Post Election Poll shows Commanding Liberal Majority


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Take the 39% and add the poll of the NDP and the Greens and independents and it
comes to way more than the Conservative crowd. The Tories second in seats and
many of their own party that voted for them didn't like Harper.
We were in an emotional depression as well as an economic one and why do I say
that. Because the slogan became "Anyone but Harper"
That was the election get rid of doom and gloom and a self centered approach to
the country. People were fed up and the Liberals at the moment are giving people
something intangible Its called Hope. Canadians feel like they can participate and
their voice matters, whether or not that is true doesn't matter.
The biggest problem for a large number of conservatives not the majority but a large
number is that people don't care they want what they want when the want it.
They want to feel good about the country and there is not this you should live this way
feeling that was created. And all the insults hurled at other parties is good it demonstrates
why the main stream should not vote for them.
I didn't vote for Trudeau but I would much rather have him in office than the last guy
which of course comes back to Anyone but Harper and yes I think this poll a snapshot in
time is fairly accurate.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Take the 39% and add the poll of the NDP and the Greens and independents and it
comes to way more than the Conservative crowd. The Tories second in seats and
many of their own party that voted for them didn't like Harper.
We were in an emotional depression as well as an economic one and why do I say
that. Because the slogan became "Anyone but Harper"
That was the election get rid of doom and gloom and a self centered approach to
the country. People were fed up and the Liberals at the moment are giving people
something intangible Its called Hope. Canadians feel like they can participate and
their voice matters, whether or not that is true doesn't matter.
The biggest problem for a large number of conservatives not the majority but a large
number is that people don't care they want what they want when the want it.
They want to feel good about the country and there is not this you should live this way
feeling that was created. And all the insults hurled at other parties is good it demonstrates
why the main stream should not vote for them.
I didn't vote for Trudeau but I would much rather have him in office than the last guy
which of course comes back to Anyone but Harper and yes I think this poll a snapshot in
time is fairly accurate.

Harper is probably not a people person - he's just not into telling people a bunch of bull sh*t to be popular. But he seems to know how to handle money and to proceed slowly with caution. He's the tortoise while Justin is the hare! You know how that story ended. :) :)


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The honeymoon still isn't over.

Stockholm Syndrome confirmed.

Today, 53% say they approve of the performance of the federal government, similar to the 51% we measured in December. To put this in context, at no point during 2015 did the Harper government find an approval rating higher than 37%.

Also noteworthy is that a year ago, 2 out of 3 people thought the economy was doing well; today, 2 out of 3 describe it as poor.

How do we feel about the Trudeau government? | Abacus Data


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
fun fact: Bruce Anderson's daughter, Kate Purchase, is Shiny Pony's Director of Communications


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The honeymoon still isn't over.

Stockholm Syndrome confirmed.

Today, 53% say they approve of the performance of the federal government, similar to the 51% we measured in December. To put this in context, at no point during 2015 did the Harper government find an approval rating higher than 37%.

Also noteworthy is that a year ago, 2 out of 3 people thought the economy was doing well; today, 2 out of 3 describe it as poor.

How do we feel about the Trudeau government? | Abacus Data

Which brings out one reality.............................the cleverest people usually AREN'T the majority! :)


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Why would the Liberal's popularity drop? They haven't done anything significant yet.
Let's see what happens when a Muslim refugee commits a terror act, when Canadians taxes go up, when we're all feeling the pinch of job losses, higher consumer prices and when our allies in the coalition write Canadians off as a bunch of ***** pacifists supporting ISIS.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
None of that stuff will ever happened but their popularity will go down anyway just by the nature of the game over time.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Why would the Liberal's popularity drop? They haven't done anything significant yet.
Let's see what happens when a Muslim refugee commits a terror act, when Canadians taxes go up, when we're all feeling the pinch of job losses, higher consumer prices and when our allies in the coalition write Canadians off as a bunch of ***** pacifists supporting ISIS.

None of that stuff will ever happened but their popularity will go down anyway just by the nature of the game over time.
Fluffers gotta fluff.

Rise in food prices limits options for low-income earners

Trudeau's Tax Hike On The Rich Should Be Much Larger Than


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It's really nothing to worry about unless you live in a backwards province like Alberta.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
You were? What was your prediction, that oil would drop in price? You must be brilliant. Oil's never dropped before...wait a minute...

That the loonie has a greater correlation with oil prices than before and that the glut will last at least into 2017.

Prices would continue to go down to unprecedented levels.

That organizing our economy based solely on resources was dumb (just as it was with manufacturing).

Oh and that the low tax, low spending strategy was a remarkable failure (which it was).

It's ok Flossy, walter doesn't think he's dumb either.

You certainly know you are.