Climate change shock: Burning fossil fuels 'COOLS planet', says NASA


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Climate change shock: Burning fossil fuels 'COOLS planet', says NASA

BURNING fossil fuels and cutting down trees causes global COOLING, a shock new NASA study has found.

Major theories about what causes temperatures to rise have been thrown into doubt after NASA found the Earth has cooled in areas of heavy industrialisation where more trees have been lost and more fossil fuel burning takes place.

Environmentalists have long argued the burning of fossil fuels in power stations and for other uses is responsible for global warming and predicted temperature increases because of the high levels of carbon dioxide produced - which causes the global greenhouse effect.

While the findings did not dispute the effects of carbon dioxide on global warming, they found aerosols - also given off by burning fossil fuels - actually cool the local environment, at least temporarily.

The research was carried out to see if current climate change models for calculating future temperatures were taking into account all factors and were accurate.

A NASA spokesman said: "To quantify climate change, researchers need to know the Transient Climate Response (TCR) and Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) of Earth.

"Both values are projected global mean surface temperature changes in response to doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations but on different timescales.

"TCR is characteristic of short-term predictions, up to a century out, while ECS looks centuries further into the future, when the entire climate system has reached equilibrium and temperatures have stabilised."

The spokesman said it was "well known" that aerosols such as those emitted in volcanic eruptions and power stations, act to cool Earth, at least temporarily, by reflecting solar radiation away from the planet.

He added: "In a similar fashion, land use changes such as deforestation in northern latitudes result in bare land that increases reflected sunlight."

Kate Marvel, a climatologist at GISS and the paper’s lead author, said the results showed the "complexity" of estimating future global temperatures.

She said: “Take sulfate aerosols, which are created from burning fossil fuels and contribute to atmospheric cooling.

“They are more or less confined to the northern hemisphere, where most of us live and emit pollution.

source: Climate change shock: Burning fossil fuels COOLS planet, says NASA | UK | News | Daily Express


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Point of all this:

Nobody knows anything about anything.

Global Warming exists.... No it doesn't it's climate change.... No it's not it's global cooling. We're going to head into dramatic temperature increases... No we're not we're heading into an ice age.

This food gives you cancer, no it doesn't it can prolong your life. No wait this food doesn't give you cancer but it can give you heart disease.... No it can't it actually strengthens your heart. Our new study just confirmed the food makes you poop too much... Well our study says it makes you poop less.

Saturated Fats are totally bad for you, use hydrogenated fats are better.... No wait turns out hydrogenated fats are even worse and you're better off killing yourself with saturated fats.

Oxygen keeps you alive and is good for you.... No wait, Oxygen is full of oxidants that gradually breaks down your DNA and causes aging to the point of death.... Oxygen is also highly addictive.

You know what?

All these assclowns with their contradicting studies can take a flying fk into a cactus sideways. I'm getting too old to be putting up with all this nonsense. We're all going to die eventually and the planet will one day die as well. In between here and there, things will change, species will go extinct and new ones will take their place.

Now drink a beer, smoke a joint and do whatever the hell you want until death comes knocking. These guys with their studies have little impact on our daily lives other than to try and scare people over every action they take and to somehow justify getting paid for doing nothing but drinking beer and smoking a joint until the last minute before their study is due, then conjure up some random crap idea just to keep the ball in the air.

Hey, we can make something up about global warming and nuclear winters and how global warming somehow does the opposite of warming? *puff* we can explain it by using cool whip cans as an example and that will throw everybody off again for two years until we can think of something that contradicts this too..... *puff* maybe next time we'll say that due to a mysterious increase in elephant population, their increase % of fecal matter and farts has produced more warming in Africa..... Yeah that will confuse the hell out of people for a while longer and we can keep getting grant money for our weekend bashes.

You want to know what will be a real shock in the news?

When the above is exposed to being true. That all these people doing all of these studies are not actually doing anything at all amd the majority of their time spent working is spent on 20mins of presentation of whatever cockamamie idea they came up with.

Group A of scientists get together to all agree on whatever it is, and Group B of scientists are assigned to come up with a presentation that contradicts Group A.... And they go back and forth year after year.

Kind of like Liberals/Democrats & Conservatives/Republicans..... Each plays the good cop and bad cop, but ultimately end up being the exact same in the end as those they argue against, but do it well enough to confuse the public which keeps putting up with the same old BS because they simply don't know any better or have short memories.

This just in:

Study shows humans have the memory of a goldfish due to eating too much tuna.
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Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
While the findings did not dispute the effects of carbon dioxide on global warming, they found aerosols - also given off by burning fossil fuels - actually cool the local environment, at least temporarily.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
While the findings did not dispute the effects of carbon dioxide on global warming, they found aerosols - also given off by burning fossil fuels - actually cool the local environment, at least temporarily.

Either way, makes absolutely no difference to our every day lives.

No wait, I stand corrected.

Next time any of us are stuck idle in our cars at the drive-thru and our cars are spewing pollution that warms the planet, just stick a can of Glade out your window and empty the whole can to cancel your car's pollution out.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
You make the perfect case for why this is a problem that will lead to significant regulation and punitive measures to change human behaviour.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Shut-up, shut-up, shut-up! Your facts are offending my lefty beliefs. Where is my safe space?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Hilarious... You are the one that has repeatedly refused to do anything as an individual on this file, but spend so much time and bandwidth demanding that everyone else does.

Also hilarious is that a few years back EVERYONE had to sacrifice their way of living in order to save the world from catastrophe. Then it was brought out that Gore still had his mansions and was jet setting about the globe with all of the other beautiful people in 5 star hotels.

So they changed the narrative... we don't really need to sacrifice as individuals. Let's just stick to the one goal of getting trillions of dollars from the west for distribution.



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
While the findings did not dispute the effects of carbon dioxide on global warming, they found aerosols - also given off by burning fossil fuels - actually cool the local environment, at least temporarily.

To those in the know it's SO2 that does the cooling. It is also the reason why the target was dropped from 2C to 1.5C. The less emission that are cut, the better.

Any idea how much warming over the past few years is in relation to the heavy SO2 cuts during the 80s and 90s?


Electoral Member
Apr 24, 2015
Also hilarious is that a few years back EVERYONE had to sacrifice their way of living in order to save the world from catastrophe. Then it was brought out that Gore still had his mansions and was jet setting about the globe with all of the other beautiful people in 5 star hotels.

So they changed the narrative... we don't really need to sacrifice as individuals. Let's just stick to the one goal of getting trillions of dollars from the west for distribution.


I’ll believe it’s a crisis when those who tell me it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Climate change shock: Burning fos vsil fuels 'COOLS planet', says NASA

Science to you appears to be something someone high would say?

Why do you bother if it is all over your head?

The consensus on climate change is not based on science?