Does the U.S. want Trump’s Muslim solution or the vigilantism the E. U. is moving to?

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Does the U.S. want Trump’s Muslim solution or the vigilantism the E. U. is moving to?

Will the U.S. and Western coalitions need some new Liberty Valance killers as our police forces get handcuffed by our political leaders and political correctness to a religion that is nothing short of barbaric?

Regardless of the Western country, if the left does not protect the population, the right will have to.



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I'm pretty sure all Muslims would prefer to stay at home if the US wasn't bombing millions of them into an early grave. Trump is actually saving them from the same sort of treatment if they were allowed into the US and the EU is probably why their leaders were too stupid to adopt Trump's policy.

They should send them all to Quebec to improve the gene pool
At the expense of their own pool. We haven't solved the Indian problem that is 150 years old and the French problem is almost twice as old as that.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
I suppose in the next election it will be clear what the majority want. There are as many opinions on things as their are azzholes. So the question is kinda not answerable. The US is not one entity. There;s 300, million fvckers in this country man,,,,there is no one opinion on any fvckin thing.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
How many actually call the shots?? Let me chart it out for you.

N.M. Rothschild , London - Bank of England ______________________________________ | | | J. Henry Schroder | Banking | Corp. | | Brown, Shipley - Morgan Grenfell - Lazard - | & Company & Company Brothers | | | | | --------------------| -------| | | | | | | | | Alex Brown - Brown Bros. - Lord Mantagu - Morgan et Cie -- Lazard ---| & Son | Harriman Norman | Paris Bros | | | / | N.Y. | | | | | | | | Governor, Bank | J.P. Morgan Co -- Lazard ---| | of England / N.Y. Morgan Freres | | 1924-1938 / Guaranty Co. Paris | | / Morgan Stanley Co. | / | / | \Schroder Bank | / | Hamburg/Berlin | / Drexel & Company / | / Philadelphia / | / / | / Lord Airlie | / / | / M. M. Warburg Chmn J. Henry Schroder | | Hamburg --------- marr. Virginia F. Ryan | | | grand-daughter of Otto | | | Kahn of Kuhn Loeb Co. | | | | | | Lehman Brothers N.Y -------------- Kuhn Loeb Co. N. Y. | | -------------------------- µ | | | | 8 | | | | Lehman Brothers - Mont. Alabama Solomon Loeb Abraham Kuhn | | __|______________________|_________ Lehman-Stern, New Orleans Jacob Schiff/Theresa Loeb Nina Loeb/Paul Warburg ------------------------- | | | | | Mortimer Schiff James Paul Warburg _____________|_______________/ | | | | | | Mayer Lehman | Emmanuel Lehman \ | | | \ Herbert Lehman Irving Lehman \ | | | \ Arthur Lehman \ Phillip Lehman John Schiff/Edith Brevoort Baker / | Present Chairman Lehman Bros / Robert Owen Lehman Kuhn Loeb - Granddaughter of / | George F. Baker | / | | / | | / Lehman Bros Kuhn Loeb (1980) | / | | / Thomas Fortune Ryan | | | | | | Federal Reserve Bank Of New York | |||||||| | ______National City Bank N. Y. | | | | | National Bank of Commerce N.Y ---| | | \ | Hanover National Bank N.Y. \ | | \ | Chase National Bank N.Y. \ | | | | Shareholders - National City Bank - N.Y. | ----------------------------------------- | | / James Stillman / Elsie m. William Rockefeller / Isabel m. Percy Rockefeller / William Rockefeller Shareholders - National Bank of Commerce N. Y. J. P. Morgan ----------------------------------------------- M.T. Pyne Equitable Life - J.P. Morgan Percy Pyne Mutual Life - J.P. Morgan J.W. Sterling H.P. Davison - J. P. Morgan NY Trust/NY Edison Mary W. Harriman Shearman & Sterling A.D. Jiullard - North British Merc. Insurance | Jacob Schiff | Thomas F. Ryan | Paul Warburg | Levi P. Morton - Guaranty Trust - J. P. Morgan | | Shareholders - First National Bank of N.Y. ------------------------------------------- J.P. Morgan George F. Baker George F. Baker Jr. Edith Brevoort Baker US Congress - 1946-64 | | | | | Shareholders - Hanover National Bank N.Y. ------------------------------------------ James Stillman William Rockefeller | | | | | Shareholders - Chase National Bank N.Y. --------------------------------------- George F. Baker
Who owns the Fed?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Fresh off the press boys.



French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Trump the EU all of the important people want chaos so they can slither away to safety.

It is hard to displace a boss when he keeps all below him insecure by hogging all the wealth.

They do not slither. They know all they control are sheep.

There is hardly a goat among us. We are almost all boys as you can see by our leadership. Even the women are girls.

A shame really.


It's a worrying and valid concern. Don't know that there is any reason to not believe it might happen.

I've seen a few of these from various parts of england. Seems some major tension and it's escalating.

Yes. In most of the E.U..

Especially the Northern countries. From the British Isles right into our next best friend, Russia,

The right is forming quickly though to repel invaders, so to speak.

Strange that the secular states will have to rely on the religion it civilized to bring to heel the religion that God stuck in the barbaric past.

Even a (Christian and all religion hater like me) might owe Christianity another one. Damn it I hate that.


That logo could apply to this as well.

Lest we forget that one cannot get his or her country back until one recognize that it is have lost. Government has not dunned us down. They have kill our moral sense.

The people today do not own. We are all owned by the systems we have created. We let our owners run it even as they impoverished us. The really few owning the many. My kingdom to put French Revolution blood into all people.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.



Nice flag.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
People will only put up with so much and when the government abdicates its duty to protect the taxpayers they will protect themselves.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
How about neither? If ever a refugee problem was overblown this one is. But give a racist an opportunity to discriminate and he will be there with bells on.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
People will only put up with so much and when the government abdicates its duty to protect the taxpayers they will protect themselves.

Made me chuckle.

What you put in the future I see as in the past.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.

The present distribution of wealth is not moral. This is proof that the governments of the world have sold out to our oligarch owners.

The only politician making the right kind of noise on that is Bernie Sanders.


How about neither? If ever a refugee problem was overblown this one is. But give a racist an opportunity to discriminate and he will be there with bells on.

Not overblown to Europeans at the moment. This aside.

The present size is a secondary issue behind the overall global population forecasts. The population still has a couple of billion in growth planned.

A lot of that growth will be Muslims and jihadists of all religions. More vigilantism as well.

Happy days eh.


Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Not overblown to Europeans at the moment. This aside.

The present size is a secondary issue behind the overall global population forecasts. The population still has a couple of billion in growth planned.

A lot of that growth will be Muslims and jihadists of all religions. More vigilantism as well.

Happy days eh.


Really - and a lot of that growth will be non-Muslims and non-jihadists. So what is your point?

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Really - and a lot of that growth will be non-Muslims and non-jihadists. So what is your point?

That we should open the doors wide for good people and shut it in the face of Islam if it does not reform.

As is, it is quite an immoral religion and should be outlawed in Canada.
