I find it's in poor form to deliberately misspell a person's name, unless of course the person is a confirmed A$$hole.
I find it rather childish to do so whether the person is an a$$hole or not. Come on, people. Elementary school is over.
I didn't vote for Trudeau but I could have accepted his win graciously if it was an honest win.
It now seems to me that the whole country was not actually voting for Trudeau, they were voting AGAINST Harper.
'Strategic voting' I guess is what they call it. And that is dumb!
That is how Harper got in in the first place. People were tired of the Liberals and put him in just because he was the only alternative. The same thing happened in 93, except it was the Liberals replacing the PCs. Canada has a long history of kicking governments out rather than putting them in because they want them.