Attawapiskat gets attention!


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Not so long ago, you were gloating over the suicides here in AB so do us all a favour and cease with this BS that you give a crap about peoples lives being on the line
One of the reasons his threads and posts are Clingons.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The gender trendline is in the grim reading of the major report, Suicide Among Aboriginal People in Canada.

Aboriginals are three times more likely than the general Canadian population to commit suicide, says the report, produced as part of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation Research Series.

And the news is even worse for aboriginal males.

“Adolescent aboriginal males are five times more likely to die by suicide than the average Canadian male adolescent,” says the report (excerpt below).

Aboriginal males seven times more likely to commit suicide | Vancouver Sun


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
So, what about this suicide thing? Should we overlook it (for say, a few more decades) until we get enough people behind cleaning up the bureaucracy

This 'thing' will get a fresh look once shiny pony drags himself away from his book signings I hear. It is tragic though if true. The band council, elders and parents really need to work together on this.

"The now familiar blame game took another dramatic turn Wednesday when the Conservative government in Ottawa declared the Attawapiskat Band Council — a democratically elected body — to be the main source of this community’s many serious problems.

The council will be relieved of responsibility for the town’s finances, a job that will be carried out by an appointed third-party agency".

can't recall how all this worked out but my guess is not very well either.

Eighty per cent of the money the town does receive must be spent on education, she added, leaving little left over for other expenses.

Abysmal conditions ‘normal’ in native community | Toronto Star

Somebody or some group of people is doing this self-determination wrong man.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
All the natives in my school brag about how they get easy money, 1500$ a month allowance, 1500$ for filling a scholarship for being first nations, free support from the native community office at school just as a small example... They make a point to brag about it by the way. And that doesnt sound like people who are oppressed

They (First Nations) are getting enough money the same kind of money as us, except that they are given it as opposed to earning it like the rest of us non First Nations. We can make a 100$ last because we (Non-First Nations) know the work required to even earn it, and we have no one dispensing more money into our hands when it runs out. When you get money thrown at you, you will not understand the true value of it and as such you will squander it on non-necessities...

The money is there now the management and education skills have to be taught in order to better squeeze every cent from every dollar.

If i even received a fraction of the benefits First Nations get receive, id be an engineer or doctor....
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bill barilko

Senate Member
Mar 4, 2009
A Bright New Morning Has Arrived Courtesy of the Taxpayer !

Attawapiskat First Nation receives urgent airdrop of committee reports

ATTAWAPISKAT - Following the declaration of a state of emergency over recent suicide attempts in the remote First Nation settlement, the Canadian government has wasted no time airlifting in an urgent shipment of committee reports, strategy memorandums, and “Mental Wellness Continuum Frameworks”.

“In response to this terrible human tragedy, we’ve placed our top report writers on the case,” said Ontario Health Minister Eric Hoskins. “We’ve improved on our response to the last Attawapiskat crisis by creating an action plan for how we will communicate with various levels of government about the next Attawapiskat crisis.”

Hoskins added, “As for the current Attawapiskat crisis, we printed out the action plan and parachuted copies of it down into the settlement, where hopefully they can address the near-constant state of emergency.” Thumbing through one of the reports, printed on extra nice paper stock, Hoskins suggested that there might even be a number for a suicide prevention hotline included reports. “However the reports are very long, and it’s difficult to tell exactly what’s in there.”

Health Canada staff have also assured Canadians that consultations have taken place with the Assembly Of First Nations, all of which will be dutifully added to the air-dropped reports. Health Canada officer Linda Banting explained, “The Attawapiskat community leaders have made it clear that addressing the lack of resources and jobs, as well as developing a culturally-relevant approach to First Nations mental health, are all key to reversing the situation.” Banting continued, “Rest assured, all of these suggestions have been added into the reports, which the First Nations peoples can read for themselves as soon as the airdrop floats gently to the ground.”

Responding to the crisis, the government has promised to act on education and mental health in Attawapiskat within the next 5-7 years, following completion of a Treasury Board Submission, program evaluation, and Memo to Cabinet. In the meantime, Health Canada has noted that the airdropped reports can be used as home heating insulation, superior to the previous “no home heating insulation whatsoever.”

Reached for comment, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reiterated his government’s commitment to only sending the best and most crucial documents to help Attawapiskat. “At a time like this, only the finest reports can help these people. That’s why I’m not going to fly up there myself to survey the situation - that way my seat on the plane can be used to transport even more vital committee printouts.”

At press time, citizens on the Attawapiskat reserve were burning copies of the Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada report because the heat had once again stopped working.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
All lampooning aside.

Minister gets earful on visit to Attawapiskat; commits to new youth centre

ATTAWAPISKAT, Ont. - A young man in the troubled First Nation of Attawapiskat asked the federal indigenous affairs minister on Monday why his community was living in Third World conditions while Canada is greeting refugees with open arms.
Robert Sutherland was among several youths to express frustration to Carolyn Bennett over the lack of basic supports so desperately needed by those in his James Bay community.

"Tell me why we First Nations we live in Third World conditions," he said during a meeting with Bennett and other officials.

"Why is it so easy for the government to welcome refugees and offer them first-class citizenship in our country? When will Canada wake up and open its eyes to First Nations communities?"

Attawapiskat has been rocked for weeks by numerous attempts by young people to kill themselves.

The public youth council session followed a private two-hour meeting with Bennett, activist New Democrat MP Charlie Angus and Attawapiskat Chief Bruce Shisheesh, who also made his frustration plain.

Bennett was able to commit to a new, properly equipped youth centre as well as some programming for young people, a key demand in the isolated northern Ontario reserve.

In addition, a youth delegation from across the region will be invited to Ottawa.

Angus called it an important beginning in ending what he called this "cycle of despair."

"I'm pleased we have something deliverable for the young people," Angus said.

"Is this enough given the extent of the crisis that has faced Attawapiskat? No, it's not enough yet, but we have to start with this first step."

Speaking briefly after her meeting with the chief, Bennett noted larger issues such as the acute shortage of housing, the desire for a healing lodge as well as the ongoing concerns of the youth.

All levels of government and departments need to work together to "provide hope and a plan," she said.

"The chief is very clear: we need to work no longer Band-Aid and piecemeal."

Shisheesh said he's happy with what had been achieved.

"The meeting was good and we're getting somewhere," he said.
But how quickly anything will change remains to be seen. The youth centre, for example, did not carry an immediate dollar figure.

In the interim, the youth of Attawapiskat say they're tired of waiting for an acknowledgement of their struggles.

A huge part of the problem, they say — some of them tearfully — is that young people have lost a sense of who they are.

"If we can restore the self-identity to our youth, it gives them something to stand on, it gives them something that's theirs, it gives them something good to live for," Sutherland said.

bill barilko

Senate Member
Mar 4, 2009
Refugees are not in any way 'offered first class citizenship' they have to work for years and prove themselves before they qualify.

Residents of Attawapiskat-in-the-bush sit on their bottoms all their lives collecting government largesse then whine, moan and complain that they are bored and have nothing to do.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
"Tell me why we First Nations we live in Third World conditions," he said during a meeting with Bennett and other officials.

Hopefully, at some point, the youth in this community will demand a full accounting from both government and the Chief and Council.

I would love to see how Spence's b/f would attempt to explain to these kids what happened to the $10 million he can't account for and why it wasn't spend on the basics in their community.... Betcha they'd kick the crap outta buddy

"Why is it so easy for the government to welcome refugees and offer them first-class citizenship in our country? When will Canada wake up and open its eyes to First Nations communities?"

That is an excellent question..... Trudeau, are you listening?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Hopefully, at some point, the youth in this community will demand a full accounting from both government and the Chief and Council.

Absolutely, but in the meantime we need to do something. We just gave a million to Japan and the Refugee thing is set to cost 1.2 Billion over the next 6 years.

I would love to see how Spence's b/f would attempt to explain to these kids what happened to the $10 million he can't account for and why it wasn't spend on the basics in their community.... Betcha they'd kick the crap outta buddy
I would like to see Spence prosecuted for fraud along with anyone else involved.

That is an excellent question..... Trudeau, are you listening?
He's at a book signing.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Absolutely, but in the meantime we need to do something. We just gave a million to Japan and the Refugee thing is set to cost 1.2 Billion over the next 6 years.

The question that the guy asked earlier hits the nail square on the head.

I have to wonder that if in a situation like this it makes more sense to move everyone from Attawapiskat to a location that has the homes, facilities, amenities, etc already in place.

It seems clear to me that the existing 'system' in Attawapiskat isn't working and hasn't been for years

I would like to see Spence prosecuted for fraud along with anyone else involved.

That needs to happen... As long as there are no consequences, this dysfunction will continue for a long, long time to come

He's at a book signing.

Let the selfies abound... I'm sure it's for a good cause an all


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I'm not sure it would make sense (as some have suggested to relocate the folks at Attawapiskat) What is it that makes that location any more problematic than say Churchill or Moosonee?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
The question that the guy asked earlier hits the nail square on the head.

I have to wonder that if in a situation like this it makes more sense to move everyone from Attawapiskat to a location that has the homes, facilities, amenities, etc already in place.

It seems clear to me that the existing 'system' in Attawapiskat isn't working and hasn't been for years

The system would work if we looked at the mechanics and what is wrong. The Feds aren't doing that, haven't been doing that and even when Harper raised issue they didn't follow through. If we move them, do we move all the other screwed up reserves and where do we move them?

Attiwapiskat and the surrounding reserves are in the middle of a land with plenty of diamond pipes that are being mined by DeBeers, a South African Mining Company.

Considering they are mining those territories I think its fair to say that employment opportunities should be offered to the locals first. It wouldn't hurt them to kick in a little corporate good will either. Lots of corporations invest in surrounding communities. We have Dow Centers, Rogers Stadium, how about DeBeers invests in the communities and do their part and give these folks a future. It has worked in the NWT, it's not 100% perfect, but would sure be a hell of a gesture by a foreign company mining our natural resources.

I really hate the lazy Indian bull****. If you create a slum you create tyrants and slumlords and we created this slum along with many others. We should tear up the Indian act, rewrite it so that there is an independent arms length audit of all moneys that is also non- partisan. No more handing over money blindly. If they can't handle the construction, we send in people to help them.

Most Canadian kids have access to public skating rinks, youth centers, libraries, proper education, but most of all, potable water. These kids do not. We can't move every Northern Reserve, so why would start on that foot. I've watched mini cities erected on the Arctic Tundra, with Gymnasiums, potable water, recreations like pools and libraries.

DeBeers is erecting Gahcho Kue in the NWT.

So its not impossible. If a Chief starts mouthing off, we bring the plan before the people and say here is your school here is your water treatment plant here is your library, etc. See how fast said Chief shuts big mouth.

We should be doing this. Transform it from a slum into a community and empower the people and pretty soon the slumlords will be driven out and we make it abundantly clear that if there is any misappropriation of funding found by an independent auditor funding will cease until the individuals are caught, there will be a review.

Welcome to self government baby.

I know, sounds pie in the sky, but that's what needs to happen. Some Chiefs out there are accountable to their people and have built reserves that melt into the landscape and look as normal as any suburb.

We just need the politicians to step up. It's only complex if we make it complex.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Attiwapiskat and the surrounding reserves are in the middle of a land with plenty of diamond pipes that are being mined by DeBeers, a South African Mining Company.

Considering they are mining those territories I think its fair to say that employment opportunities should be offered to the locals first. It wouldn't hurt them to kick in a little corporate good will either. Lots of corporations invest in surrounding communities
That is already standard practice.

De Beers is investing $1-billion in the Victor mine near Attawapiskat. It agreed to pay the band about $30-million over the 12-year life span of the mine. A further $325-million in contracts has been funnelled through companies owned by the band, to supply catering, helicopters, dynamite and the like.

One can build one f-ck of nice town for $30Million.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
wynne et al forked over $1 billion in a contract cancellation to get a libtard elected.

flossy and the progs said a billion ain't no thang but that kinda money floating around in just ontario coulda done a lot for reserve instead of dicking us over yet again non?