff* I have every morning on Shillary threads is a GREAT way to start the day

the emails that harmed no one detail things like the real reason for the invasion of Lybia was to steal all the gold, wreck the enlightened society gahdaffi was creating with his oil wealth, and to wreck any hope of a pan African gold currency, which would have priced the fake USD out of the resources in AFRICA.

The emails were obviously hidden for such reasons.
Can't have the parents of dead people like at Benghazi, ever finding out just why their children are dying...murderd...( some reports indicate Stevens was murdered before the conflict even protec HITLARIE's arms sells of missles to ISUS)
oh,...anyone checked out the clinton bank accounts since they were so broke leaving the whitehouse?
ain't so broke now at the bank...Hillary is now just broke down

Can't have the voting public finding out in the DUPED ally countries (HEIL HARPER) finding out that stuff either

what was Monika's background again?
the ol blackmail the president by his peepee routine
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