Justin Trudeau justifies refugee delay, saying Liberals want to get it right


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Everyone can calm down now.

Justin Trudeau justifies refugee delay, saying Liberals want to 'get it right'

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his government won't fulfil its campaign pledge to bring 25,000 refugees to Canada by the end of the year, but justified the delay by saying it is more important to "get it right."

"We looked at the logistics, we looked at what it would take to bring them in by Jan. 1, and we had options around that," he told Metro Morning host Matt Galloway during a one on one interview in Ottawa earlier today.

"We realized that we wanted to make sure it was done absolutely right to ensure that Canadians who have been incredibly open and enthusiastic about it remain as positive about welcoming these families as they possibly could be."

But Trudeau's enthusiasm for bringing Syrians displaced by conflict to Canada has not abated, and will take place in 2016.

Trudeau said welcoming refugees is a positive thing for the country.

"This is not just about welcoming 25,000 Syrian refugees, this is about welcoming 25,000 new Canadians," he said.

He talked about giving the Syrian newcomers pathways to success in Canada, saying it isn't about simply bringing them to the country but helping them integrate with society.

"This is not about government signing a paper and bringing over refugees, this is a whole of Canada effort," he said.

'Not about security'

Despite Trudeau repeating his pledge to bring more refugees to Canada throughout the federal election campaign, some polls show a majority of Canadians do not agree with his refugee resettlement plan.

Though he said he doesn't put a lot of stock in polls, the prime minister said Canadians want to see their government as a "positive actor" on the world stage.

"This is not about security. The security is an issue we've dealt with," he said.

"This is about welcoming people who are fleeing terrorism, not bringing terrorism with them."

Justin Trudeau justifies refugee delay, saying Liberals want to 'get it right' - CBC.ca | Metro Morning


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Re: Justin Trudeau justifies refugee delay, saying Liberals want to 'get it right

Oh thank Gawd. I haven't been able to sleep for weeks


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Justin Trudeau justifies refugee delay, saying Liberals want to 'get it right

Oh thank Gawd. I haven't been able to sleep for weeks

I don't know what I would do if he stuck to the plan.

Probably jihadi myself.


That's probably what I would do.

But thankfully this is not the case and all is saved!


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
One would hope that the revised plan came about after carful deliberations, considerations and consultations but they could just be winging it.
Winging it would be consistent with Justine's original actions.
There are 25 other threads on this. This specifically was brought up in one of them. I think there is a 3rd one talking about it now too.
Come on. You guys should be used to mental loss's irrational habit by now.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Just one broken campaign promise after another. Reality bites.

did not realize you were for meeting the self-imposed deadline... after were you against it! Which other promises... broken promises... have you so in a tizzy?


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
:lol: clearly... the astute CC member 'mentalfloss' has rustled one too many jimmies here!

He certainly has. Mind you, it doesn't take much to get the usual suspects acting like school children.
oh yeah, yup. You guys have it right on the nail. lol

erm Astute? It must take a pile of a$$-toot to be able to post multiple threads about the same topic rather than multiples posts in one thread about the topic.

meh "Whatta maroon" - B Bunny

BTW, what the h e doubletoothpick is a "jimmie". I mean besides a diesel engine?